Jerry Sandusky has finally been convicted on all I think it's 45 charges. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Now the bastard will get what he deserves. Karma is a bitch!
I just noticed my portfolio hasn't been updated in 2 years. *sighs* I'll have to go fix that!
Had a good time at blade666's graduation party today, up until when we got got home his gf came over and humiliated him by dumping him in front of the whole family. Out of all days she had to humiliate him it had to be on the day of his party. It really upsetted him.
Oh no :(
Sadly yes, she brought back everything he had given her except the heart necklace and had it in a bag then hollered out loud for the whole neighborhood to hear that it was over. I have no idea what it was about but it broke his heart. I've never seen my brother cry like he did before and it was heartbreaking to watch. He really loved her.
I am so proud of my brother Jason or blade666 as most of you know him by. Today was the day he graduated from high school and became the class of 2012. So please do me the favor and go message him and congratulate him! :)
03:44 Jun 23 2012
They need to do to him as he did all them young boys for the rest of his old ass life!!!!!
04:30 Jun 23 2012
I agree with you on that Dan. Maybe if we are lucky he will become someone's prison bitch in jail! lol