slipknotbabe356's Journal

slipknotbabe356's Journal


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3 entries this month

07:12 Jan 05 2020
Times Read: 854

There is nothing more disrespectful than running someone's name in the dirt. So the 18 year old girl that works in my department has taken it upon herself to slanderize my name to a friend of mine, and call me lazy. I mean really now? That's so laughable! I know I shouldn't take offense because usually that just means this brat is taking her flaws and blaming me for it because of her insecurities. From the moment I have stepped foot in this department I have been picking up the slack between her and her boyfriend. If I'm so lazy why am I working so many hours to where I'm not hardly having time off and I'm working myself to the point of exhaustion? Hell I have worked sick while you and your boyfriend have faked being sick. I can at least provide a doctor's note but you apparently can't. But once again I'm lazy. I have worked circles around you and have nearly trampled you because you are too slow. I've been in the department since August and you have been there nearly a year and you still have the speed of a snail. Let me point out that after all this time that you still don't know how to cut veggies and how your cleaning skills are not up to par. You were simply jealous that you were called out on cleaning. While I somewhat sympathize and thought how the situation was approached was harsh, you still haven't tried to improve. Let's not forget you cost us 3 points for not properly cleaning the hot case when the heath inspector evaluated us. It's not my fault that I clean the hot case better than you. I clean it to where it spotless the first time around so it doesn't have to be cleaned a second time. In other words I do it right the first time around so I don't have to do it again. But really do you know what's the saddest thing of all? Nobody except for your boyfriend wants to work with you. Everyone who has had to work with you has had to carry you for the entire shift. That's not fair to us. You want to call Sheila useless. But really you're the one that's useless. The only reason you think anyone is useless is when you don't get your way. Just like when I had to call in last friday because I was sick and couldnt hardly talk and you wanted to call in because your boyfriend had wisdom teeth removed and she wanted to tend to him. I called in early so I could be cleared before you could be. Also the last I've checked you're wanting to move out because you're childish and can't take your living with boyfriend's parents and dealing with their rules. So you need hours to make money and money to buy the apartment that you desperately want. You hate when people call you a child but you sure as hell act like one. Oh I'm too tired to work, I hurt too much, blah blah blah. I'm living with diabetes and high blood pressure, aches and pains and sleep deprivation and I'm still pulling my weight. You know why? Its because it's what adults do. I'm just so annoyed right now.

I'm sorry for the ranting, I can't post this on social media because of childishness. I just had to have a place to let it out.



12:50 Jan 05 2020

So rude of her! She can't get herself together... instead she tries to talk shit about you.

I hate people like that ... not only do you have to do your own work but you also have to clean up their mess. So bloody annoying.

18:42 Jan 05 2020

I can't stand people like that. I've had so many issues with lazy people like this trying to ruin my reputation at work because I did my job and they didn't.
I'm sorry you're dealing with it

00:46 Jan 06 2020

Shes a very shitty individual Cubbeh. All I can say is good luck in covering shifts because it will no longer happen because I refuse

01:58 Jan 06 2020

Working in a restaurant? I know that feeling. People who don't help out, slow everyone down.

18:49 Jan 06 2020

It's pretty much a restaurant within a grocery store, but yes I agree with you. When I first started here I was told many times that I had to he fast when it comes to prepping so i can move on to other things. This girl has been here nearly a year and she has not gotten any faster. All she wants to to do is point and tell people what needs to be done, while she doesn't do it. Yesterday I came in and had to cut several things that she didn't cut the previous day. Its frustrating!


14:06 Jan 03 2020
Times Read: 882

Ended up calling into work this morning. I just feel like shit. MasterofMadness has done a great job at putting up with my whiney, mopey self. I truly don't deserve someone like him. As soon as the doctor office is open, I will have to schedule the appointment so I can obtain a doctor's note. The idiot 18 year old girl will have to cover her own shift tonight. I cannot and I refuse to. It turns out there's a big sale going on. Which is why she's not wanting to work it, along with wanting to be at her boyfriend's beck and call. We all have to do things we don't want to do, it's called adulting.




19:34 Jan 02 2020
Times Read: 921

The 18 year old girl that I work with messages me, "Do you think you will be ok working by yourself, my boyfriend needs watched for 48 hours after having his wisdom teeth taken out." I respond with a "At the way I'm going I'm probably calling in myself" I've been dealing with a sore throat, stuffy nose, a horrendous cough, aches and pains of the sorts and on top of it all I'm a diabetic so my blood sugar is dangerously low. Friday's are a shitty time to be stuck by yourself and she knows it. With me being diabetic I wouldn't know when I would be getting a break so I would have to go a long while with my blood sugar out of check. I told the girl she needed to find a replacement or shes going to have to work it. She pretty much insinuated that she isn't going to work no matter which way. So tomorrow I will be most likely calling in early before she can. At least my absence will be excused with a doctor's note.



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