I am so disgusted with tmz.com! Why in gods name would you post pictures of the bath tub that Whitney Houston died in, for the world to see? You people are a bunch of insensitive pricks!
I'm so heartbroken, my bird Star died. One minute she was fine, while eating her bird seed and the next minute there was all of this blood in her cage. I really don't know what happened and I'm so confused. :( I really miss her! Today is truely a sad day! :(
Aww sorry to hear that *hugs*
I am very sorry about your birdie.
Oohhh nooo.:( Im sorry about your little birdie and hope you find out what happened.
Well my mom talked to my grandma and they came to the conclusion that Star may have possibly had an aneurism which led her to bleed out. :(
Haha I got messaged today by some twit who apparently doesn't know how the coven message system works. She got mad at me for a few of the coven messages that were sent last month, then proceeded to tell me that she didn't want to receive them anymore and that she wouldn't support my coven. In other words, she was very rude.
First of all a coven message is a mass email that is sent to everyone in the coven, including you! If you don't like that, then tough!
Second, I don't give a damn if you support my coven or not! I will not tolerate your bad attitude or your abuse!
Needless to say, she is blinded.
~laughs~ Gotta love them!
Indeed! Lol
That M&M commercial that aired during the super bowl was freaking hilarious!