So over today! After having a leaky kitchen ceiling that's been going on for weeks. The handyman comes over and proceeds to have a bitchfest with my father over the situation and makes the accusation that we are trying to start a "neighbor war" with the people that live upstairs. Absolute bullshit! How are we trying to start a neighbor war with people who are the cause of the many leaks that we keep having? This whole neighbor war comment came about when we refused to go upstairs and talk to them about not using their shower. It's simply not our place to do so and it's simply not worth being shot over. So the landlord is going to get an earful and he's going to get a picture that shows that the water from the shower is dripping through their floor. Then before leaving he had the nerve to point out how dirty and cluttered our kitchen is. Well no shit! Kinda hard to keep it clean and straightened up when we constantly have a ceiling leak. He refused to listen to us and basically told us he wasn't going to fix it. I'm so over today!
More than perfect slippy
May her life be full of happiness smiles health and only love!!
She is a little princess for sure!!
Boy the parents will have a blast especialy when they take her home!! Congratulationsssss!!!!
Thank you! :)
Ahhh... a beauty. :)
Indeed she is Vampirewitch39! :)
Today is finally the day! Today I am finally being granted aunt status!!! Pics will be posted later today!!! I am so excited!!!
Im so happy for you Slippy!! You will be an amazing aunt that will spoil her niece so much!! "hugs"
I've already started lol
Never thought I would see the day where I would get my 9 year batty and the only question I have right now is, "How the hell am I still even here?" LOL
Anyway over the years I've been in some of the most interesting covens, but not in any Houses just yet. I may have to change that. ;) I've also made some really awesome friends over the years and have rekindled a few friendships that I have thought were lost. Thanks everyone for 9 great years on here!