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After talking to a friend who is right now very sad about his broken relationship with gf i am writing this.Why today people especially younger generation just bump into relationship just for sake of having relationship? To show off that they too have bf/gf or just for fun?or just for momentary physical pleasure? Why they so much into timepass relationship? Dnt they think it may hurt someone ? I mean what kind of thinking way this is why u get into this kind of relationship when u dnt love each other seriously.u get attracted to a person just by physical appearance only ? How u jump into so deep physical attachment with someone if u are not in serious love and then After few days or months u get bored of each other and start neglecting each other and start talking negative points abt each other.and start again wth sumbudy else .why u get become part of this fake life?Follow ur heart and mind instead of following what every other are doing. Are u really happy wth this kind of life....,if u cant commit then why this relationship. It may hurt others as evry body dnt play games they are serious .Think wth cold mind it may happen someday u wll really love somebody and that person may just play games with u then how wll u feel? We all knw what real love is. Is it so necessary to have casual relationships cant a girl and boy remain friends till they seriously commit to someone. Are this casual relationships only way to prove you are modern and happening huh?There are lot of good things in life except this.why they seem so confused with life .addicted to all kind of weird habbits drugs , they can chat hrs on net but dnt have time for people around them.Take everything in light way. Is this precious life only for this things dnt we have any responsibility towards society. Life is one time so live in healthy way spend it with grace and dignity and try to be true to urself and others so people remember u even u are no more
You have a wonderful and truthful point. What I wonder about at times is those who just known a person for a fews days to a month and they talk about how they can not live with out that person. They act like they know the person well. It takes time to really know someone and even then sometimes what you think you know is not the real thing.
06:54 Jun 02 2012
You have a wonderful and truthful point. What I wonder about at times is those who just known a person for a fews days to a month and they talk about how they can not live with out that person. They act like they know the person well. It takes time to really know someone and even then sometimes what you think you know is not the real thing.
18:23 Jun 03 2012
14:11 Jun 06 2012
This kind of lifestyle may lead to
many negative effects sometimes . Those who get hurt
in relationship may react adversely may hurt
themselves or others. It is better to nt to try anythng
under pressure whether relationship or drugs or
alcohal taking .dnt do anythng just becoz other are
doing and never let anybody force u to do anythng.