Again a weird dream. Somebody was so desperate to take my life. Oh god was so strong that i felt knife on skin. Why i have to see weird dreams that too most dream come true. Anyways what else i saw was my father who died came back .i was so happy to see u daddy. If giving my life makes u back to this world am ready to give it. I miss u daddy.
sometimes i really feel i probably dnt belong to place where am living or may be i am from different era . Feel like going back in time long ago. Feel like somebody waiting for me may be in another time of history .a weird empty i feel a restlesness. I feel that one day may be in this life we wl surely meet 1 day . Whenever I feel that way i get a diff feeling i feel lifted so eternal so enlightend at that moment . The day when that person wl come i wll be most happy person wl be ready to gve away myself and evrythng even my life for him. Dnt knw how he wl look but his presence wll make me feel sure sumwhere he is .god knws. I may sound silly but it doesnt matter to me.i wll always wait for that moment. I would love to feel that eternal immortal love which wl never die in any situation.i feel I shld go for past life regression therapy but what wl I get of it ? I once gave my birth details to person who do all this stuff she said my soul belongs to pre jesus era frm europe. God kws how much if i want to knw i wl have to go in detail lol and without goin through regression I cant be I at the moment left it on time. If nt in this life then may be next.
am surrounded by darkness all around. Its like huge ocean of darkness. There seems no way out of this darkness No ray of light can i see .feeling like am getting suffocated. Am trying a lot to come above but all my attempt bringing me no result. I wish someone comes and pulls me out from here to the world of light and hope and will be always there for me. I dnt knw how long i will be able to keep trying . Feeling like will be lost for ever in this darkness.
In India how the marriage
happens am going to tell
about that . First of all
parents of boys go to girls
house and if they like that gal
in all respect and if the gals
parents like the boy in all
respect then the process
continuous further .Boy and
gal get a chance to see only that day each other
Before marriage as gal and boy should not get physicaly intimate with each other before marriage according to tradition. I also think its safe not to get physicaly intimate with guy before marriage as guy may nt be ready to take ur responsibilty as a husband will. Though others may think it different way.Then there is 1 thing which is
not done so much nowadays
but still done in many
marriages that is dowry
system that gals father will
have to give gifts and quite a
huge amount of cash to boys family
before marriage otherwise it
cant go further but this
dowry process has been
legally band as due to this
gals suffered a lot earlier
from boys family. Now about
ritual part first engagement is
done by exchanging rings
between gal and boy and gift
exchange.Then turmeric
putting day comes where gal
and boy are pampered with
all sort of herb treatment
made at home so that they
glow more then there is
other day when
designs with heena are made
on gals hand where gals
family have fun and song and
dance. Last the marriage day
when gal and boy take 7
round around fire taking 7
oaths in the presence of
priest and family of both and
the boy puts red powder like
thing vermillion in gals hair at top of forehead which is
most imp symbol that she is
married. In India whether it is
love or arrange marriage
without that ritual marriage is
not considered complete.After marriage
they have feast.
In our tradition though
parents fixd the guy for
marriage yet nowadays
younger generation do marry
the person they love many
times.Though in doing so they face problems many times from their parents house as still love marriages are not so much supported. I personally believe in
humanity and love more than
any tradition and religion
because we are who made all
this tradition nt tradition
made us.Though i respect my
tradition and culture but i
cant support each and every
point . I think we should marry the person
whom we love. who so
ever wl cum to my life he wil
obviously have some good
qualities in him as human
being . if still parents
dnt allow i wl prefer to be
alone than marrying a person
whom i dnt love, becoz i
think if we marry a person
whom we dnt love we may
not be so loving towards
them that will be hurting for
both of us.
02:54 Jun 21 2012
Well - sometimes dreams mean the opposite of real life. For example, if you dream that you found or won money, in real life, you may lose it.