Okay, so I've been thinking about getting my Drinking Horns tat for years (symbol of my heritage). However, along with that, I'm going to be getting a Beast tattoo. I know the Horns will be on my pelvic bone (sexiest part on the human body). But as for the Beast, I don't know. Possibly on the other side of my pelvis, or perhaps on one of my hips. However, I know one place I’ll never get a tattoo- my slut spot (aka the lower back, right above the pants where nearly every girl on Earth has a tat). So, that’s the plan for now. As for other tats… we’ll have to see what time has in store. I’m figuring on the Horns around January or February and probably the Beast in June for my birthday.
I cut off what you liked.
I chopped off more than eight inches of my hair. I've never felt so free.
I live for the chase. I hunt to kill but far too often lose the taste for it once I have the power. I usually drop the scared, bleeding, nearly dead prize. I no longer want to harm this thing that lies before me. I hurt for it. I want to heal it, if only to ease my anguish. However, I want to leave it with a scar, a lesson: Never tempt the beast.
Soon, the desire to heal vanishes and I chase the creature away. I do not follow for the kill- I never play with my food. I’ve made amends for the damage done to it. No creature fights to stay; they all understand that the devil takes no company.
Yet everything must feed. Often creatures do not survive the chase, or the healing. Instinct over rules all.
Soon this process will repeat. I’m growing weary of healing you and my eyes have already laid claim to the next meal. You will run like all the others. You will turn and flee at the first chance, never taking a look behind you to see that a beast does feel. I will let you leave, for it is better to hurt without you here, than to hurt and let you see. Run away; there is always more pray waiting.