Some of my beat friends that have been together for a few years just broke up. He has been thinking about it for awhile and I never really thought he would till she made her final mistake.she has had her major fucks up but never this extreme. Well he had recently told me that he wanted kids. Well they have tried before with no such luck or as far as he knew.well she just told hom that she was well was with chikd. She had known about being with child for awhile and did not find it something she should tell him for he might get upset. Well if it was not bed enough she knew about loseing the baby for awhile before she told him that too.
I am not very sure what was going through her head, then but when she found it tine to tell him she typed it in a letter and sent it to him through myspace. They had been having problems before she told him not counting all the things she has done in the past. Well they had a big talk to help maybe try to fix things. And yet she still felt that she should hide it.
Well never the less that was all he could take and now I do not know how they are going to take the fact that I will be both of there friends,
See part of me wants to believe her but then again part of me thinks that she told him this to get simpathy or attention. But her miscalculated how much he wanted kids and pushed him past the limit of pain and hatred. The part of me that believes her is simpathetic to the miscarrage having a few myself, but then again I just want to knock the shit out of her.