I had originally came up with the title "The Night That Started It All" while I was sleeping and thinking of a lyric from Apocalyptica's song titled "Hope II" The original concept of the poem was different than what is presented, but well after some events that transpired I changed the concept completely. I actually forgot what the original concept was to be honest.
Anyways, I tried my best to express a lot of emotions in this piece and at the same time tell a story how it turns from a beautiful dream to a beautiful nightmare. The reason I call it "The Night That Started It All" is because in this dream that I'm having I'm dancing for a dear friend of mine for whom I have come to ponder alot about in it which makes it beautiful, but at the same time a nightmare due to what happened with us.
Her heart had died yet she kept dancing, for letting herself die as well would accomplish nothing more. She pranced through the decades alone lost in a forest of worldly sound. Oh and those bloody tiptoes! Always dripping down her lace. Waifs spoke to her but only in whispers attempting in vain to stop the blood flow. He gazes out his window. At the misty evening sky. Then sees his destiny dancing with her eyes that glow with hope, but the pain always broke through. Such pain never fades but instead intensifies. That agony had burdened her through months, years, centuries. Why must he drink from the cup of illusion? It’s realities fault for this simple conclusion. Weeping she danced through the fog made up of words forgotten to him but herself. She stumbled then abruptly fell on her knees. Alas her legs were broken, she would no longer dance above the horrors in this world. In the cold evening breeze. Her eyes catch his glance. What is life to him as a common man? As they're buried beneath this sand. She curtsies, and it came only once but she could not see the being, the soul, or was it just he? Her dance hit the ground, but the ballerina was not the only thing that fell.
powerful...i reread it several times, and im still finding new meanings there.
im going to make your journal one of my favorites i think.
traggic. . .like my life.
yin and yang
black or white
boy, no girl
push and pull
we are fighting the same fight
in the tragedy of life
we all must live
we all must die
I am the goodness in all that is bad
a hand shake
an agreement to co-exist
in the silence I am screaming
I am still yet I am running
in the chaos I am calm
in my bigness I feel small
in the inner mingle of light and dark
are reflections of purity and hell
interwoven yet set apart
I am here
and there
nowhere and everywhere
in the light
and in the dark
in the chill
and in the burn
I am the love for which you yearn
the hate that fuels the hurt
I am everything
but nothing
hope and despair
I am godly, evil beyond repair
in beauty and all that is ugly
I am life yet I am death
behold this
let it go…
very powerful...i enjoyed it very much
I like this very much
so true ..i love it