I am going back to where it all began, Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. I will be there until October 27th. I will not be able to access the internet for a while, or at least not that much. My access will be limited to about 30 minutes once a week. So, if it seems that I am ignoring you, trust me, I am not.
This is something I have to do, for me. It is time to rebuild my castle. I will be in my state of "transition" for quite a while, but will be back once in a while to check in, write in my journal. There is so much to tell.
I played the piano again today. Not just any piano, but the first piano I have ever played. It was still in that same spot, on the stage in a large gym. I didn't see it at first, being hidden behind some tapestries. My heart dropped when it was not there. I found it moments later, and played the first song that I ever played. The first song that I ever taught myself how to play. It brought me back to where I was, who I used to be. I have changed so much over these past five years. I had forgotten. I missed myself so much, yet I didn't even realize that i was gone. Now I remember who I was, who I still am.
This afternoon, I am going to walk the geyser basin. It is with hope that I find my center again. With time, I will be whole.
Peace to all my friends, and my enemies. May those that hate me learn to forgive, and those that I hate...I have forgiven all. May your path be bright and full of all you need. Stay safe.
With love...