when i found this web site i thought it was the answer to all my problems, but now i see its just a load of bull shit, i mean come on, vampires, people claiming to be centries old, blood donars...
get a life, none of this shit that they r spinning you is real, you r real, wat you touch, smell and see is real, i was so sucked in by all this crap, and thats all it is is crap, oh no i have been kicked out of my coven, why, cause i was in the fucken hospital for 4 weeks, sorry if i could not get to a computer to let the big vr team know, and please tell me how many of you actually talk to the friends you have added, or is it just because you are trying to level......
think about it
23:59 Nov 04 2010
FIRST of all, no, things in VR arent real. NEWS FLASH:::: there are NO such things as vampires or werewolves!! So sorry to have disappointed you there.
SECOND of all, you know, i know, and everyone else knows you weren't kicked from the coven becuase you were in the hospital for four weeks. If thats what you think, once again, Im so sorry that you have been disappointed for the second time.
THIRD of all, it doesnt take a real woman to gripe in a journal. A real woman would take her issue up with those involved...ya know...like grown people do.....
Think about that!!
00:40 Jan 17 2011
Exactly Winter!