what to do when he walk out and there only a note and the day go by and no word of him .Then you find out he is sick in the hosp.. and has lost his toes but the day he walk out hurt you. and then you find out he has some one new. what to do when he breaks your heart . and text you every day with I love you and miss you . but yet he is with someone new what to do .
14:48 Jul 05 2009
Call it a day...get together with a friend or two to remind you how wonderful you are, change your phone number...look forward to the bright new future that is waiting for you and that you deserve. *hugs*.
19:43 Jul 06 2009
Go enjoy yourself and look for the one that will complete you. Don't let yourself fall into his little trap. Stand tall and proud and tell your self that you deserve better (which you do). *hugs*