You know how eveybody says everything is going to be all right....
what if it isnt going to be all right
What if some of us wretched souls are meant to live in hell forever
To never escape this dark hole that we keep falling through that never ends
and has no light at the end; and to just keep falling for the rest of our lives
Then we hit the bottom *THUD* and we're dead
are some people's pits bigger or shorter can we change the lenght of our tunnel extend it or shorten it; or is just already predetermined by the ruler of time?
01:58 Nov 09 2008
Every decision lies in your hands.
Some people never escape the darkness and die and nobody ever sees. They're fucked and they rot. Those are the people that never bother even considering getting out of their rut- the grave they dig day by day with their selfish, stupid actions.