Like I said, everytime I find something I love there's a problem. Here's the list -
1. it will be too hot
2. Roe is wearing those colors, can't be too much like bride
3. Roe's necklace looks the same
4. wear Padme's white battle gear with boots(I want to wear a dress dammit)
5. can't wear white to a wedding
6. material looks too cheap looking
7. Are you wearing the mask to go with that?
OMG, I'm ready to give up. Having nightmares about it.
This dress thing is killing me. Everytime I find something, the guys don't like it or these DD's don't fit in it. I want a dress I can breathe , sit and dress in. Yes, dance with with these crummy feet. I'm am going to slow dance with the mule and get wild with El and Roe.
I've been through a million dresses it seems and the guys never liked my choices. So glad at least that Matt finally said something to Rob about being best man. You have to pick the best man for the job, literally. Rob didn't seem to have a clue or interest in doing it. With only4 months to go, he didn't want to do the toast, the bachelor party, wear a costume for themed wedding or even go to the reheasal. Why didn't he just say he wasn't up to it. Glad Matt picked Dave. Now me and Roe know there is a real life Hangover movie in the making. Know the mule will plan something wild. Poor Matt! He better not wake up in Singapore with a monkey and tattoo, hehe.
Trying to find a dress for wedding. Elvira might go as Yeoman Rand. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Want something that says me.
Game tomorrow, no Rem. We live to another adventure. Rob had better not be a pain in the ass getting up 50 million times with my bad foot or the only dying won't be in game. Just saying. Stay out of my foot aurora.
The 4th toe is still very swollen. Dave did the unveiling last night to check on it. Dr. Frankenstein as I call him takes good care of it. Big toe looks good. Getting some feeling in it. I've been going for little walks. Dr. Frankenstein is also the therapist. Me and the doggie have been exercising. Her knee looks great. She's getting adventurous and daring.
Rather disappointed that the toes are so swollen. Dave unwrapped the foot last night. Bed rest and icepacks today
I am surely blessed with good family. Beastie(Roe) came early to stay with Amber while Mat and Dave went to the doc with me. She is staying over with Woody till they go tomorrow to a pool party. Lucky them, will be a while before i put THE FOOT in a pool.
Dave and I think El would look great as Yeoman Rand to wedding. Matt wants it to be more scifi so it gives people more options. El's bf wants to be Captain Kirk How perfect!
Two more baby birds.Might take them to school as pets.
All of a sudden my pet shop got in about 6 love birds, all different colors. They said they could hand tame them (or one) if I was interested in buying one. I am thinking about it.
Amber and I having surgery the same day was totally unexpected. Not to mention a little rough for all. The daddy bird got out of his cage. I couldn't catch him with foot in cast.
19:58 Jul 30 2011
Don't know the cost but... have a dress made? Sew it yourself?