Last night i got into a car crash if wasn't fatale or.anythying i was with my bf i wasnt driving but it was interesting it made me think of those moments of impact in our lives how they an change our lifes , completely in a matter of seconds
Sometimes im not sure why i do things idk why i talk to some ppl or walk cirtin ways or look at the things i do hm i shoild clean my fishtank
Haven't had the time to spew randomness on here in a while :/ needed to know that i can still make exsploshions!! Any way school is frustrading by friend fell madly in love with me and it sucks and is frustrading thags my life right now in a summery lol but last night.i.went to a poetry out loud thing cause one of the clubs im covering in my spreax was performing so i whent to watch i normally dont liste or read poetry but the kids tbat read picked interesting pieces and i actually liked it very much.then this boy who composed his own pieces of music played the.piano and itwas beautiful!!! I absolutely love listing to ppl play he piano with now words,icould drownd in that sound forever and a day