rajakitty's Journal

rajakitty's Journal


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4 entries this month

What type of angel are you?

02:40 Sep 29 2008
Times Read: 624

Are you an Arc, Dark, or Fallen Angel?

Dark Angel
Dark Angel
You are kind to those you deem worthy. You can manipulate nightmares and emotions. You were once human but ascended below the Arc Angels.
How do you compare?
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05:30 Sep 29 2008

Are you an Arc, Dark, or Fallen Angel?

Arc Angel
Arc Angel
You are sweet kind and loving to all beings. You ascended from above to aid those that need you. You were gifted to bring love and joy into the hearts of all.
How do you compare?
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my month sept

00:34 Sep 26 2008
Times Read: 630

Good god what a day I am telling you this month sucked and not in a good way either…

I was planning to go to a friends wedding this weekend with my friend cindy. What happens? The car gets totaled. I mean tore up all the way on the right side of her car. It was brand new and of course only had 1200 miles on the darn thing. The person who drove into the parked car ( reason why I do not drive down here, that and when it rains the fl peeps stop on the highway) lost her tire and that is the only reason why she stopped and got caught. Imagine that.. Karma works sort of.

I cannot go now to the wedding out of town so of course I cancelled all my reservations to go beaching and such for the first time all year a mini vacation. OMG what is that?? I have no clue haven’t had one in four frickin years…

So lo and behold I am at work pondering my fortune cookie message that I got today. You will overcome many obstacles…..

Okay my month started out with my boyfriend dying in a car crash.. then faye hit

Then I lost my computer laptop and celphone same week. Yeah okay me and machines don’t do well when you find out your other half is dead… and after a storm you I had to get thru… I had last week to talk a person down from suicide anddddddddddddd this week. Mars must be in retro grade or something …… That was my month folks wow I mean can it get much better then that???

Lol indeed today at work we had gotten a town hall meeting. They are restructuring the whole darn place from the floor up. What is their mission statement? “We are on it”

Better then whatever it takes but uh yeah .. Basically the wording they used for customer service piece. We are going to be “fanatically responsive.” Blinks uh okay first off we are in the health industry. Meaning?? Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal. A reaction, as that of an organism or a mechanism, to a specific stimulus. I have seen this company go from whatever it takes to this new view. Sounds like we are going to be crazy and not professional. :::Tilts head:::

Korn's song F**k that come to mind omgwtf acid were they on...





00:34 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 642

yeah I am alive. Yeah I am okay sort of. My other half as most know died and well I am battling not having a laptop and his death so I am at work typing .. Ack.. We had to ponder what customer service means to us today so I tried to write a poem about it .

work is well changing as usual nothing new there.

home life is weird and it like hours turn into days and days turn into nights nothing much other then it sucks right now. My dog and cat know I am hurting and not knowing what to do with me they pile on me and wait.

I look forward to my friends wedding.

Tomorrow I have a baby shower at work. oh joy..

other then that not much is up

So yes I am alive



08:41 Sep 18 2008

Thinking of you.


Why I am not on line

19:36 Sep 06 2008
Times Read: 648

I have been busy coping with Alex being dead and my laptop being Downnnnnnnnnn. I hate it and I am over a friend’s house typing so I can vent out the death of Alex on Monday my laptop died the same day. Tuesday my cellphone died and I saw and felt him that day. Wednesday I got confirmation he was dead and Stacy felt weird as I did about talking to each other that day.

So a week went by and I still did not have proof of death. Nothing again this week and I still have a dead laptop and a cell phone that is abit like a flip phone but purple. Not like my old one and man it is weird and hi tech stuff. I told bellsouth to turn off the extra gadgets and went from there.

So My apologies that I am not on or not doing the coven thing till my laptop is not working and wow is this weird writing on areallllllllll computer.

So without proof of death I am going to therapy and working on myself and ignoring the world. I have people coming up to me at work thinking that it is not good to tell me I am sorry but that they love me. joy…IN my heart and mind I know he is dead in my soul I am not convinced till I see an article or his death certificate to prove to me that he is dead.



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