Today is the first day I have to say wow I am glad it is over.
This morning I should have stayed in bed. Why? My cat told me so. I have a cat that is a NY kitty that of course has mommies umm attitude lol. He is old and crouchie and mean and lol wow when he wants his food damn it if you dont get up.
Today I pushed him softly to the other pillow to which he fell about a minute later. 40 minutes later my buzzer goes off. LOL and lo and behold he looked at me and the little turd he left for me saying bitch please I could have done worse....
Then my cabbie ran late for work. It is cheapier then owning a car and well I dont like driving in fl considering they stop in the middle of traffic when it rains. Stupid people dont need me on the road. So I gave my car up and moved on.
I get to work on time by a minute to spare. Work ? was fine till in the middle of it my friend was sick she caught this bug thing going around so I ate lunch with out a soda or water why?? For the machine ate my money and did not give me a coke. BAD Machine.
Kicking it did not help and lol it hurt two men who thought they were strong enough to shake the darn thing..
Thennnnnnnnnn I was to have a meeting... and it got changed... to 20 minutes before I had to leave lo and behold I was out of their in no time flat for one they gave did nt hear us and two they are letting three of our people go to another department. pouts that would be more time for us overtime no more three people. Crappy for it is like they are tearing our family apart. which sucks...
For the most part.
I missed my Alex boo so he is snoring away.
And that was my day.... the joy of getting out of bed and knowing you should have stayed in bed. lol
dang the dude who was clean picky with food and such has turned into a crazy omg trucking fool hehe. terminology and the stores to go with it dang.
A lot lizard is a whore that you can purchase
a sleeper leaper goes from truck to truck and goes on for hours..
LOL His girlfriend told him look there and he watched and half hour went by and she was naked to the next trucker.
uhhh wow blinks interesting stuffffffff on the road and traveling like crazy but hey he gets to see the country side and he is with his lady friend. which is all good
what does fear taste like? Hmm I know now I went out side of work and waited for a cab that did not show. I called her four times and she had not shown. Lo and behold I changed out my bag so my dagger was not in my bag now it is.
I was leered at the man came by and walked away for I was on the phone. a few minutes later and he came by again leering. He was hopped up on something and for the first time I felt helpless for I could hurt him if he was on something.. with what i was taught. So I prayed a little and a coworker asked if I needed a ride home. I said yeahhhhhhhhhhh thankkkkkkkkkk you gods.
a coven mate told me this
Well, what does not kill you makes you stronger. Now that you know fear, you can learn how to control it. How to focus it for constructive purposes.
and it rings true so to all of you out there. who feel the fear feel it and do it anyways.....
He went for it..... with his girlfriend who is a trucker. So he went with her and went all over ca. I am in shock. The man never does anything ever.
HOLY MOLY.. trucking is definitely different. LOL
He has lot lizards, and sleeper leapers are whores. I am like okay different.
He learned how to shit in a bag and and not take a shower for days. He had peed in a bottle and lol he eats at seriously bad food.. wow
The man is oing thru 40 something stage with a whole new meaning..
He is definitely going thru an adventure there uhhh wow blinks not sure what to make of that...
He went down the devil's slide and got to see lots of corn and soy fields for days.
He is happy and that is all that matters.
Today I got alot accomplished. Three pairs of shelves up.14 boxes gone woohoo. In the first room turn library, and massage place woohoo..I got most of my books up. lol only 10 more to go and I have to wait again in two weeks so I can get more shelves good goddess.
Yes I am a book worm. Yes I perfer books and learning and healing then getting out and being in the meat market world. Yessssssssss I loveeeee books.
hmmmm I also my winter gloves I thought lost lol not needed now but dang it is good to know I still have them heehee Nightmare before xmas stuff baby.
He he the more I can freak the mundanes the better.
Shit I have nightmare before xmas bed comforter and pillows in the bed room with Sally and her black cat under my lamp.. I have purses, t shirts, hoodies and more. Why? I love the darn movie. If I could I would have my whole home decked out in it.
Anyways a small world I live in...... moment happened today...
Washer dryer guy was here and He saw I had pictures of people on my frig. I smiles and he said you know Jon? I said I used to I move to the beaches and lost contact. He was into drugs and such and I was not. He can belt out music like no other. All he has to do is stay out of drugs and he will be fine. He said yeah he is off that and into church now, and he is singing at church. I smiled and said good for him. He seriously needed to be off the drugs. I am glad he is happy again and this time positive.
Jon was wonderful in singing so much so I even said to him he would go far if he stayed out of drugs and other women of the friends he had he would fuck with out a doubt. He is a pretty man that can sing the soul out of rock and roll to christain music. I even told him I wanted to hear him sing amazing grace. He laughed in the old days of his band tray forte and yes I some how got suckered into being his band manager until it got out of control on the drugs and I was not giving into them. I saw what it could do and I always stood by that. Anyways the man is back on his feet and happy again according to Dan who was fixing my washer. I said that is awesome. He smiled and asked how I knew him I said he was a friend for a long time. I used to call him little brother. For he was younger then me and well he was seriously dangerous on the edge of trying to get in my pants too and I was like uh no..
Dan smiled and said yeah that is Jonathan. I smiled and said tell him to call me if he would like to talk. He said cool. So we can talk again. I miss talking to him..
He and I could talk about anything occult like and christain like and debate for hours. I love that stuff. hehehe.So who knows I might have my little brother back in my life and enjoy telling him about my boo Alex. He plays guitar and wow he too could rock the house if he wanted too. LOL
I went on my merry way to attacking the last room in my home that I moved into a month ago. And now can do laundrey again woohoo... No more going out in the heat!!!!!!!
So I lost alnother ten pounds dr was right eating three meals a day does make it work alot quicker.
So that is cool. :) yeahhhhhhh woohoo...
Okay so that has been my goal and it works so far. I walk and midlly exercise and do have to say it comes off slowly but surely yeah!
on a different note
Under the arms of orion is where I shall be
I know one day I will met you and know and see
That my star came to me and we shall be so happy and free
that is how I feel today my mate and I shall finally be meeting eachother in a few months woohoo. Weird this online dating thing I must say. but I like it and look forward to this meeting.
He and I spoke for a little bit and it was a good thing. :)
I am alot less scared and fearful of meeting him. Why? he is prettier then I and well it is intimdating sometimes to say the least.. He is beautiful inside and when you look at the outside i is a serious perk lol.
sighs contently..
Happy paws and hugs all..
ahhhhh cuteness the topic of today..
I was literally hit with the spur of cuteness factor and really it made me feel good. So I am sharing something positive today. My ac was out and I was surprised to say the man was a very respectful but married handsome man. He came to the resque of my babies (Leo and Boowie) For the ac if not working in Fl could kill them even in a well shaded area.
Anyways I was getting dressed for work doing my hair and sprayed my normal mix of oils on me for my day out. Not paying attention to the man watching me do this while doing the ac.
Anyways I batted my eyes and told the ac man that I had no more filters and was going to get some today after work. He said well mame if you would like I can get your filters for you and be back. I smiled and said that would be wonderful and he did it.
He actually went out of his way and did it.
An ego boost to the brain.
I told ya world I was getting better and healthier and loosing weight. LOL If my cuteness factor worked on him and he was a little hottie I know now if I do that lol I am using it on modes like that. :)
The cuteness factor works ladies. Try and see.
scratches and purrrs my public fans of the Vr world
I have to go work but I really dont want to. :( Blah
I just was viewing a few profiles today and realized alot of them are the same. I am a vampire. I am a slut and or a hoe or I am a pagan. Which is cool dont get me wrong I find it odd is all that it seems to be a repeat of things.. Can there be originality? Can there be something more? I am not sure maybe I like being to different I am not sure. lol
Being unique is sweet but i find that at times it's rare to find those that actually can be that way because if someone likes something about you , they normally will nab something about you and go with it too. Of course some might consider that flattery while in our minds, "ok that's stealing my ideas and pisses me off that you are not trying to be creative in your own way." I can understand that too. lol I guess being unique has it's limitations so all we can do is embrace it while we can, and be flattered that our impressions, our creations are being shared, thus making ourselves ultimately immortal through people. :D
I talk too much...i know it. *sigh* xD
Sadly, when everyone tries to be different, originality becomes the norm.
question out there in vr land
As a 37 year old getting hit on by a teenager is umm not only freakin crazy but omg unnerving. Please please please stop the flattery thanksssssssss.....
How many kindergoths are on this vr thing? WOW...
If you are 14-20 please donot hit on me. I could have been your mother. Okay I am pushing but you know mean??!!!! Stop the hitting on an old lady peeps... it is really annoying.
Dang can a woman be a woman without a child hitting on you. I know you people out there my age understand this. I also understand when I got on here there are days like this. But damn I am a cat lover okay?? That is it.. I dont like eating pussy, I dont like eating under age people and I surely would not go there. I like DICK. I have one thankssssss. I dont need another one...
Get a clue children goths
I knew goth before you were and inkling in your mothers womb. Wantabees and you know who you are!!!!! Be original, be yourself, be hitting on your own age and of course be safe.
Hugs and scratches to all the rest out there...
It can go both ways. Underage people hitting on older people, older people hitting on underage people. My suggestion is use the blockbutton.
I stay with my age group. =D Sorry, had to point that out there. =)
- TT
Very well put. Funny...
That song what a day comes to mind
I and two others came to work out of a team of 13 wow does that suck. I was debating the whole call out thing one day and since everyone and there mama does I may do it on a day when they are aware of it. Considering I do extended shift every freakin week I could do it. Debating on a plan.
Hmmm other then that all is well in my wittle world.
Catnippy happy paws and claws