rajakitty's Journal

rajakitty's Journal


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06:36 Apr 30 2009
Times Read: 633

Dearest readers

Another thing they do

yes armor is always good but this is not in black dragon book I have and I must say for a coven that uses that should at least stick to their faith. NOT all kinds for it confuses a young mind and they aren't all going to be able to handle it if you know what I mean. :) So here is another piece of this coven.

Arcane Arraignment

The topic of discussion in this lecture is that of the Arcane Arraignment that is to be vested by the Practitioner. In the practice of magick the magician often has to employ the personality of his or her magickal selves to accomplish the desired goals. This in essence makes all of us divided in nature. We are one person to our family, one to our friends and another to our co-workers. This is the nature of the human mind. Thus we employ another personality, that of the magickal or arcane armor.

The method is very much like the process of invocation, however the Practitioner is not as much inviting another in but adorning a special suit of magickal armor that will operate on its own level. That is to say that the armor has its own personality, its own speech patterns, and its own set of reaction to the macrocosm it lives in. The Practitioner will employ his or her will to create this separate personal armor and the decorum displayed by it. This process is called forging the Arcane Arraignment. This armor should be all the qualities that enable the Practitioner to function in his or her duties most efficiently. Below are some qualities that as a rule of thumb need to be included in the forging of this armor.

A very composed calm exterior in the face of any situation.

A commanding and fearless presence

A dignified but ruthless grace.

The exuberance of power in the touch and eyes.

The presence of God like command in its voice. (or the great voice)

All of these qualities are essential in the operation of the Arraignment. It is the responsibility of each Practitioner to have a functioning suit of Magickal armor. The true test of its metal per se is to adorn it and count the effect it has on the world around you. As you wear it you should notice the way people around you react to your presence and to your desires. If they obey and seem fearful, by giving you a wide berth then it is sure that the Arraignment is functioning. Also entities and forces should not be able to resist your presence or command in this guise.

The traditional pose of adorning the arraignment is to stand upright arms at either side forming the tua cross ( T ). From this pose the Practitioner must announce in the great voice that he or she is Transforming into the Great Avatar that inhabits the Arcane Arraignment. This can be done by calling its name (which is the magickal motto of the Practitioner). If this is done with the great voice and the Arraignment is of worthy nature then the Practitioner should feel all the hairs on their arms and back stand on end. Starring straight ahead focus all the power of the armor into the center of your torso and slowly bring your arms to form an X across your chest. If the operation was a success you should also feel every nature and personality trait you devised for the armor.

The creation of this armor is a time consuming enterprise. The Practitioner is advised to take much time and care creating the ideal suit. If haste can be avoided, avoid it. Remember the steel of this armour is only as strong as the will and preparation taken during its creation. It is also important to mention that the strong visualization of this armor is essential in it operations both conscious and dreaming.

There is a saying among Practitioner, that a true Practitioner can be measured not by his parts but by the narrow divide between him and his armor. To be Practitioner is to become the Avatar.

I share this knowledge for if any know about the book of the black dragon then they too know this is not in the book and to call yourself a black dragon tsk tsk tsk .

Growing up in Black magic and of course the Black dragon I know the faith of stories and we do dance with dragons however where is there a dragon in this and where does a T come from? In the old days it was not a cross that they hung people on it was a T. Any true chirstian would know this.

again things that make you go hmmmmm

tilts heads like a cat

purrrrrrrrrrs to her raver fans






10:57 Apr 28 2009
Times Read: 654

It has been a very interesting morning. I read what my coven mate got sucked into and well the mixture of black magic, black dragon, egyptain folk lore, and azrael, and a touch of christianity with the keys of enoch makes me wonder how one choses their people?

Smitty was not well to begin with and he was working on making himself better. Slowly he got better then got sucked into the coven of which we remain nameless.

It is like a spider to the fly basically. A mix of this a pinch of that and bam! you want to be in.

A true black dragon works off just the black dragon book it does not mix and match to other views. I find this interesting that they mix and match for it denotes they want to expand and grow in one sense and in another create a people that have to handle the term lord and master and that is it. So S and M is also involved.

In any good faith of darkness there is only a high priest and high priestess I have not seen anything like this and find it almost like they added star wars for the way some things are said it reminds me a tad of star wars hit there.

so read readers and please let me know what you think

I took out the names and such for frankly no names are needed

Course One

Basic Catalytic Design

Lord Master EnRaOsh - Master Elder Umbra

It is important for the EnRaOsh to understand the principals of catalysm before engaging the art of its counter part anti catalysm. Here I will endeavor to disclose the method by which life or energy is transferred and stored. First I feel that it is important for me to explain the term we are using to describe the task at hand. In science a catalyst is any substance that accelerates the reaction of another substance. Therefore a living catalyst is a person that is able to through this art accelerate the energy flow of an object or person.

In this explanation we can now see the true capacity of anti catalysm as it applies to the ethereal realm and our magickal world.

The human body has within its creation the capacity to refresh its etheric shell after a rest cycle. It is this very shell that gives substance to the magickal art we practice. This energy will for the purpose of this lesson be called Quintessence or Quin for short. Upon waking the quin self is at peak performance. As the day goes on the quin is used up and by the end of the day will need to be refreshed again. What is it exactly that uses up the quin? The answer is simple, every emotion and thought process other than the daily habits that have become a part of your normal routine use quintessence. Have you ever noticed that you are more tired after a mentally stressful day than after a physically stressful day? This is because the physical body runs on different fuels than the mental body. We must feed our bodies in order to use them. Therefore we must also recharge our quintessenal bodies in order to function properly.

Lesson One

Now that you have an understanding of the terminology we can progress to the first lesson.

In this exercise you will need to remove all jewelry from the hands and seat your self in a comfortable chair from whence there will be no immediate need to move. Sit calmly breathing even breaths, close your eyes and try to still the mind. Hold your hands approximately 2 inches from each other as if you we about to clap your palms together.

Without allowing the hands or fingers to touch, move very slowly your hands back and forth in an expanding contracting motion. Make sure its is done very slowly. The sensation you should feel is similar to the reaction a magnet gives when held close to metal. A pulling and pushing sensation. This sensation is the natural polarity of the quintessenal shell. Now expand the hands further to about ten inches and experiment with the energy. If you relax your eyes you may even be able to see the faint white glow of the energy between your hands. Next, stretch this energy around in circular motions and watch the results. Do this until you feel you have mastered this technique that is commonly called Life Force.

This lesson focused on the Quintessenal shell called our life force. The next lesson will teach you how to see this shell on other objects. Take this time to write down your experiment in your EnRaOsh(ian) Grimoire as well as any thoughts about it you may have conceived. For the next week you will need to practice this skill every day until it becomes natural and requires no intense thought. In this way you will use less and less quin to achieve results.

Lesson Two

To see the Quintessenal shell you must allow your eyes to settle on an object or person. Then as your eyes glaze over, swiftly adjust you gaze to the left, right, or above the person or object. You will then see a faint white glow around the object; this glow is as you might have expected the quin or life force. Try focusing on other objects as well as other people and animals. Intense experimentation is essential to a working understanding of the principles here entailed. You will note as you have become aware of through common occult lore that colors can be seen in this Quintessenal shell. The meaning of these colors is of no concern to the EnRaOsh as there are to many theories on the meaning of them. However persons that show very little life force are either ill or weak from some stimulus. It is important to know that some EnRaOsh and other mages are capable of concealing this energy and even of changing its appearance. It is known that those EnRaOsh that practice sorceries are capable of changing their Quin to reveal confusing images such as surrounding blackness and the perception of their quin on other people as decoys. The acquisition of such skills is for the learned EnRaOsh and not the novice Enforcers 1 & 2.

Lesson Three

This next lesson contains an exercise that is small but essential to the learning process. This is the realization of the polarity of the quin shell. Our bodies are in a constant state of flux, by this I mean that the body is never still. The body of flesh is in constant function and the body of spirit is no different. The quin shell flows in circular motion from the crown of the head to the base of the feet. The skilled EnRaOsh can increase this flow and change its composition to incorporate certain skills or objectives. The most common use of this flux is to energize and harden this shell to deflect attack and absorb incoming energy. However it can be used to cause a severe magnetic charge capable of affecting the quin of another mage or person that could possibly restore or disrupt the natural function of that target. Now the exercise here is to begin in the fashion you would for the first lesson. Holding the hands together about 2 inches apart and establish a charge between them. Now move the right hands fingers to face the center of the left palm in a “T” shape. Do not touch the fingers to the palm. You will either feel a sensation of heat or cold. The heat will represent a positive charge and the cold a negative charge. The hand that generates heat is the hand that uses a positive polarity and the other a negative polarity. Knowing this will become very use full in further lessons. The positive poll is responsible for sending energy and the negative for receiving. The lesson to follow will encompass the process of sending energy into an object and receiving back that energy combined with the quin of the target object.

Lesson Four

In the above lessons you learned how to feel and see the force we call quin. Now you will learn to move this force to suit your needs. However before you can assume the exercises you must learn how you will move this force and how you can receive it. The terminology for this lesson is as follows. When your sending energy you are said to be “moving the force” and when you are receiving you are “drawing the force”. The next term is “Captivating the force” this refers to the act of binding the quin in or around a place or object. These are common terms that refer to phenomenon in the realm of EnRaOsh magick and may differ from the common occult terminology you may have been exposed to.

I feel it necessary before we continue to point out some other common terms that may appear later in this work. The term “null” refers to any one or thing that does not register with the senses of the EnRaOsh. A null can be the effect of a purposeful attempt to conceal or the husk of something drained of quin. It may also refer to those few individuals that carry no visible quin signature. They are few, but they do exist. The next term is “Ley line” this term is used to describe a river or current of natural force running through and across any area. EnRaOsh and Catalysts use these to recharge their natural quin and to operate in a high concentrate of Magnetic energy. The last term we will review is “Vortex” This is a field that is either drawing or moving energy from within a localized area. Vortex’s can serve to be dangerous for even an experienced EnRaOsh. Now down to lesson five.

Lesson Five

Finding Ley Lines

Ley lines can be found by the presence of positive or negative vibrations in the hands. During the use of these skills your hands will become sensitive to poll shifts around your position. Using this sensitivity the EnRaOsh can locate Ley lines or Force lines nearby. When you pass through a ley line you will receive a strong and noticeable sensation in the appropriate polarity. Some of us can feel this throughout our bodies, others only through their hands. Both forms of detection are equally as effective nonetheless.

Moving the Force

You will need an object in the room that takes no immediate use for this exercise. A chair or vase will do fine. Using the positive polarity, move the force in a strait line buy exhaling and making a gesture of pushing the index finger towards the target object. Visualize a line of force starting from the tip of your finger and traveling in a direct route towards the target object. If you are perceptive you will notice that the quin shell around the target object will flare slightly when touched by your force line. Maintain this line of force for a few seconds and move on to the next exercise. Now when you feel you have this first exercise down try again but place an obstacle in the path of you route. Visualize as you move the force around the obstacle the line of force deviating slightly to accommodate the change. This will become useful when clear sight of the target cannot be obtained.

Drawing the Force

Drawing the force is done in much the same way that moving the force is done. To draw the force away from the target, use the negative polarity to attract the positive away from its current place. Inhaling use the drawing hand open palmed and make a grasping motion with the hand starting in an open palm and closing into a fist. As if you are grabbing the quin from the object. Once again if you are perceptive you will notice a slight decrease in the visual appearance of the target objects quin. You may also use the above method of obstacles to hone your skill.

Creating a Vortex

To create a Vortex centralize your quin or the force of a ley line onto an object and create a whirlpool affect using the above two techniques at the same time. To sustain an active vortex is difficult but conditions can be created to sustain this phenomenon after the EnRaOsh has left the vicinity. Those will be covered later.

Drawing quin from a ley line

Drawing in quintessence to recharge yourself or a target is a common practice of the EnRaOsh. Before this can be done however the EnRaOsh must decide which polarity is appropriate to the task. To attract a positive current create a vortex that is primarily negative. This is done by drawing inward, from a Ley line and at the same time creating a whirlpool of negative energy above the crown of the head. This will encourage the positive quin to fill in the space. Commonly the EnRaOsh will circle his negative hand above the target source to create that circumstance. To exact the same affect with the negative poll do the same using positive quin.

The Importance of Constant Training

As you read in the introduction, a EnRaOsh must become self sufficient through mastery of the skills attained through thorough training. Also that after that time he or she will be expected to hold their own against the forces they may deal with. Since this tradition is so supporting of individualist progress it is rare that you will receive much help from other EnRaOsh from different hereditary lines. The EnRaOsh that trained you is probably the only EnRaOsh you will deal with for many years. The Larger the tradition the more EnRaOsh you will be exposed to. As a Master EnRaOsh you are responsible for the longevity of the tradition of the EnRaOsh and the protection of your charges. Therefore there is placed a great emphasis on the constant and thorough training of its future line.

The Three Major Power Sources of EnRaOsh Magick

The most important factor in the use of EnRaOsh metaphysics is the accumulation of quintessence. With this in mind the following discussion will be covering the three major raw sources of energy; Terrestrial, Dynamic and Vulgar energy. Each topic will explain the prose and cons of its use and will provide detailed instruction on its proper collection.

Terrestrial Quintessence

Terrestrial quin is found in several forms some of which where discussed briefly in your introduction. This quin can be found in ley lines, vortexes, planetary shifts such as solstices and equinoxes and in other living creatures. The accumulation of raw terrestrial energy varies in that each variant contains a different method of accumulation.

Ley lines

As was previously explained the EnRaOsh could make excellent use of Ley lines in his or her work by simply immersing themselves in the stream. The method in which this can be done is drawn on the basics that the intro should have taught you. The EnRaOsh must polarize their quin shell to attract the energies from the given ley line and at the same time allow their defenses down long enough to absorb the energy from that line. To direct a ley line into your ritual space polarize the area where your altar will be placed and the nearest line will, given some time migrate through that spot. As long as the charge on the altar space remains constant the line will remain in that place unless pulled away by a stronger force.

The Vortex

These phenomena like ley lines can be with some risk, used to gather quin from the environ. However the EnRaOsh is cautioned to avoid this if possible. The emersion into a vortex can severely upset the balance of forces in the quin shell as well as the physical body of the EnRaOsh. Causing dysfunction and illness. However if the need is that great that this becomes necessary a show of force is in order. Since the nature of a vortex is unstable the EnRaOsh must forcefully command the energy through their quin shell. The need for swiftness is imperative because of the risk to your body.

Planetary Shifts

The occurrence of planetary shifts such as the Equinox and the Solstice provide a more than an adequate source of replenishing quintessence. The Equinox more than the Solstice is used simply because the energy released is more powerful. The technique in this case would be to drag your quin shell around behind you on that day to allow the etheric essence to accumulate more freely. This does however put the EnRaOsh in a vulnerable position. The act of pushing the quin shell behind one self lowers your natural and planned resistance to both the magickal and spiritual environ.

Living Beings

The accumulation of quintessence from a living creature is one of the most common practices among more advanced EnRaOsh. However convenient, this method carries its own risks to the unseasoned EnRaOsh. Much like vortexes living beings can be unstable sources of quin. Due to sickness, mental imbalance and emotional distress living beings can carry tainted if not potentially dangerous portions of quintessence. Therefore the EnRaOsh must learn to filter through the undesired quin and draw exactly what they require with out allowing the tainted quin to infect their quin shell.

On another note some EnRaOsh employ the use of sex and of blood letting to achieve quintessence. These meathod though not described here is a valuable source of energy.

Dynamic Power

Dynamic power is the accumulation of quin through ritualized methods. Dynamic force is that witch is methodically planned and ritually carried out, with the out come already conceived before completion. These methods are Vibratory, Phycatropic, Trance and Tribal. Each will be explained in full below.

Vibratory Method

The vibration of certain words and mantras can generate great force. This type of gathering is found often in prayer and invocations in various religions. The intoning of god names and words of power has been used throughout the ages as a way to generate this vary same force. The most common method is to break down the word or name into its phonetic form and pronounce it in one flowing breath. Exp. The enochian name for the element of air is EXARP. The enochian system breaks this down to Eh-zeh-arr-reh-pey. This of course is not exactly as it is shown in say the Golden Dawn texts but it will do for this exercise. Intone this a few times using one whole breath each time.

Pshycatropic Method

The term phycatropic refers to symbolic representations of concepts and ideas that the subconscious brain can relate to. For instance in the dream reality the sub conscious mind relates its messages to the conscious mind via symbolism. We have all read a dream dictionary in our time, even if it was just out of curiosity, and noted that different items and animals are attributed to emotions and such goings on in our lives. Thus magicians have used talismanic images for ages to achieve varied results. The EnRaOsh will do much the same thing however they will draw these sigilum using the quintessence they have stored to open gateways and redirect currents. This subject is too extensive to be covered in this brief account so it is suggested that the EnRaOsh seek the advice of a more seasoned officer for experimentation.

Trance Method

The use of trance in EnRaOsh magic refers to medative states of awareness. The EnRaOsh may choose whichever form of trance they prefer. Although the use of debilitating drugs is one method, it is not advised. The use of narcotics is an old tradition and can be found in Native American culture as well as in the Orient. The order of EnRaOsh warns against the use of these substances because the EnRaOsh may have difficulty defending themselves in this lucid state. However since the art of EnRaOsh is advanced through the additions of individual thought we allow all to conform to their own will in this matter. The state of trance allows the flow of energy to return to its natural state and to allow other target energies to flow in or out with ease. The EnRaOsh should spend a little time each day in trance to further their perceptions of the world they live in.

Tribal Method

The tribal method refers to the ritualistic rites used both in magick and in religion. The incorporation of the above techniques as well as the use of Terrestrial methods allows the EnRaOsh to in effect both create a universe and control its function through a complex weave of correspondence. The term Microcosm refers to the universe we have shaped for ourselves. There are several schools of though on this matter one of which is the emerald tablet. The tablet states that what we make true in our universe will be followed by other universes. Or so it states “As above so below”. Another school of though is from the Chaos perspective which states “Nothing is True. All is permitted”. This statement is freeing the individual to create and dictate as he or she wills within their sphere of influence, namely the microcosm. Tribal Method’s enable the EnRaOsh to use all of his or her accumulated knowledge to serve their purpose as well as gain any and all desired effects ranging from the accumulation of quin to the destruction of an enemy. EnRaOsh should write down their ceremonies in their journal so as to allow themselves to learn from their own experience.

Vulgar Magic

Vulgar magic also referred to, as barbaric magic is the willing desecration of religious relics and spaces to release the trapped energy. Members of the IOT or the Illuminates of Thaneteros practice this method. The practitioners of Chaos magic find this method to be greatly useful in its ability to both release-trapped quintessence and to break the confines of the tradition trap. The tradition trap describes the instance when the magician becomes bound by their tradition and can go no further because of it. Thus the uses of vulgar magic becomes the open door to advancement. The EnRaOsh is advised to make their own rituals and styles in which to employ their EnRaOsh skill but not to allow their traditions to bring them to a stalemate in their progression. Experiment, record and dare to question even yourself.

Different huh

I thought so. So I had to share with my readers since honestly if you are not strong of mind why would you ask one that was not ready for something like that to go ahead and do that?

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm

huggins to the readers






04:03 Apr 26 2009
Times Read: 658

On the journey of a spiritual nature one comes and goes thru many secrets and paths. My friend Smitty did that and was literally inducted into a group of omg wtf religion was this..

It is a bit of the necronomicon, black dragon, then add hebrew and voodoo and black magic and oh mind control and pyschic war fare and star wars. Yes science fiction is in religion a mix of all these faiths into one and then they name it a amenra group??

She knew his mind was willing but he was weak in stability. She worked him like a toy and literally my friend is recovering from this mess.

I am not a happy camper and what I am going to do about it send it to everyone I know and let them pray over her in a healing way.

Starting with my Jesus loving friends to get the occult out of her to pruge her old ways and make her a child of light. If that dont kill her something else will weg...

Hell hath no fury like me. Hell does want me for I might take over and heaven is beautiful and all but my best work is done here.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to all those people in the world with a they have had a friend like this let them know Jesus can heal it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. That will scare the bejesus out of anymagick user of his kind. Keep away from people who stalk you and want you and know you are powerful. For with great power there is always a price. His was almost his life.

taps claws on floor






03:48 Apr 25 2009
Times Read: 666

So my day started with screeching like a girlie to a huge freakin palmetto bug that was in my bathroom. I meditated for two hours for it ruined my calm, got on line checked emails and then went to work..

So we have employee apprieciation day and lo and behold and they give us cards which was nice but I had to get the ugliest colored green neon card and it had pokadots on this where everyone else got flowers...

I was abit miffed at that for I was like I am not a 1950's child damn it...

So we had a health fair today at work and I had to share this. They were testing blood and bloodpressure and stuff.. LOL I am a big beautiful woman now not like I used to be and I dont mind that. But when a person pricks your finger and says wow you are a good bleeder what do you say to that? I said why thank you and laughed it off to nothing more then she has never seen that before.

Then I was told over all for my weight I am in mint condtion. I was like okay how odd is that for someone like me? She said very odd. I looked and smiled that would be me ODD. lol

So Marilyn and I were discussing arrangements for a wedding in FL and now it has been moved to NY. Blinks okay I am okay with that :) I grew up there but she had a look in her eyes like we are going to do it right. I looked at her and did the uhhh okay . How am I getting my wedding party up there???

She said if we have to get a huge bus and bus them up we will. I looked at her like woman you are really slaying me here a road trip before a wedding???? wow she got cheeky on me...

Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyy got a picture of Jason and well his hair is pulled back so he looks kind of bald but he isnt. :) snickers he has more hair then I do on my head!

Then people at work were asking who he was. I smiled and said my other half.a picture to make me smile at work is always a good thing.

So when I see him next I am going to get his hair down and not tied up lol

(shakes head)

He does not care if I have pcos. He does not care that I am positive for cancer. He still loves me for me which is sincerely weird for I told him thinking he would run and he was like you are not going to die and you are going to be fine. I was like ok.. Smiles

I was trying to give him an out and not even his mother know about that. For she has enough to worry about.

So that was my day my fearless readers

meows and purrs






00:58 Apr 24 2009
Times Read: 675

Drama in my world is um more then usual


I have Pcos which turned to cervical cancer they found a tumor and well I am getting a second opinion on may 8th.

Got new glasses going to have to get a picture of that. For they are different and I like them alot since they have sunglasses woohoo no more sunnnnnnnnnnnnn way too early in the morning..


Jason my heart is going thru some hell and well some grow all at the same time. He went to Italy and met his other family whom all are aware that he is alive and the others are too. He is a newly awakened vampire and well his family had no clue he nor his mother was alive nor the others. & children his mother had. So his younger brother gets stopped and stalked by others asking where his mother was. Needless to say their is a war in Italy I am not prepared for less alone understanding fully how I got involved in his world. We met in spirit not phyiscally but he can feel me and I can feel him.

He asked to take his child to Italy as they all did and the four sons got groomed.

I am supposed to get groomed in the summer time. ::Blinks::: uhhhhh me in a dress? me do what? Get fitted for clothes for clothing stores arent in style? nor are shoes? UH ummm ::tilts head:: I feel like I am in a really bad vampire princess movie..

The mother is a dear friend but you cannot say hey you are old and vampire like to a vampire so she had awoken and now calls me the daughter in law..

She asked if I had a passport and well lol I dont. I have to get my birth certificate and such and then apply for one. ewwwwwww. lol ( me in a dress that is unheard of..)

But hey I get to fence, learn waltzing, and archery and such so it is um all good I think. :S

She said daughter inlaw and princess. I said excuse me??? Do you see a ring on this finger???

NOPE. She said that can change :)

She plans to marry us here in Fl and then again Italy. uhhhhh okay. That is bizarre..

But neat..

Work is the weirdest for everyone is hooked on twiter and well I am not and I am glad I am not they talk alot about me and well I have come to the conclusion to shut up and do my work. Unless a question is needed. I am fine with that. It is a Job and I am not in need of friends they are highschool or kindergarden like. I just dont Blend never WILL.

Since I don't like to gossip and I say it like it is..

eh life

Spiritually I am draw to re studying my roots of India gods and goddesses and weirdly christian at times.

Depends on the mood and need. Weirdly they blend and I am okay with that...

My God loves me for me and I know that as my Goddess does. It is just to better the faith I caring in my heart.

So this is all for now readers

purrs and goodnight all







01:00 Apr 15 2009
Times Read: 695


Attention everyone be aware this man like

all his old accounts











The newest one


His name is David Moore or Dave Moore.

He claims to be pagan and or wiccan, does not have a phone number, nor address but lives in IOWA. He recently stalked one of my coven mates so fyi to all that are protective of their coven and household mates.

He looks like







21:12 Apr 11 2009
Times Read: 710

I learned a new species of succbus and would love to share with everyone. This being

XTCraver had another account claiming she loved and missed my brother Emmett. So she created an account and made it perfect and then asked to be traded for she wanted to be with our coven. Then deleted it.

Shyla not only is a child of Aset and giving their coven a very bad name she lacks the respect and character of a vampire less alone a succbus.

So if you take this fun sucker into your coven Shyla is not worthy of it.

I was just warning people that if you chose her in your coven she is not worthy of it nor is she what she seems. She also is not worthy of VR but that is only one mere opinion.

Now life in general for my readers who are worthy.

My life has been complex and very unique. I have had many journeys in my life and none such the one I m experiencing now.

Jason my heart, my world, my King worthy of my heart is in Italy learning that he has chosen his Queen well. I made him laugh and smile .

Papa Joe is the leader of a clan of pure vampires and sincerely charming but also has his harsh

wanted me to come to Italy. I told him not in a demanding way what I would need so I can visit and be groomed. For their coven is old and sincerely deep and passionate. For my vampire lines are different then his and I have royality in my blood but enjoy my humanity I said I would work off the money for this journey and he had a cow.

He was like serious pissed and insulted. Jason as of recently has been in the grooming stage and well he has been hit hard on so many ways and levels for he did not grow up in it . So accepting it and becoming who he is has been hard. Jason and his brother Bernard were like damn lets spice it up Tara's demand list. So at my expense lol Jason was like yep that is my Queen she is sincerely stubborn and has the streak of true bitch ( beautiful intelligent talented and creates havoc (sometimes not knowing) So he has been laughing all day and night . I am glad he has an understanding that I wont take shit from him even if he is a leader with great power.

I am a feline I dont like being cornered

sharpens claws


licks and purrs to my readers




23:27 Apr 11 2009

No wonder I like you , you go Girl, I,ll cover your tail and get her if she tries to bite you in the back.,,,Flapps wings and cleans claws.

04:00 Apr 12 2009

And if Strixx doesn't get her I'll rip her to shreds.



21:38 Apr 05 2009
Times Read: 720

Well alot has gone on since last I wrote .

I slept friday away somehow 12 hours worth. Saturday I caught up on my cleaning stage of life and then today I did a meditation for enhancing my reiki and I awoke up burning up even though there was a/c .

I have not down it in awhile so it took three hours but man I feel relaxed and alive and well peaceful.

I watched Dezzy for most of the day on friday before I was so ready for sleep.

She asked alot of questions and she was forth right about them so I was back on them to her and she likes that I see. Her family shelters her from alot for she is the baby of the family but she knew about Jason and I three months ago.

of me and him dating and knowing something is serious. Dezzy thought it was cool. She loves her big brother and she loves me and she sees nothing with it.

I told her the truth of what happened and she was fine with that too. She was amazed about how they, the family just did not just tell her the truth. She can handle it and sees I care for her brother alot.

She knows how to probe so why even try to lie to her I thought. It worked well to me. She is 13 years old. So I think she can take it. Her mom did not say anything about Jason and I for she thought she would get upset. She actually likes that thought that we may end up marrying eachother and lol she is even into that whole thought pattern. Why I am not even sure.

But hey she is fine with us so I am good with that.

Other then that the family wants me to go to Italy and I am abit like um why?

I need the string attached before I can even think about that.

yes weird huh?

An American going over to italy for the sheer fact most of them are moving over there. Jason told his uncle that if I am to move he has to move my animals and me over there and pay for everything.

I was like damn where the freak does he freakin think I am going???? The I was told about his uncles books and I was like meowy okay you got my interest. 30 years worth of occult books:)

older editions and such :)

So I said okay to it when ever it is just let me know. six months from now I may be in Italy. Me? lol


Rolls on tummy




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