I found this funny.
On 02:47:14 Jul 19 2010 (-0 GMT) Satyricon wrote:
If I am not un blinded by aug 21 then I am gone,. You know while several people have talked to u about me several have talked to me about you saying your loosing your touvh and u have had the position too long and yeah and these are people that have been on here for longer than I have just thought you may want to know and again I cant say who they are I am afraid
On 02:44:58 Jul 19 2010 (-0 GMT) radu wrote:
Then you will be mad
On 02:39:12 Jul 19 2010 (-0 GMT) Satyricon wrote:
If I am stuck blinded I wont be a happy camper with you
The dumb ass award for today goes to .
Her kismet says if you visit his page and do not rate him he will rate you a one. Well I had rated her a long time and he still rates me a one. Well I think my one hurt a lot more .
Well damn Radu you are the Top Dog of course we all know you can shatter ratings with one push of a button, that is your SuperPower lol
Here is the link to one of the dumbest people I have talked to on VR in a long time.
OHHH WOW .... and I was thinking it was one of your dumb ass friends! lol
Wow it had to take all your brain power to come up with that one. You better sit down for a bit now.
LMAO. Well Bro, he is right though in a way...although the close friends we speak to aren't stupid there are a few dumb asses we have had to associate and deal with, lmao. But then again, half this site is dumb as a box of shit.
This site isn't a dating site. It is not a place to pick up "slaves" and "submissives" and those that use it as this type of place need to have a steel pike shoved up their ass the way Vlad the Impaler used to do to his victims.
Wtf is with people.
I went to the profile just to see the comment you left when you rated her, but it said it was blocked by her... Must have been a really good one, lol...
No was not good at all. Here is what I said.
"Not a dating site."
I'll have to remeber this profile for when I need a good laugh
what? for real? vr is not for dating and capturing slaves and tie up Master/mistresses....
darn! I got to re read the vr manual then!
ok, sorry got lost somewhere in the twilight zone lol
back to reality hehehe
03:01 Jul 19 2010
Don't worry about some silly little bitch who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. She is showing her stupidity anyways threatening to self delete a premium profile to begin with and waste money. Secondly, she should be glad that Daire does not deal with Purgatory or she could end up burning with the rest in there until she hits Sire.
And she would be miserable there, trust me.
03:02 Jul 19 2010
Radu doesn't give a flying rat's ASS who they are first of all. Secondly, you are blinded for a reason....... deal with it. If you self delete it won't be any skin off anyone's teeth or ass - NO ONE CARES!!!
Third - - The only touch he is losing is bashing your face in.
Have a nice night.
03:50 Jul 19 2010
Radu is on of the best things to happen to VR - and has the position because of his patience..and his "touch". He, like many of us, cannot be intimidated or swayed with childish threats. You don't like it here, or the consequences of your actions - suck it up or self delete.
Breathe in - breathe out - and shut the hell up.
03:57 Jul 19 2010
OK this is just too funny How can anyone over throw you or anything else when you earned your place from Cancer only he can remove you from it , Why should you care if people talk about you hell, People on VR talk about everyone , its just a everyday thing.So Girly Dream on Radu has too many people who like him Besides please learn to spell before you threaten someone it might be more effective because Loosing is LOSING and Touvh is TOUCH ,GHEE BUY you books send you to school and what do you do ... EAT the Teacher.
04:01 Jul 19 2010
Damn LKD Get out of my head, lmao! Read the comment I left her a few hours on her profile, you almost quoted word for word my comment!
04:20 Jul 19 2010
yeah..... ok, moves on lol
06:10 Jul 19 2010
Don't you feel that special people think so highly of you? To bad I can't tell you who.. I really want to live in that world where I don't have to follow the rules. Btw does anyone else get those real dumb ones that threaten to fly out and kick you ass? If so has any of them ever actually shown up?
06:19 Aug 14 2010
it is so lovely when people can't back what they put forth
oh well, its vr what can we expect hehehe
19:29 Aug 02 2011
This stuff is too funny...people are so serious