Heaven forbid that I may allow myself to feel love
I don't want to lose you
I need your strength
and I will try to be strong for you
I will try but it takes time
to forsake the past
so that I may grasp the future
and when you hold me
I feel as though we are one
and that you would never hurt me
because I won't let you
I can't let you this time
Next time
I won't disappoint
I'll be the woman I want to be
I will be strong
and I will be free to be me
with you
I'm going to say this
I love you
I LOVE you
I've done everything I can, and it's not up to me anymore. I put in the hours, I did the work, endless, timeless love poured into two growing souls. It's time to plead my sacrifice and hand it over. Is it good enough? I don't know. All energy has ceased, all anxious feelings have vanquished. The tears have stopped, the panic is broken. Determination sets in; time to show what I've got to offer. Prove that I'm good enough. I'm not the dangerous one. Nothing can make someone so strong as the role of a protector; and nobody knows protection without love.
The intuition of a black horse
I walk in the sunset
facing forward
head down.
Check out the ground.
Face the dirt
right in the eye
"I walk all over you and yet I worship you"
Mother Earth
and beings of all creation.
Listen to me
stay strong
and beat with the drum
We will get over this confusion
and we will understand
as a being
as one.
One mind
one soul.
bring it together and come out so fucking strong
and spit failure straight in the face.
Turn our backs on what we once were.
the time has come
to reconcile
with mother earth
whom we once defiled.
The hippies couldn't do it.
The ravers are still trying.
Handcuffed to a tree
and still you take her away from me.
My oxygen.
my LIFE.
One day we awaken
and can't breathe.
It will never happen.
Not in this generation
Nor my childrens'
We will come out stronger than ever
and we will tell failure to fuck off
and die.
Just like Hitler.
and Hussein.
This is world war three mother fucker.
and this time, we are gonna win.