ok now this may b the same to everyone here but when someone replies to a message that says how are you with you a skank and a bitch then you tent to get pissed of. so im talkin to ppl like i do all the time and this asshole "kuroiryu" calls me a skank so i told him get get fucked and blocked him which i think a lot a ppl would do. then he gets one of his lil friends "kittena" to tell me not to b mean to her M'lord or she will curse my family for eon to come. that pissed me off alot. so his a question why to everyone? why do some ppl that are on higher levels think they can say what ever they want and get away with it?????????? really wat is wrong with some ppl
they need to get the hell over them selfs just bcoz there on higher levels does mean in the real world that there good. they could b LOSERS! i no that kuroiryu and his lap dog kittena are LOSERS and this is me being very very nice