Why do I do the things I do?
Why do you do the things you do?
Why do we do wrong things to each other?
Why do we not do the right things?
Why can;t I do anything right?
Why can't things just be alright?
Why can't you see what you do to me?
Why can't I stop doing what I do?
Why can't you stop running back?
Why are we never happy anymore?
Why can't you see what you really have?
Why is it that i'm not good enough for you?
Why are you the best thing I know?
Why am I under your spell?
Why can't we just be happy together?
Why ?
Why can't we just get along?
Why do we cause each other pain?
Why do we not try to please one another?
Why do you say I love you?
Why do I say I love you?
Why must it be this way?
Why is she not here with me?
Why am I not there with her?
Why? Why? Why?
Why do we always want what we
can't have?
Maybe we want too much, NOT!
We all want things
Want , want , want.
Some will get thier wants
Some won't
What we want isn't always what we get.
And what we get isn't always what we want
So don't want things you can't have
cause you'll get that , that you don't want
Friends U Can Keep
So fuck me forever
fuckin aye!
FUCK yeah lolz sweetness
Sometimes strength comes in numbers,
Sometimes strength can be personal.
It has many forms that reveal themselves
to us when we need them
Sometimes we think of strength as being
strong,maybe even muscular,
This is an outward appearance of the human body that we associate with this word
Strength comes from within us,
Inner strength is what guides us when we
are at our weakest points,
Some would take kindness as a weakness,
Some will take respect as a weaness also
Respect and kindness towards others is
an Inner strength
Thats only my opinion though,others might
dissagree with me
Some will draw thier strength from our
Strength is found within us all of us
Inner strength is all we need to over come
anything that is put upon us.
Take a look inside yourself and you will
find it.
Its always been there, and always will be.
Find it and use it to overcome all your weaknesses.
So be strong,
Mind, Body and Spirit
I love this one! I love the way you think. You make much sense to me.
Masterbation is like Procrastination,
It feels good at the time
but thenyou sit back and realize,
I just fucked myself!
LOL...... Wicked. ;)
looks like youre fucked
Love that thought lol