It really shows how you cannot trust anyone but your own self. And dont belive any bullshit any person tries to feed you. Cause it is just bullshit. nothing more or less. just bullshit mouth runners who wanna make you feel like the bad guy when your point is just proven right before your eyes.
fuck the world. i cant wait till its just the plants and animals who accually just live simple lives again. they are the only good things on this earth anymore and man still continues to destroy them. and i cant wait for a revolt.. ohh i cannot wait soon enough!
So you just got back from vacation and you forgot to water your plants before you left. now they are all welting and dried up. Before you dismiss them as dead, try some simple tricks to restore its health
First, your plant needs the be rehydrated.
water it till the soil is nice and moist but not too much where it become muddy or waters over flowing, this could drown the plant.
next sit it accordingly to its habitat. if its a plant that uses sunlight put it in direct sun
if its an indoor plant try to keep it away from any windows that could over heat it.
after a day of rehabilitating you can then determine which leaves and stems are not going to come back. if its a stem break it off half an inch below the damaged part. if its a dead leaf just pull the whole leaf out. if the whole leaf is not dead, let it be, the leaf is still useful for the plant.
keep a close eye to your plant and be sure to keep the soil moist. after a week you should see a great increase in its health and livelihood. if you dont, maybe you just dont have a green thumb
Thanks, Ivy. That is really good advice. After all, the plants are the life blood and force of this planet! Or Plan-ET.
That is really great advice i will have to keep a close eye on all of my plants thanks for the tips.
06:37 Jun 23 2010
I am with you on that one Ms. Ivy! And it's also time for a new Adam/Atom & Eve/Evil/Evol!!!
11:57 Jun 26 2010
Oh.....How true indeed.