Time for a rant dearies....
Why is it that younger people use turn signals as decorations and the elderly use them like a strobe light.
Why is it that when I feel like watching a movie in peace some MORON sits behind me and asks stupid questions the whole time.
Why do parents take their kids to movies at 10pm and get mad when I tell them to shut that kid up(dude it's adult time rugrats should be with a babysitter geeze)
If there are so many "psychics" in the world WHY haven't they played the lottery yet.
Why is is that whenever I wear white or black I become a dirt magnet(I mean seriously did the dog REALLY have to say hi that bad after running through the friken mud)
Why is it when you dress up and feel good about what you have on a friend says something crazy to ruin the mood
Who is the person with the jacked up sense of humor to have the hotdogs and hotdog buns uneven.
and this one happened to Me today.........
Why is it when you go to a fast food place and they mess up your order they want to cop an attitude(look you cow clean out your ears,wipe that frown off your friken face and take the damn onions off my burger,it's not My problem you took this job)
*deep breath in ........and out*
ok I'm good ok ya'll I'll be coming back with some more thoughts later on...ya'll come back now ya hear