Ok it's official i'm a wierdo magnet....
This mess is happening to often for me no to think so ,case in pointlast week i was mowing my lawn and out of the blue this dude stops and "claims" he does lwans(like i gave a shit i was already doin my own)ANywho he tries to strike up a convo with me wich results in a business card and a"you can cll just to say hi if you want"of course i let my dogs destroy it..
Ok case number 2
Today i'm gettin ready to go have early b-day drink with a married couple of mine and i hear this honk outside my door,i ignore it cuz i just KNOW anyone who knows me calls before they drop by or they get cussed the fuck out.So i hear it again...now i'm gettin pissed but thinkin ok maybe they got the wriong house cuz ther IS a 312 Wilson.Anywho my doorbell rings and i'm ready to gut a bitch now so i answer the door.....
needless to say some MAN is at the door and the convo goes somethin like this
Me:Uh huh(through my glass door)
Him:Uh hi i just wanted to say hi.I work up at Camp Robinson and i saw you the other day on your porch,i thought you were beautiful and wanted to say hi."
Me:uh huh....well i'm about to leave and when did you see me on my porch?!?
Me: well you know i have a son and two dogs then(by this time the huskie comes up)
him:Oh well i just wanted to see if i could get to know you or maybe take you out to dinner sometime.
Me:I got to many things to do to be goin anywhere(gettin obviously irritated)
Him:Well if you ever get a free moment(shows a card and i open the door annoyingly,take it then close it)
Him:So i can't have yours
Me: no i got yours i'll call you(even though it's already in the mouth of the huskie and she's gone)
Him:Well my name is Jerry
Me:uh huh...Angel...look i'm late
Him:Ok well i don't wanna keep ya
Me:K(slam the door)