in this place this circle round
I consecrate this sacred ground
with golden Fire this place surround
a power here~contained & bound.
From Air~Things of the mind
From Fire~Things that motivate
From Water~The soul is refined
From Earth~Things that manifest.
And yet no place or time there be
between the worlds ~my words & me
welcome the Ancient One~come & see
this place now sealed.
(AIR)Oh Great Guardien of the winds Sairys (Sair-iss) Ruler of the Eastern
Dwragons.I call upon your intelligence & power.Grant me the grace of lifting flight & the ferocity of Spring storms. Help me see into the mysteries hidden in the sky & caress softly the treasures hidden from this world. Fly silently in the currents of my breath & come forth to lift your head & unleash Heavens winds. Now comes the power of Air. So Mote It Be!
(FIRE)Oh Great Guardian of the heart Fafnir (Far-near) Ruler of the Southern
Dragons. I call upon your passion & speed Grant me the wildness of Dancing Flames & the Flowing Heat of molten stone. Help me see deep into the mysteries hidden in the Fire & Flicker brightly on the treasures offered by this world. Curl within the Forge of my heart & come forth to lift your head & breath the purfying Flame agienst the Darkness. Now comes the power of Fire. So Mote It Be!
(WATER)Oh Great Guardian of all that Flows Naelyan (nail-yan) Ruler of the
Western Dragons. I call upon your wisdom & Grace. Grant me the wisdom of leaping streams & the slow strength of the rivers. Help me see into the mysteries hidden in the Water & hold deeply within the treasures offered by this world. Swim gently in the ocean of my heart & come forth to lift your head & unleash the waterfalls Roar. Now comes the power of Water. So Mote It Be!
(EARTH)Oh Great Guardian of the Land Grael (Grail) Ruler of the Northern
Dragons. I call upon your powers & strength. Grant me the nobility of clouded peaks & the vision to hunt the lowest valleys help me see deep into the mysteries hidden in the Earth & hold fast the treasures hidden from this world curl within the cavern of my heart & lift your head & come forth to let loose creations roar. Now comes forth the power of Earth. So Mote It Be!
Arise O breath of Dragon; fill this land with goodness;
Bless me & mine with your positive energies & repel all
Those who wish us harm in any form;I welcome all Dragons who
come to this place of power;may we work in harmony & in love
my this sacred spot become a haven for centeredness;A refuge
that revitalizes;a door that leads to other worldly knowledge;
my your power become one with mine(Neel & touch the ground
with palm of your power hand.)That I,my famiy, my community,
my country,my world;may become whole & healthy again.
Dragon of the heart;Dragon of the soul
grant me the power of ancient & old.
Protect me from those who wish me I'll will,
Those who would harm me,those who would kill,
protect this life which you hold so dear
keep me from harm~both far & neat.
Dragon of the heart~ Dragon of the soul.
Teach me the wisdom of ancient & old
let it harm none~whose hearts are true.
May the magick flow in both me & you
our bond is strong as our bond is old.
(EART)Hail Grael (Grail) we think you for your aid in our rite, return to your
realm now if you must or stay if you will. Hail & Fare Thee Well!
(WATER)Hail Naelyan (Nail-yan) we think you for your aid in our rite, return to your realm now if you must or stay if you will. Hail & Fare Thee Well!
(FIRE)Hail Fafnir (Far-near) we think you for your aid in our rite, return to your
realm now if you must or stay if you will. Hail & Fare Thee Well!
(AIR)Hail Sairys (Sair-iss) we think you for your aid to our rite, return to your
realm now if you must or stay if you will. Hail & Fare Thee Wel