Hi all! It is really cold today :( I've forgotten my jacket! But I will be at work today so at least I can stay warm!
I thought I'd ask, anyone want to follow me on Instagram? I'm trying to post more art online since now art is my full time job
Stay warm everyone! - xoxo
I've found work at this art shop so I might be gone for the Month (I'm saving up for Christmas money!) :D I'll try to be more active in 2023
I've made so many new friends at my job and life is just going really well! Not to mention I've lost more weight! Im feeling so confident!
But enough of that, what about you? Anything happened while I was away? Spill all the juicy Goss, let's talk about it!
Wishing you a well week, from your Dear Othelia xx
Well I'm glad to be here! Please all be kind, I'm new and still figuring the site
Introduction, hi I'm Zoë! Me, I am 24 I work as a freelance artist and author part time.
I love vampires, whether it be fictional ones (except for twilight) or real vampires I support you all !
I've been working on a book about vampires I also write books of horror, occultism, psychological, etc, feed back is always welcome and for my fellow writers I'd love to get to know you!
What else is there to say? I'm friendly and I wish for myself to make new friends! my messages are open for whose whom would like to chat
I might not be active 100% of the time but I'll try my best! If that's the case we can always chat on Instagram where I sometimes post stuff!
Pleasure meeting you all, talk later maybe ? :)
16:19 Nov 18 2022
ah that sucks yeah, I use to half to walk in the snow 4 miles there every day because I can't afford a car so yeah even with a jacket lol it was still freezing