We were two complete strangers
Wandering around in school
One day we happened to meet
From that moment on
The look in your eyes
Never ceased to amaze me
It was the look of love
But, what’s true love, I ask
Well, I thought I once knew
But, that love went blue and was lost
So, is this one here to stay
Or will I lose it too
Everything that has happened
I seemed to screw it up
This love doesn’t have to be this way
What’s love when your afraid
Can’t I get over this fear
That haunts me in my sleep
I want to so badly
I wake up in the night
Crying like a baby
Not knowing which way to turn
Do I turn to him
Or just lock the love in a box
And throw away the key
My life was revolved around him
And from what I see
It still does
I can’t move on
That’s why I keep saying
I want to go back to where
We were complete strangers
And make this all possible again
Maybe this time I won’t get hurt
This time I’ll love endlessly
Without guilt or pain
Maybe my life won’t be completely destroyed
By one living thought
Guilt or love?
In the bottom of my heart
I feel a strain
And it’s just a sharp pain
When ever this occurs
You are on my mind
And I am thinking about what I’ve done
But, you love me anywaz
Why is this I say
Well, honestly I’m not quite suremyself
When I look to you for the answer
Your not there
Is it becuz I pushed you away
Or did you go away yourself
The question still remains
Why does someone love me
What about me is there to love
When I open my eyes your there
It’s like one big constant stare
Your love is there for me to hold
Even though sometimes it may be cold
No matter what I do
I’m still in love with you
Poem # 3 : The Biggest Mystery
Life is a mystery
Everyday we get a little deeper
Whether we realize it or not
Every move we make
Reflects us in some way
No matter how hard we try to fight life
Its still there
Its never going anywhere
So, whats the point to try to go against it?
There’s no reason at all
Just go along with what is here
And make the best from that
And we will all live a happier life
Written by : Misty Stanton
Poem # 1: life
Without a meaning
There is just no use
Everything has a point or reason to be
So no one could really be stuck or confused
It’s just a matter of opinion
Some things in life could be lost or
Just was never there
But, life is better when we have someone to share it with
Sometimes the person that you have
Not everybody agrees with
I don’t see the problem
Just as long as you both love each other
Having that relationship can be hard
If the people who disapprove are close to you
As in you see them everyday
But, if you think that it is worth it
Well, follow your heart and feelings
Not everyone is right, but not everyone is wrong either
Our opinions matter
Follow your heart
And the world would be a much better place
Written by: Misty Stanton