My dearest child
Listen to thy sire
Listen to the call of the night so wild
That you may come to know of my desires
I listen, dearest father
To thy clarion call
What storm must we now weather
All for one, and one for all
My dearest child
Thy father beckons
Now listen, my sweet
For thy father's heart is forlorn
What tears thy heart
My dear Father
Speak for thy servant listens
Awaiting thy call
You who possess a thread of my being
A child who is my progeny
You were born of blood
And so to dust you are not returning
Dearest father
You who gave to me
The blood of darkness
And the gift of immortality
Listen now my willful child
Thy father speaks
In the language of the night
Listen for now you shall be wild
Father, I have one thing left to say
I love you father
I love thee
As bright as the sun in the day
This I know, my eternal child
For your father loves you too
And now let us go
A meal awaits, only for us two
Look into my eyes
Shining and smoldering
As cold as ice
For I am the darkness
He who envelops you with death
Look into my eyes
I am the reflection of darkness
I know in my unbeating heart
One day you shall be mine
Allow me to drink of your essence
To taste your sweet wine
One bite of your soul
And you shall be mine
I shall be your father
You my willful child
We shall walk the night together
Upon others we shall dine
Do you not see
I am the Prince of Night Eternal
And you my faithful liege
Did I not tell you once before