nightstalkervamp's Journal
5 entries this month
08:45 Apr 24 2005
Times Read: 679
went out last night with some people from work and all i have to say is never again, i knew i didnt like going out to pubs and all that but i thought i might just aswell cause it wud get me out the house, i dont dance unless im out my head and i wasnt last night but they asked all night long one no was not enough, plus the fact that i cant stand loads of people around me.
but nevermind, paintballing next sunday so im looking forward to that.
no title again
08:13 Apr 14 2005
Times Read: 681
Its been a good week so far and the rest will be great to i think, god bout time, i got off the line.
They put me in the press shop, totally by myself and sucluded from everyone else, only my own voice and thoughts, its noisy down there but who cares i got ear protectors.
Another thing guess who got in contact with me the weekend, my ex the one who said that she never considered me a friend, now she is saying she wants to be friends, lol BULLSHIT, the only reason she texted and called for was to tell me another problem yet again, since telling me it she aint text me or anything, u think that friends wud at least text to say hi, but nothing so fuck her she aint my friend, she just wants someone to talk bout her problems, thats what couselers are for. I would not mind so much but thats the only reason she ever gets in contact with me for just to talk bout her problems.
about to explode
19:34 Apr 11 2005
Times Read: 686
u know that feeling when ur blood starts to boil and ur rage becomes unbarable and u just want to shout and scream ur head off and if thats not enough just take a knife and push it deep inside u, well thats how i felt today, i could not relax or anything, i felt the anger building up inside me i just wanted to throw what i was doin in work and start trashing the place, but i didnt and whats funny is i dont even know what triggered it.
good news
21:59 Apr 05 2005
Times Read: 688
well this week has been going really bad so far ive been falling asleep nearly in work, its been that boring.
but today i found out they are doing paintballing in may so im there im giving my money this week and im there, just got to strip my gun down and oil it, then i got to test fire it to make sure its in working order all that i got to do is refill my gas bottle and im away.
on top of that i got invited out for a meal and drinks with the people on my line so its not that bad, well even though i might not like them, some of them are ok i suppose so might aswell go out for one night with them all, should be fun, i think lol.
no title
19:19 Apr 01 2005
Times Read: 692
Well even though its only been a 3 day working week, its been so boring that if i had a pillow then i could have gone to sleep i have never yawned so much it was unbelivable, kept myself to myself, not much else happened really, the woman were not gossiping much and if they were i didnt hear which was a big relief.
the thing i hate is the way they keep telling me to smile, ill smile if i want to and thats it.
so it was another fun week in work, now im going to sleep most of the weekend and just relax and try and get back to my peacful state i was in before wednesday started.
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