I was looking in the mirror at myself wondering whats in store for me, so many questions I would ask god if he could answer...Dont get me wrong I love my life and all who is in it, but there are somethings I dont wanna wait to find out ya know? like will my book sell? will my son growup strong and loving? will I myself one day become a grandmother....*shrugs* I guess I will have to wait and see ;)
I m very happy these days although stress is a must, I am doing well for myself and my family...damien cut his hair and is working now wow...I am going to be going to collage and writing a book soon I am so amped to succseed. its funny how a child can change your way of thinking, they make you want to be better even if its not just for yourself , I love my little boy more than anything in the world! he even sleeps in my bed with me :) dont worry he is strong enough to hold his head up and holler but he hasnt had to yet lol he loves spongebob and bonanza :p oh and frogs lol he thinks those are funny
well catch ya later
03:26 Mar 11 2010
book?please tell
everyone does loves
but what is life if it doesnt have surprises here and there