The wind is invigorating & free, refrshing & nourishing in a way. It can cool or even calm you down. The winds of time are excruciatingly frighteneing however. and the upcomeing birthday of mine is remiding me I'm growind up, & that freaks me out.
there comes a time when one must go forth and become what she is born to be. For me this time is soon, very soon... lol, ok that was fun to get all cryptic... It's my birthday soon. 3 days to be exact, then I'll be 150 years old. (15, that's kindof a running joke... )
~it's your birthday
happy birthday
flickring birthday candles wave
one year closer to your grave
happy birthday
it's your birtday~
-the mortuary birthday song
by: my dad
I can't stand the way I look, despite how pretty everyone tells me I am. I weigh 175 or so at an age where 140 is high/average. There's no way that's attractive... I will not allow myself to eat until I look good, even if it kills me. I'm tired of only 50-old men and dykes hitting on me. I'm tired of every guy I show interest in scoffing at my lunacy & going to one of my friends or family members. I'm tired of being repulsed by myself. I tired, just tired, & I'll make a change.