I have been feeling down in the dumps lately, I've been missing my childern,around this time of year it gets depressing for me, being the holidays and all. The only thing that's keeping me going is that I have friends on VR. that I can talk with. I know that I will get over this soon. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
You left me all alone in this world without so much as a good bye. How can you face yourself every morning when you look in the mirror? It was not easy growing up without you to guide me and show me the way. Why oh why did you leave me Mother, why did you have to go away when you did. I will never forgive you for what you did. You will never be able to come into my life again no matter how much you want to, no matter how much you beg me to let you back into my life. I hope you understand just how much you've hurt your little girl. For you will have to live with this for the rest of your life. I hope that anyone who reads this will never have to go through life without having their mother around to guide and protect them.
I am so happy and excited that I finaly am going to be a full vampire. I have waited to long for a vampire to come along and offer to embrace me again. All I can do is think of the moment when I awake as a full vampire. Currently I am only a half vampire, the last time a vampire wanted to embrace me it was in the late 1800's. That's why I am so excited. It has been very hard for me to go through life living this way. I hope that no one ever has to go through what I've been going through ever. I've been told that the vampire who wants to embrace me is very kind,loving, gental and caring. I am very blessed to have found someone like that.Please don't ever let a vampire embrace you who is not willing to be with you through the awakening! Let my words stay with you always and forever.
I just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me so far. Thank my lord Master K. for helping me with my profile and to his two lovely girls, thank you for excepting me as a friend. I don't know what I would've done without your friendship. I hope that you like what I've done to my profile, I think that I did pretty good. As always my love and blessings upon you all.
I am the proud mother of three beautiful boys. They are so special to me that I wouldn't give them up for all the riches in the world. They don't currently live with me, but hopfuly someday soon I will have them once again. It's hard being away from them, sometimes at night when I'm dreaming I see myself holding them once again in my arms, like they never went away. I know in my heart that they are safe and loved where thwy are living now. Please forgive me if my words get spelled wrong, it's so hard to think about them and not get emotional. I had a need to get some of the emotion I had built up out, so thank you for listening to me. Love and blessings to all who read this.
I'm feeling so much love from all the new friends that I have found here at vampire rave. All of you have made me feel so welcome and wanted. Not many people in my life have ever made me feel like this before. There are only a few people that I am real close to. I hope that I can become close with the friends that I have made here in the past few days. Let me finish by saying love and blessings to all my beautiful friends. May the dark forces that surround us keep and protect you all from harm.