I have finaly been given the precious gift of immortality by a very special friend. This person is someone who is very close to me, and who I know will never let any harm come to me. I have already experenced some of the abilities that this person has past on to me. I find that the "Thirst" as some of our kind might call it, has been at times hard for me to deal with. I will write more in here as I experence more of the things that will happen to me.
There are a few other things that have happened to me. I've noticed that I've become more sensitive to sunlight. I can only stay out in the sun for about 30 minutes at a time. My empathy abilities have become more hightened then before. When ever someone close to me is feeling sad, happy, angery or anyother type of emotion, even if I'm not around them I can feel what thier feeling only 2 or 3xs that. And my mood will also change. As I said before, I will write more in here as I experience more of the things that happen to me and if I think of anything else.
I have finally gotten all of my memory back from my past lives. I'm still discovering new things about my abilities, and I'm noticing that all of my senses are alot more sensetive then they used to be. My hearing, eyesite, and even how sensetive my body is when ever I'm being intimate with my sweetheart. Also I've noticed that I'm alot stronger then I used to be as well.
I will add more to this as more of my rebirth/awakening happens. I do have someone very special to me helping me through this, he is my soulmate, he goes by Irontail on here. I know that I would not be able to handle going through this if it wasn't for him being with me. All of my love and blessings upon each and every one of my friends on here and to any one else whom may ever cross my path.
I am feeling very pissed off today, because someone who I thought was a good friend of mine has started to say very bad things about me and I do not respect people who act like that. Who pretend to be your friend then turn around and spread lies about you behind your back. Nobody needs to have a friend like that around them ever. Let this be a warning to anyone who becomes friends with someone like that.
I am feeling very frustrated about what to do about my living situation. My oldman doesn't seem to understand that when you are in a relationship with some one you can't treat that person with disrespect, you can't control their lives and you can't treat them like they are a piece of dirt. I've always had the feeling that me and him were not ment to be togther. He says that he loves me, but he treats me like I'm his maid or that I'm not good enough to be loved or to be taken care of. Some times I wish that I had never met him, but then I wouldn't have my two youngest boys. All I am feeling is that I want to be on my own away from him, because all I ever feel when I'm around him is saddness and unloved. I'm never happy anymore when I'm around him. I always feel drained of energy. I can sence when ever he is coming home, and it always puts me in a bad mood. Even if I've been a good mood all day. I would really like to be able to get away from him, because I know my life would be alot better. I keep hoping and praying that I will find someone who will treat me the way I know I deserve to be treated.
Every day it seems like I am talking to a brick wall. Like he doesn't listen to me when I tell that we need things for us or things for our cats. Or like that I need minutes on my phone so that if something happens to me or someone around me, I can call for help. It seems like he doesn't care about me any more, not like he ues to. I feel so upset sometimes, that I just want to punch something or someone. I don't know what to do about him. Hopefuly one day I will find someone who will treat me the way I treat the person that I'm with. With love and affection. The way you are supposed to treat the person that you are with.
I'm so happy that my two best friends finally got married. They have been togther for 2 yrs. I told them that it was about time that finally did it. It was a small wedding, only family and close friends were there. It was such a beautiful ceremony, with the sunset in the background. They made their own vows to say to one another. I cried through the whole ceremony. They are so lucky to have found each other, to know that you have someone who will love you unconditionaly and who will excepte you for who you truly are.