I'm feeling tired because I keep telling my oldman that it's over between us and he doesn't seem to understand that. It pisses me off whenever he starts calling me "sweety" or "honey" or "baby". when he knows that I'm not in-love with him anymore. I wish that he would just get it through that thick skull of his and get on with his life. And let me get on with mine. I'm also getting tired of the very hot weather we've been having down here in the south. I'm so ready for fall and winter to be here. Other then that, I'm feeling good. All my love and blessings upon all my friends.
00:08 Aug 05 2011
yes is still hot here to not as hot as there but i am not use to all this hot wether we are getting here in chicago.
i do so like the winter as well as all the snow we get.