today.. i am in internal suspension.. its so boring its only 9:46.. anyway i got grounded yesterday for getting dropped from my history class so i wont be on fer the next 4 weeks!!! hm.. yea yesterday my day sucked... but i dont care. today its boring as fuck..g2g later
today is.. uh valentimes day. n i fucking hated it!! ah haha people like um... yea ya know. i always hate valentimes days.. but i always have to live with it.. if ppl have a boyfriend/girlfriend the are all over eachother or if they dont have a friend thats a girl or a boy.. then they act all depressed n shit.. its gay!!! i fucknig hate it. BUT all signs point UP i guess? =) lol..
"yer great looking!" lol kevin!!! ah haha. mmm hmmmm. my friend is trippin balls right about now. shes so god damn drunk!!
i woke up.. found out that my parents had left me at home to go to the damn mall.. so i stayed at home n played video games all fucking day. (its because i am grounded) so then.. my greatest friend kevin called me!!! i talked to him about the weirdest things.. lol. like my dog n my sisters.. oooh nevermind. =) so yea i am pretty much bored as fuck.. so um yea. ah haha. mmm hmmm. later
today my EX said that i look very beautiful today.. :) that made me happy.. n uh these two girls broke up n i happen to like one of them. but im not supposed to i guess..? n i tackled my friend in the hallway again today!! ah haha good times. anyway. my day was good i guess.. i got another referral n then i got a day of yea fuck n ima get more on monday.. i just know it. people these days holy shit..they wont fucknig stop!!! :( omg.!!!! thats why i dont like relashonships.. i always fuck them up. damn it.
wow... my day. hm i got 2 more super saturdays.. n 5 more referrals fer skipping damn it. i hate it when people tell me not to do something that i really want to do or i have to becasue well i dont pisses me off so fucking bad.. hm..FUCK!!!!!! so how was everybody elses day? :) i asked my best friend if she were bi would we date she said yes.. so thats a cool thing fer me.. um my friend did 4 lines of cocaine n couldnt breathe today n had to go to an ambulance!!! n uh i got asked out today by my friend!!! ah haha again. damn she just wont quit. i said yes though!!! ah im listening to slipknot right now... hm. n ah they are so fucking great!!!! god today i came to school stoned.. hm thats always fun too..well later!!
today.. uh i got in a fight.. some chcik got into my friends face so i pushed her n basically just started swingin..she tried to uh pull my hair? hm weird...but yes otherwise my day as ben going unpleasantly "friend" ron is a comin over so i guess it wont be that boring.
tRYINg tO coMMIt suICIde n NOt SUCeediNG IN dOIng So. dROWNinG iN thE baTH tuB..HANGInG frOM thE CIEliNG. nOT cRYINg oR thinKING aboUT WHAt yOUR doinG..WHILe YOur DOIng iT.. yoU DOnt acTUALLy cOMMIt sUICidE. YOU attEMPT it..YOu lOOk liKE A FREak fOR EVEn trYING TO kiLL YOUrsELF bECAUse yOu cOULDnt deaL wITH tHE paIN anD HURt aLL THOse fUCKERs caUSEd YOU. cRYINg waNTIng tO DIe. sCREAMIng At aLL THosE FUCKErs fOR MAKIng yOUR LIFe a LIVINg HELL. i WANt tO diE.
i fell in love with my friends weiner doggy yesterday. i just wanna eat is so fat and lazy as fuck. but she eats alot..its k my dog is she wins. anways me n her went to white hen yesterday n bugged the shit out of this guy that worked there...he gave us 2 boxes of condoms fer free...he wanted to know what we needed them for since we are both single.. but then again it doesnt matter. anyway. uh.. ttfn..ta TA for now!!!