As I sit here and look up into the night sky I lay back and wonder if I will ever see your seductive smile again. Its been fifty years since I've seen you, tasted you, felt you. This craving for your touch is almost painful. But at the same time I want to rip u apart. Make you bleed, make you scream into the night and let the moon and stars hear the pain u caused me that night. You took from me and yet gave to me as well. You took my Life and completely changed it. Took what was once warm and made it cold. Took the brightness of day and turned it to the darkness of the night. Took everything I had ever known and grown to love and cherish and turned it all upside down.
You also gave me this new outlook on this world, this dark realm of wonder. I see clearer now. I can hear the whispers of the wind telling me what directions and desisions to make. I can feel the textures, desires, and all the things that bring emotions on this new canvas. I've showed me pleasure no man could of ever even dreamed to give a woman. My dark maker come back to me.