mtsoul77's Journal

mtsoul77's Journal


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4 entries this month

A Proud Mother

01:56 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 675

I'm starting to see my older son take after me more and more. Little things mostly, little quirks that I have, I see in him also. Today, it was something big, something that really brought a smile to my face. He's got a knack for telling stories, and he enjoys it. I've written poetry since I was 5 (the first was very dumb, given my age, but still), and novel length stories since I was around 16. To see him enjoy doing something that I enjoy doing, it makes me proud.

At his school, they have to do journal writing exercises a few times a week. Sometimes they're given free reins, and can write about anything they want, but typically they're given a topic, or a sentence they have to start with. This week, one of his starters was "My teacher fainted when...." When I read what he came up with, I was impressed. Maybe it's just normal motherly doting, but I think it's good. And so VR, I will share with you his story...

My teacher fainted when the room filled with green smoke. We heard the window smash and saw a faint black figure. With a thud something hit the wall. When the smoke cleared, the ninja was gone...and so was our teacher. There was a ninja star in the wall with a note attached that simply said "Meet me at the Boston Hotel at 9."

That little story of his had me beaming from ear to ear. (Though I'm still trying to figure out where he came up with the Boston Hotel, since we've never even visited Boston...or anywhere in Massachusetts for that matter!) I know it's not spectacular by any means, but it's something. It's my 10 year old son showing interest in something. Something school related. And, considering the fact that he's 10 with a 6 year old brain because of the Cerebral Palsy, it's something big. Yeah....I'm damn proud of that story. :)




23:36 Jan 23 2009
Times Read: 687

I have a few pet peeves in life. Everyone does. Today, I had the oh-so-joyful experience of dealing with my biggest one. I walked across my front lawn to get the mail this afternoon, came back into the house, went to take my shoes off only to realize that I apparently stepped in a pile of dog crap. UGH! I hate stepping in dog crap in my own freaking yard!

We don't have a dog. Our neighbors that do are really good about keeping their dogs in their own yards. However, there is this one dog that roams around crapping in everyone's yard, and no one in the neighborhood knows who it belongs to. It's not a stray. It's healthy, clean, well fed and has a collar. But...it's never with an owner. It just runs around wherever it wants, whenever it wants. And it's a BIG freaking dog! I'd say it probably weighs in at at least 100 pounds.

Now, unexpected piles of dog crap aside (even though that does seriously bother me), we don't know if this dog is dangerous or not. One day, a month or so ago, my older son was going out to get the mail. He was standing at the edge of the yard, looking both ways before he crossed the street to the mailbox, and here comes this dog out of nowhere. It stands there, directly beside our mailbox, and starts barking at my son. Luckily, me being the paranoid parent that I am, I was standing in the front door watching him, so I told him to get back in the house. He turned and started to run, which I immediately corrected, knowing that was the worst thing to do. I had him turn back around and walk slowly backwards towards the house. All the while, the dog was crossing the street, almost as slowly as my son was walking, and it was still barking. Thankfully, my son had a shorter distance to go to get to the front door than the dog had to go to get to my son. Needless to say, as soon as my son got close enough, I grabbed his arm, yanked him inside, and slammed the door. Unfortunately, by the time I got out the phone book and looked up the number for animal control, the dog was long gone.

This was the only time we've had any kind of encounter with the dog. Normally we'll be inside and see it out the window, doing its business in our yard, or our neighbor's yard. As always, by the time I get the phone and start to dial animal control, the dog has disappeared.

I'm an animal lover. I especially love dogs, but after a year and a half of this dog running free, the boundaries have been pushed beyond an acceptable level. I now have the number for animal control posted on my refrigerator, and one of these days, this dog will be caught. I hate to do it, because I know it's not the dog's fault, but something needs to be done to get the owner to do what they're supposed to be doing.



23:40 Jan 23 2009


02:05 Jan 24 2009

WTF is with your comments Sassyrose? I'm starting to think you're just Copy & Paste happy. 3 entries, 3 strange, unrelated comments from you. If you're going to comment in my journal, please make it relevant. Thanks. :)


For those who care...

03:18 Jan 05 2009
Times Read: 702

Just had the power cord to my laptop die on me again, so I won't be around until I can get a new one. It'll probably be towards the end of the month, or later, before I'm able to get back on with any regularity. I'll try making weekly check-ins from the library, but there's no promise that I'll be able to access VR from their computers.

I don't understand how I can burn through power cords so fast. This is the third one that has stopped working in less than two years. I'm not doing anything to abuse them in any way.

If anyone has any advice on how to make them last longer, or what I might be doing wrong with them, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks. :)



23:41 Jan 23 2009



04:05 Jan 03 2009
Times Read: 714

Today is the day that I've been dreading for the last six and a half years. I wanted so badly for this day to just....never come I guess. I knew in the back of my mind that it would, but I still hoped.

My ex-husband was released from jail today. I guess I hoped that something would happen, some new evidence would come to light or something, and that they wouldn't let him out. Or that he'd slip on a bar of soap in the shower and crack his head open or break his neck, and they wouldn't find him until after it was too late.

I know that's horrible of me. I know I should feel bad about even thinking about it, but I just can't. He's a horrible person who doesn't have a right to live. He's stolen the innocence from 5 children that I know of, my oldest son included, and there may be more. I just can't find it in my heart to feel bad for wishing him dead.

And now my hope that moving to another state will make it impossible for him to find me has gone to crap. As I've just found out, all it takes is a quick search online, and there I am, address and all. How could I have been stupid enough to think that moving away from everything I know and love would prevent him from being able to find me? I should have changed our names. I should have done something...anything.

I know he'll come. I know it won't be tomorrow, or next week, probably not even next month, but he will come. Once they stop keeping a constant watch on him, he'll come. He vowed to make my life a living hell, and I have no doubt he'll follow through with that.

One of the stipulations of his release is that he has to find and maintain a job so that he can support his dependent children. I don't want his damn money. That's why I signed away all rights to support or alimony when we got divorced. Him paying support won't erase the damage he's done to my children. I don't want anything from him except for him to stay as far away from my sons and I as possible. Let us live as much of a normal life as we can. Him paying support isn't going to accomplish that. If anything, him paying support will only make him feel more entitled to be a part of our lives, and he doesn't deserve that.

Yeah, I'm a nervous wreck today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Hopefully I can keep my mind off of it until he either shows up on my doorstep or has me served with papers for visitation. Still...it's hard to keep my mind off of it.



09:07 Jan 03 2009


And by the way.... you do have a gun, right?


14:49 Jan 03 2009

Thanks VW. :)

And actually....yes, I do. Two of them, for just that reason. :P

23:42 Jan 23 2009


01:59 Jan 24 2009

Nice? Ummmm....no. Not really.

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