tears long ago pushed back rise
It is time, I must go
I disappear, going home
To the dark, where there
is nothing to comfort me
nothing to tell me it will all be ok
It will not, I know that
I want to marry him
To do so would eat me
To not would destroy him
So I shove everything away
curled up in this ball of pain
I release the tears,screams, and whispers
letting it all out
letting my pain have its due
letting it eat more of my soul
for you must pay pain
blood, sex or tears it will have its due
until it is through with you
Eventually I will come back
tired, limping, but victorious
I pray, goddess I pray almost every day
I beg my grandfathers help
I make vows I can never keep
Just to get to sleep
Why can't he be as before?
Why can't he understand more?
I love him like nothing else
And would be faithful to only him
If only he did not cut so deep
or salt the wounds so often
I skirt trouble, and call it's very name
As I pray to not be tempted
I hate the words so vile
I hate the anger so scary
I am tired of it all
And simply sadly just want his arms
I felt the world shift last night
Something happened
what is was I am not sure
Only the coming days will show
If it was for me
Or the whole world
I never know you see
what is happening
when it happens
I hope to lord and lady
it was a good change
And not another disaster
Sighs now I know