Am I alone in thinking it cowardly for a person to start a profile and level it up just to rate a bunch of ones and then delete the profile?
If he feels so confident in his convictions of his right and others wrong then why doesn't he rate from his own profile?
I can understand your dislike of the coven that you down rated, they called you on your bullshit and when they wouldn't play by your rules you did what is well within your right to do. You bought more profiles. Took your toys and went to play elsewhere like a spoiled child.
You exposed yourself when you down rated me though, you idiot with a Masters Degree.
If you want to give me a 1 then fine do it but at least have the balls to do it from your own profile.
I would like to take a moment and commend IamLegionForWEareMany on his class and grace in emailing me about his profile rate. you see last week when he joined I rated his profile a 4. I remember my son was looking over my shoulder at the time. I have to say that all that was on the profile was one line of text and a few uploaded shots.
I don't ever rate new profiles maliciously. if a rating is low, usually there is a reason.
this person, rather than rating me a 4 in return. rather than sending me a hateful abusive email or worse one that presumes that a rating of 10 on their part in some way constitutes a likewise rating on my part (LOSERS). he messaged me and kindly asked if I had any suggestions for his profile which would change the rate.
I don't require that much petting but I have to say that I really liked his attitude.
Welcome to VR IamLegionForWEareMany
Isn't that a nice change of pace?
When will so many people here learn those lessons?
A 5 is not an insult... it just means you found it to be an average profile/portfilio... whatnot.
And the rate really doesn't matter... your life isn't going to change for better or worse if someone gives you a rate other than 10.
My thanks to him for being a decent and reasonable person.
absolutely! thank you Birra as always for your feedback.
I thought something positive would be a nice change of pace.
it takes a true Gentlemen to do that.
I think so. He seems very nice.
Some tend to react rather inquire, however some say " Tell me if you upgrade.." but are hard to approach.
Seeing civil exchange occasionally, and someone noting it, awesome!
it was especially nice after the prick last month who thought that i owed him a 10 just because he gave me one. don't anyone do me any favors you know.
thanks dabs.
There are those few who do know how to behave in civilized society.
Sadly more and more young-folk are acting like animals (some even worse) an treat everyone around them just as such. Like a cancerous growth, their poor people-skills cause more to behave like they do and the ugly cycle of cude behaviour spreads forth upon the people.
03:57 Jun 30 2009
With you 100%
06:52 Jun 30 2009
I feel the same, and since he got away with it he's just going keep do it, and now our stats go down because of his actions. I think when stuff like that happens higher ups should step in and not count it against us.
14:06 Jun 30 2009
yesh I feel the same way and feel that people who do that are just being hateful ,too bad Cancer cant' do something to keep them from ever getting back on.
14:19 Jun 30 2009
I am sure that Cancer is dealing with the burden of proof. If the guy has multiple profiles and they are all paid then we can't do anything. If he starts a free profile to do it then he broke the rules but he deleted it so no one can know if it was or not. I guess we just have to fight back as a group.
Everytime that he buys a new profile and we recognize it.
00:12 Jul 01 2009
Be reassured that in 30 days, his 1 will fall off...and so will his block.
As for tracking, the admins do me.
16:12 Jul 24 2009
I have noticed his accounts on here and unfortunately they have an effect even after deletion or more like abandonment because I am still on his blocked list
unfortunately cowards will always work this way
03:29 Aug 28 2009
It has always been known to me that people who behave in such a mannor often make themselves look bad merely by the way they act. We, who act with honour, respect and dignity, need not worry about their petty ways. If someone wants to stoop to their level, let them, unless of course they are a close friend, in which I, myself, like to help guide those wonderful people onto a better plan of engagement.
Like LadyChordewa says, they're nothing to worry about. ;)