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"Wake up son! Wake up!"
The man breaks out the window.
"What's going on dad?"
"Go, here, out the window, son, run; run as far away from here as possible."
The young child did as he was told; he jumped out the window and ran to the cast-iron bar fence that surrounded his home. Since he was slowed down by the fence, the boy looked back towards the window, his busted out bedroom window, that he had jumped out of, to see his father get shot in cold blood by some shadowed figure that he was too scared to try and make out. Frightened by the sound of the gunshot that had ended his father's life, the child ran to the nearest place that he thought was safe; the adorned ortho-christian church.
Inside the church the boy cried sanctuary before the minister's feet and the minister, who was rumored to be a celestial being of Christ's heavenly court, pulled back the alter and revealed a small room where he hid the small child.
For three days the child remained in the room, until the minister opened the door on the third day and let the child out.
Towards home, the child ran, where he was caught amid running by Dr. Gregory Blethigath. Dr. Blethigath was a tall, slim, rather hairy man that had made some attempt to look clean shaven, but had clearly failed.
"Oh, Lucas, thank God in the heavens, that you are safe for, I had feared that they had taken you with them." Dr. Blethigath said.
"No my dad made me get out, then they shot him, where's my ma?" the child managed to say through his tears.
"Lucas, both of your parents were executed by some pro-human organization and it seems that your sister was the one responsible in some way for the attack." Dr. Blethigath said to the child as if he was a pro at giving children bad news.
"But why?" the child, still sobbing, asked.
"I don't know," Dr. Blethigath responded,"I don't know, now come on Lucas we must get you into a foster home while I console the elder.
Dr. Blethigath took the child through long tunnels, down two flights of winding stairs, past a narrow hallway, and beyond a false wall, until they finally reached a the heart of the underground society of part werewolf beings.
Chapter 1 That Girl
"Every darn cycle takes a little bit more of my sanity; seriously, I think it might actually be a pleasure if the next one would kill me."
"That's not very nice you know."
I heard this said and it made me both, curious and confused, so I followed the voice to find my self face to face with a beautiful young woman that was about my age.
"Uh you heard that?" I asked blushing profusely with deep embarrassment.
I guess it was a good thing that I was hanging out my laundry for it made a perfect cover story.
"I was ranting to myself about my dryer, because every time I do my laundry, my clothes are still somewhat wet." I said hoping she would buy it.
"Oh," she stammered, blushing with the same intensity that I was blushing with only a few moments ago; her auburn hair gleaming in the sun as she let it fall in front of her face to hide her embarrassment, "well, um," she continued, “my name is Marie and if your dryer is broken; why don't you buy a new one?" she finished.
"Um," I said, trying very hard not to point out that she had missed a button on her peach colored sweater vest, “I like being difficult and if I had a new dryer, I wouldn't have met you."
I stood up straight, as straight as I could without injuring myself, which was still kind of slouching, got my hair out of my face, and held out my hand to introduce myself.
"My, aren't we a charmer," she said shaking my hand, her silk or satin glove covered hand soft in mine.
Blushing again, I said, “Pleasure to meet you, Marie, my name is Lucas."
"So Lucas, I haven't seen you around here before; are you new to town?" she asked curiously, attempting to restrain herself from twirling her hair, but finding herself twirling it anyway.
"Well," I started, “I actually used to live here about ten years ago, this was my parent's house and I recently decided to move back into it."
Deciding in my mind how bold I should be, I decided to ask Marie if she would like to do something together. Eagerly I awaited her answer, but I didn't have to wait long, she suggested we could go window shopping at the mall while my clothes were drying.
Mesmerized by her beauty and self confidence; I lit up like a burner on a gas stove and followed her. I found myself dazed by her beauty and staring at her butt (as if I could see it through her skinny cut blue jeans) to the mall.
At the mall, I watched her hips in a hypnotic sway as she moved from clothes isle to clothes isle in J C Penny. I was so mesmerized in fact that I was completely unaware that a lot of women uncomfortable because I had wandered into the woman's lingerie section and was just standing there.
Marie saw this and came over, grabbed the front upper chest of my shirt and pulled me into the man's sports wear section she then continued window shopping.
Both surprised that she had just pulled me into a different section, and amazed that she wasn't afraid to show dominance to a man; I found myself smiling at her, still hypnotized by the sway of her hips, and also aware of my heart racing enthusiastically in her presence.
More on the subject, I found myself happier than I had been in a long time; I found myself in love.
By the time we had finished window shopping, it was two in the afternoon and we were (still being at the mall together) sitting by the fountain, I was getting hungry and Marie was already bored, so I decided to straight out ask her if she would like something to eat.
"Isn't a meal together, more of a second date kind of thing?" she said smiling.
"Well," I said smiling," I won't tell if you don't mind."
We ended up settling for panda express (I don't like this restaurant so I'm not capitalizing it) on the second level of the mall. I had the kung pow chicken and she had the beef lo mein.
At about three she decided it would be wise if she went home, so I asked her where she lived and she said,
"Down the street from you."
"Well," I said, “I have to go in that direction any way; would you like me to walk you home?"
She grabbed my hand, her silk or satin gloves felt cool against my sweaty palm, and she looked me in the eyes and said flirtatiously, "Alright, I guess you have proven you are a decent man and not some kind of animal."
I scratched the back of my neck and laughed in a scared, uh yeah, uh right, kind of way. Then still holding her hand started walking forward, while she did the same.
We walked for about an hour when we came to a stop in front of a drive way that lead up to a Tudor style home up on a hill.
"Well," Marie turned to me as if she wanted to kiss me, but something held her back, said, “You know where I live, perhaps you could come by on Saturday and we could go hang out somewhere."
"Saturday," I said trying to hold back this huge rush of joy that rose up in me when she said she wanted to see me again.
Still so happy (too happy in fact even to bring in my laundry when I got home when the weather channel had said it was going to rain) I went straight into my house, collapsed on the couch, and stared up at the ceiling reminiscing on the day.
Until, my alarm went off, at five pm, signaling me to go lock myself in the dungeon; because the last night of the full moon cycle was about to start.
Unfortunately, the dungeon only locked from the out side; so in order for me to be locked in, I had to push this concrete slab, which was 4inches thick by 8feet tall, in front of the dungeon door.
With the slab of concrete in place, I waited despairingly for the agonizing full moon to rise.
Chapter 2 Saturday
I woke up today, after hardly sleeping because I was so excited to be seeing Marie tonight. I grabbed my towel and went down the hall to take a shower. A few minutes later, I went down stairs and scarfed down left over mushroom pizza, wearing only clean indigo boxer briefs.
Noticing that it was almost 2:00pm, I ran back up the stairs, threw on my indigo pants, a blue tank top and a rather ridiculous patterned royal blue based shirt that I left unbuttoned over my tank top.
At the bottom of the stairs, I swiped up my wallet and rushed out the door heading to Marie's house (which is really cata-corner from mine now down the street. Hmm I guess if you count the drive way it would be down the street).
As I approached Marie's house, after walking up the long driveway of course, I lifted my hand up about to knock on the door, when it flung open rather hurriedly to reveal, a rather happy to see me, Marie.
She noticed me staring at her outfit because she looked like she came back from a gospel church (if you have been to a gospel church you know those people really dress up good for God) and asked me to come in. Naturally I told her yes and walked in.
She showed me to the living room where I had a seat on the couch. Then as she walked off into another part of the house, she said something disturbing; something I hoped she did not say,
"Have a seat, my father will be down shortly."
That was the phrase that disturbed me, that: *my father will be down shortly.* I wasn't dressed to meet a parent; I was dressed for taking out a girl.
Her father came down a few moments later and seemed un-impressed before he finished coming half-way down the stairs. (Apparently, I'm a father's worst nightmare, if I was to be judged by the clothes I was currently wearing.) I had no choice, but to hope that I could reassure him of my intentions with his daughter. So I stood up straight, shook his hand firmly, and looked him squarely in the eyes as I told him my name.
"Well, Lucas, you seem like you are a respectable man, I just need to ask you a few more questions so I can sleep in peace tonight knowing what kind of man I let my daughter go out with." Marie's father, Mr. Robinson, said.
"I understand where you are coming from, and I respect you for being straight with me about it; ask away sir." I said sitting back down on the sofa across from where he had chosen to sit.
"Ok first question, How old are you?" Mr. Robinson asked.
"I turned 19 two days ago and am quite aware that your daughter won't turn 19 for twelve more days." I said still looking him in the eyes when I spoke to him, which I will always do, since it is polite.
"Alright, I would be most reassured if I could see your ID because you got a hefty shadow of a beard there, but other than that you seem clean shaven." Mr. Robinson said.
"I understand, sir, here you go." I said laughing a little bit as I handed him my New Jersey driver's license. If you must know, I live in Ringwood, but don't get carried away about the fact that it was a driver's license because I don't own a car and have no intention of buying one.
"Fair enough," Mr. Robinson said giving my ID back, "Where do you plan on taking my daughter?"
"I'm not sure, Marie hasn't told me where she would like to go." I said wondering where in fact she wanted to go.
"Ok, last question, What are your intentions with my daughter?" Mr. Robinson asked, waiting for me to say anything that would give him a reason to keep Marie away from me.
"To be absolutely honest, sir, I don't think I have known your daughter long enough to know exactly what my intentions are, simply because at the present moment, I don't have any since your daughter is the one currently pulling the strings." I said rather confident that he would believe me because it is currently true.
"Alright, you may date my daughter, but, let me make you a promise, if you harm my daughter in any way, I will be on your ass like a fly on shit." Mr. Robinson said very calmly, which only added to the scariness of the threat.
He looked me over a final time, and while walking up the stairs, he said to me,
"Marie is in the kitchen."
I followed the fragrance of Marie's perfume, until I was a few steps behind her in the kitchen.
"How did you find me?" she asked.
"I followed your perfume." I replied.
"But," she said quite puzzled, "I don't wear perfume."
"Uh," I said now realizing that it was her pheromones that I was smelling, "must have been your shampoo or something."
"Must be," she said looking self conscious, "except you never seemed to smell my shampoo before."
"Any way," I said getting more uncomfortable than I already was since I apparently love her so much already that I tuned myself into her pheromones, "I see you are doing the dishes, want some company?"
"Sure since my dad said we can't go anywhere until I did the dishes." she said scooting over so I could wash the dishes while she rinsed.
By the time we finished the dishes, Marie suggested that we go to the movies and went up stairs to change. About a half hour later, Marie came down in tight leather, just kidding it was actually tight black jeans, her silk or satin gloves, a tight red "V" neck shirt, which I did look down a time or two, and her black leather combat boots.
At 6:30 we were in line at the movie theater buying tickets for An American Werewolf In Paris, which wasn't half bad for blowing the history of my kind way out of proportion. As we walked towards her house after the movie at about 8:45pm, Marie kept saying how much she disagreed with the depictions of werewolves and their customs; this might I add, I liked very much and smiled at her all the way to her house.
I walked away from her house that night reassured about my love for her and I was so love struck that night that I fell asleep to the thought of her still being next to me.
Introduction to chapter 3
Lucas and Marie continued to go out with each date bringing them closer together. They have been dating for seven months and it is September 27th the first day of full moon cycle begins at sundown.
Chapter 3 Consequences of a wandering moon
"Lucas," started Marie, who was sitting next to me on a bench in front of the big oak tree her front lawn, "I was thinking we could perhaps go on a picnic tomorrow under the light of the full moon."
"Uh," I replied scratching the back of my neck while debating in my mind whether it was a good time to tell her why it was a very bad idea, "personally I think a picnic under the crescent moon would be more romantic because the sliver of light from the moon would look like God his self was winking at us."
"Ok," she said turning away from me looking rather let down and somewhat heart broken," I probably should go inside now and help my dad in the kitchen, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"No, not tomorrow, in four days ok?" I said watching her face turn from a hopeful sort to something I didn't recognize.
"Fine," she said somewhat yelling at me, "one of these days, Lucas, you might want to tell me where you disappear off to for four days out of every month."
I watched her storm off in a huff leaving me in a position where the only thing I could do was go home, set my alarm for the second day of the full moon which is tomorrow, and strut (unwillingly) into the dungeon for the first night of the full moon which was about to start.
I woke up the next day, and walked tiredly out of the dungeon, rather depressed because I might have screwed up things with Marie. To make things worse, as the day went on I grew even more depressed that tonight was the second night of the full moon and I knew I was going to hurt all day today, tomorrow and the next day.
My only redemption from these depressing thoughts was the fact that I could sleep for two days after the cycle was over so I wouldn't have to deal with the full extent of the pain. Don't get me wrong though, for I do have an extremely high tolerance for pain, just not strong enough; yet.
I didn't bother putting a shirt on today, just my pants. I don't think I ate breakfast either. I did, however, watch television all day on my 52 inch flat-panel big-screen, until the alarm clock rang in my ears.
So like I've done many times before, I walked unwillingly to my dungeon, secured the concrete slab in front of the door, and resentfully waited for the second night of the full moon cycle to begin.
In the morning, after the second night of the full moon was over, I was gravely disturbed to find myself in corn field and it wasn't the one in my backyard. This disturbed me for I prayed all the way home that I hadn't, been seen by; or had hurt any one.
If I had hurt anyone, I will be executed for hurting an innocent (some one out of the were-human society). If I had been seen, I would be relocated and never be able to see Marie again; both consequences would be grim.
As I reached my house, I was relieved to find Dr. Gregory Blethigath, AKA Doc were, walking up to me. When he was about three feet away from where I was standing, he said to me,
"You are very lucky, you were seen by; nor hurt no one, and the society has finished fixing your dungeon. It would be best if you got yourself a mate to tie you up because you may not be so lucky if this should happen again."
I watched him walk away after he had said what he wanted to say, and was relieved to see Marie, although she looked thoroughly pissed, walking towards me from the end of the garden pathway. Marie's presence was a very good thing, for I trusted her more than any other woman I knew and was quite sure she could love me not matter what secret I told to her. My only obstacle was making her believe it.
"So," Marie said in a huff, "You look fine, not sick, not dead and yet you can't even attend a picnic with me under the beautiful full moon!"
"Marie," I said with foolish intent, "Would you like to come in?"
"I," she said a bit dumbfounded because the entire time we have been dating she has never gone in my house, invited or otherwise, "I-this better not be some kind of trick, slick, cause I'm still mad at you; ok?"
"Ok," I answered," now, would you like to come in, "I said still smirking.
"Alright," she said taking my arm so I would show her in.
I led her to my room, but not for what you think, I asked her to relax and she sat on my bed. Then I, still standing, took a deep breath thinking on how I was going to tell her that I was a part werewolf being preferably called a were-human. Finally I asked her,
"Marie, do you think you could love me no matter what?"
"Yes," she said softly standing up, gently rubbing her silk or satin glove covered hand down my right cheek, and moving her soft lips closer to mine.
While I did want for her to kiss me so badly, I grabbed her hand, the hand that ventured gently down my right cheek seconds ago, and asked her quietly to sit back down.
(Yes I know exactly what you would ask me, 'What were you thinking asking her to sit down, are you out of your mind, hello she clearly wanted to do something to you that you might have liked.'
The answer to your thoughts is quite simple, I am a better man than that and I have something important to say.)
Marie sat back down on the bed feeling unwanted and rejected, holding back angry tears and I (feeling like a huge foolish jerk) continued to say,
"Marie, my love, the lust of my heart, I love you more than anyone I've ever known and when I'm with you, I feel like nothing can break me except the loss of your presence in mine. However, I am afraid that I might lose you, but I will not lie to you because I couldn't live with myself if I should. Marie, I am a descendant of werewolves and as penance for my ancestors, still haunted by the full moon like them.
I am not a pure werewolf, not even half a werewolf to my assumption. My mother wasn't a pure werewolf either and my father was human. All the pure werewolves are dead, but before they died out, they passed on their style of living, by interbreeding with humans. Their goal was to break the werewolf curse by straying from sinful acts and their old ways of life.
I am the 9th generation, the 9th descendant and as such am only one-nineth the werewolf of my ancestors (which is 64% explanation will come later). I, and others like me, are called were-humans or part werewolf beings. We no longer remain as cursed as our pure werewolf ancestors. We no longer bare the mark of the pentacle on our right palm.
We also don't eat red meat or mate with other were-humans. More over, mating with other were-humans is punishable by the immediate execution of both were-humans and any children they should have had together would live in solitude, a fate worse to some than death.
Lastly, all were-humans houses are assigned to them and are equipped with a dungeon. The dungeon is hidden in the house, its position known only to the ones that live in the house. The dungeons are proven strong enough to contain two full grown were-humans during the full moon. So all were-humans lock themselves in, or have their mate's secure them to the wall of these dungeons so they can not be seen by outsiders or worse, harm them."
I finished spilling my guts out through my love struck heart, only to find Marie staring at me like some kind of vomit on brand new expensive carpet.
"Are you ok?" she asked me as if she were deciding if I had completely lost my mind.
Before I could answer, the shrilling scream of my alarm clock rang loudly in my ears because I happened to be standing right beside it with the volume on full blast. I turned off the alarm clock, turned back to Marie and said to her,
"I wish I could show you, but I can't; what I need is for you to trust me."
I showed Marie to my dungeon and instructed her on how to properly secure me to the dungeon wall. She secured me happily to the dungeon wall, still thoroughly sure that I had to be insane, she shut the dungeon door and locked all 15 of the locks around the outside perimeter of the it.
I, unable to move, was haunted by the memory of my first time on the dungeon wall, it was my ninth birthday and I was crying quietly as my mother was securing me to the wall and telling me that this would hurt more than the usual free roaming in the dungeon, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger; two days later both my parents were murdered and I shook the memory away.
Chapter 4 Positive Aftermath
The next day, I, still secured to the dungeon wall, awoke to the sound of Marie fighting with the somewhat rusted dead bolts around the outside perimeter of the dungeon door. Once the door was completely unlocked, I peered weakly in the direction of the exit to find a pale version of the woman that had captivated my heart. As she ran to untie me the inevitable thought of 'I told you so' popped into my mind and although I knew better than to say it, I smirked at it anyway.
Some what supporting myself on Marie's shoulder, actually I was supporting myself a lot on her shoulder, I walked tired and sluggishly up the stairs with her to my bed room where she helped me into my bed.
She then, some what crying, kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'm so sorry for not believing you and for calling you a crazy liar."
I rather ready to pass out for two days grabbed Marie's silk or satin glove-covered hand, as if to tell her not to leave yet.
Marie looked me over genuinely concerned and rubbed her other silk or satin glove-covered hand down my right cheek and said softly to me, "I, you really scared me, I wasn't able to sleep knowing-hearing your pain; Lucas could I sleep in your bed with you tonight so I know you'll be alright?"
"I suppose since I did scare you, you could share my bed tonight." I answered her partially asleep.
Before I had fallen completely asleep she asked one last question,
"Lucas," she asked mumbling, "could you hold me please?"
Although it was against my better judgment, I couldn't help but feel a little responsible for her agitation, so I rolled over on my right side, wrapped my arms gently around her waist, and fell snugly to sleep.
The next morning, I was still asleep, but I felt Marie leave the bed and my grasp. I assumed, even to this day, that she got up, ate breakfast, watched TV on my 52" flat screen television all day, and climbed back into bed that night.
When I woke up two days after the full moon cycle had ended, I was still holding Marie gently, like a man holds his wife, around the waist. As I sat up in bed, I turned to Marie noticing she was awake.
"Good morning," I said, "How do you like your eggs?"
"You cook!" she exclaimed surprised at what I had just said.
"Yes," I said trying hard not to laugh, "I do the dishes too."
"Oh well I guess you need to know how to cook to live by yourself; sunny side up would be nice please." She said rather happy and slightly impressed.
"Sunny side up it is then," I said as I got up out of the bed and stretched my arms and back, "there is a clean towel hanging in the bathroom if you would like to take a shower."
"Sure," she said climbing out of bed, "Did you know I was going to stay; that I would still be here to let you out?"
"No I didn't, I actually was expecting you to run out the house as soon as you locked me up, but I did hope you would still be here when it was time for me to be let out." I said as I walked out the bedroom door heading towards the kitchen which is down the stairs.
"Lucas, as much as I wanted to write you off as an insane man, Something in my heart told me that I should stay; that I should give you one last chance." Marie said as she walked out of my bedroom, past me to take a shower in the bathroom.
Down stairs in the kitchen (directly under the upstairs master bedroom) I broke the shells of four eggs on the edge of the stove and watched them plop into a frying pan that was lathered in butter. As I seasoned the eggs, I was mused willfully into a day dream by the wonderful melody that was coming from the upstairs bathroom where Marie was taking a shower.
I snapped out of the day dream just in time to take her eggs off the stove before they started to burn and as I was about to start making my eggs, I was side tracked by the image of Marie and her sopping wet hair walking down the stairs over towards the kitchen table, her shirt was wet around the shoulders from her hair and she hadn't bothered to put her bra back on so I was trying not to (and failing) stare at her chest where her chilled nipples were staring me down like wolf eyes.
"So Lucas," Marie started talking as she sat down at the table and I handed her her breakfast, "tell me a little bit about yourself."
"Well," I said as I put my eggs on a plate and sat down at the table across from her, "I love mushroom pizza. I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat red meat or pork. I have never worn shoes; just socks. I haven't had a haircut since my parents were murdered (because my older sister betrayed them to impress a jock guy at school). I tell every one (that can't do anything about it) that I'm six foot one, when I'm really only five foot. I'm full of sarcasm, but will only use it in a joking matter unless you piss me off.
When I was eighteen I got a tattoo on my left shoulder blade that says "scratch" it was going to say "scratch and bite me," but the Novocain wore off and I ran out of the place screaming in agony because at the time my tolerance for pain wasn't high enough to endure that. My favorite color is rust or dusty rose either will make me happy. I love rock music from the 60's through the 90's and my favorite band is The Police."
"Your parents were murdered?" Marie blurted out after she was sure that I was done talking.
"Yes," I said, "they were, in this house, but I don't want to talk about it."
"Ok," I understand she said, "Here is something you haven't explained, why did your people decide to break the curse?"
"We didn't decide actually," I started, "You see our people, during the time of Adam and Eve, were created by God in Heaven with the sole purpose of protecting their children for all their generations, but as Satan the deceiver tricked Eve; he also turned the Lycans (the true name of what we were before we brought curse upon ourselves) against the children of Adam and Eve.
Since we were sworn to protect God's creations and turned against them, he cursed us and our kind to forever be bound to the night that we betrayed them (which was the night of the full moon).
Any way in 1802 somewhere in Transylvania a werewolf later called Lucrevaught fell in love with a human woman by the name Reney and in order to protect her from his self, he would wander out into the dark woods of Transylvania. Lucrevaught roughly translated from ancient Transylvania means: the one who wanders (aimlessly) in the moon light.
Any way after his wandering during the moons went on for around four months and angel (believed to be the same one that is assumed to be in the adorned ortho-christian church) came to Lucrevaught and told him that God is willing to give the werewolf people penance and free them from the curse of their ancestors if they would do three things: pull out both sets of venom fangs from their children before their first full moon at the age of six, stop mating with other werewolves, and restrain themselves during the full moon so that they wouldn't hurt any one. If they did those things by the 14th generation the curse would be lifted and they would be free.
With the angel's words said, Lucrevaught spread the word to the rest of his pack and started a civil war within the pack. Eight of Lucrevaught's pack supported him; five opposed. At the death of the opposed's leader, the remaining opposed joined Lucrevaught and the angel came again and repeated his self to the whole pack.
Then Lucrevaught married Reney and formed the first underground society of werewolves. After the formation of the first society, packs of werewolves all over the globe followed his lead and more underground societies sprang up."
"Wow," Marie said, "It just dawned on me: What is up with your sister I remember seeing her in a picture in the entry room she is your sister right?"
"My sister," I started disgusted by the phrase, "was an out cast in school because of the rumors that flooded her high school about our house. Any way one day this hot jock asked her out and he turned out to be the son of an anti-werewolf organization (crazy loons according to every human out side their organization). Long story short, he raped her, she got pregnant didn't tell our parents out of fear and ran off with her rapist; classic stock Holmes syndrome.
Then later, I don't know if he beat it out of her or what not, but she told him my mother and I were were-humans and he told his father.
The next thing I know I'm walking out of the adorned ortho-christian church towards my house to see the underground police and coroners searching the home. As I was walking up to the house, Gregory stopped me and told me my parent's were dead and that I was being put into a were-human foster family.
In my foster family, the man was the were-human parent and his son, Delvas was also a were-human. Delvas although he is 3 years older than me has a mental handicap that made him as young as me; so we got along great. I suppose I'm as good a man that I am though because of my father and foster father because I've been told that I'm in between them."
"Um, Lucas," Marie said to me quietly, "One last question, I was kind of wondering what...what I-I have to do in order to be with you." She forced the last of the sentence out then she promptly closed her eyes and hung her head low to hide her embarrassment.
"Oh," I said feeling rather foolish, "um...well...you are perfect for me, but I would feel more comfortable around you if I knew that you could tackle me down into the submissive position, disarm me so to speak and sort of keep me at your mercy.
"I can disarm you; trust me," she said.
Smiling rather investigatory, getting up from the dining room table, I looked at her and said, "Show me," not sure whether or not she would actually do it.
To my surprise and excitement, she got up, walked over to me, kissed me on the lips and while I was kissing her back, she pulled my arms behind my back and pushed me back wards to the ground so that I landed on the ground and on top of my arms in the submissive position. She lost her balance though so she landed on top of me that is why I couldn't free my arms up.
Smiling with huge appreciation again for her lack of fear to show dominance towards a man, I said through my excitement, "your enthusiasm excites me, but now I trust you."
"Now you trust me," she said having pulled herself up into a sitting position which happened to be a quite provocative spot, but the perfect position for teasing and many other wanted things that for the lack of matching wedding bands, we couldn't have.
"Yes," I said concentrating on the most disgusting thing that I could think of so that I wouldn't become sexually aroused by where she was presently sitting.
Somewhat annoyed by the thoughts of all the things that I wanted to do to her, but couldn't, that were brought on by where she was sitting, I was somewhat relieved when someone knocked on the front door.
Marie heard the knock and somewhat reluctantly let me up so I could answer the door.
Chapter 5 Summoned to a Meeting
I straightened up my clothes and walked willfully (thankfully) to the front door only to find none other than my uncle (a few generations older than me five generations to be exact) Dr. Gregory Blethigath waiting patiently on the other side. When Gregory noticed that I had opened the door he shook his head disapprovingly at me and said,
"The meeting. Lucas do tell me that you are going to change because I already know that you forgot about it."
"Oh that is today, umm come on in Gregory and I'll be right down." I answered running for the stairs.
While I was changing my clothes I heard echos of a conversation coming from down stairs.
"I wish I could say Lucas told me who you were after you walked passed me the other day, but he has a way of making people forget things rather easily."
"Madam are you saying you have begun forgetting things around him?"
"Well yes, I guess I am."
"Oh no that means it is contagious and you have been infected, madam, I'm afraid, your memory has become selective."
A few bouts of laughter were exchanged then Marie's voice broke through again.
"Could I ask you something about Lucas?"
"I suppose."
"Are-do all of your people's eyes glow green in the dark?"
"No, madam that's just Lucas."
"Why do they do that?"
"Lucas was born blind and was blind until after his first full moon when his parents noticed that his eyes had changed from gray to a rather light yet somehow deep green-blue; they also noticed that he could see so they brought him to my clinic to get my expert opinion and that is where I noticed, like you, that he was nocturnal more over I noticed that those eyes were the same eyes of his werewolf counter-part."
"So Lucas sees through the same eyes in both forms?"
"Yes, madam, and that means that unlike the rest of us there is no wall separating his mind from his werewolf mind. This assumption of mine scared me very deeply for I thought that it would make Lucas a werewolf in human form, but some how Lucas has managed to keep the two minds from converging so the only thing that they share is the memory of everything those eyes see. This might mean that Lucas' werewolf form is tame or submissive under the man."
"So do you think Lucas can restrain himself or make the werewolf side of him civilized?"
"No, a wild animal is still a wild animal no matter how tame it may seem."
I decided to start heading down the stairs buttoning up my shirt on the way because I knew Gregory (who has been trying to bribe me to button up my shirt since I was sixteen) would get a kick out of it.
"So Lucas," Marie said as I reached the bottom of the stairs and turned toward the door where Gregory was still standing patiently, "how long will you be gone?"
"I'll be back in time for dinner," I answered her upon leaving with Gregory.
The entrance to the underground is hidden by an old log cabin that Lucrevaught and his wife Reney built upon moving to the New World in 1819 before the birth of their first child. We walked down the concrete stairs that the door revealed and soon we entered the long narrow tunnel which would pour into the final descending staircase into the underground threshold.
Gregory and I walked on the marvelous marble floors through the Grand Hall of the Underground to the Gathering Circle where the Elder was standing at a podeium waiting for every one to be seated in their sections (assigned by family name).
Once Gregory and I were in our seats, the Elder started his opening speech which every were-human probably knows by heart seeing as to its always the same.
After the Elder concluded his opened, he got down to business and started the topic of the evening he said,
"As you all know, the blue moon is upon us this year and most of you have never experienced it, but before I get too carried away will every one that is younger than the age of nineteen please leave the Gathering Circle as well as those people that have already experienced a blue moon."
The Elder paused as at least one hundred and fifty people both young and old left the Gathering Circle, Gregory included.
"Now as I was saying," the Elder continued in his withered, raspy and solemn voice that gives you the image of a man that has lost everything and seen too much, "The blue moon is upon us this year and it adds a fourth day to the traditional full moon cycle.
However, unlike the normal full moon when we naturally turn into the werewolf that strives bestially to hunt anything to satisfy the insatiable appetite; upon the blue moon we turn unnaturally into a creature of passion and love with a very strong erotic nature that want only please its mate.
This is why it is quite vital that you be married before the blue moon cycle this year. If you aren't married by the day of the first night of the blue moon cycle then you will miss out and afterwards spiral into a deep depressed state which only your mate could bring you out of."
The Elder finished his speech and stared long and hard into my eyes and it was then that I knew and understood that the last part of his speech was meant solely for me.
Once he thought I had gotten his message, the Elder dismissed the gathering. A few moments later, I was about to cross the Grand Room when Gregory walked up to me quite casually and asked or said (I'm not quite sure which),
"Lucas, did she give you those?" Indicating the four emerging purplish spots on the top of my wrist from when Marie seductively used a kiss to tackle me to the ground in a submissive position.
"Yes," I answered examining the emerging bruises while a rush of blushed embarrassment swept across my face, "she did give them to me because I wanted to see if she could tackle me to the ground."
"Do remind me Lucas how much I forget we are alike; my wife, God bless her rested soul, gave me a set of bruises like that because I had asked something similar of her," He sighed caught in a good memory, "Good times," he smiled and then walked off.
I wandered slowly out of the underground debating the entire way on whether or not to tell Marie about the blue moon. Really I was debating on how to ask her if she wanted to be my mate for the such act, but for the most part I remembered she was in a quite mischievous mood before I left and I was debating about whether or not I could resist her enthusiasm if I did ask her and she got carried away; after all I would like to be married first.
I eventually concluded that I could not trust her aroused side to let me remain abstinent so upon walking into my house I acted as relaxed as one could manage with out giving hint that there was something afoot.
Marie was sitting at the table having made Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo while I was at the gathering. She had raided my sister's closet (me having given her my sister's room) and was now wearing the indigo silk dress with a chiffon over skirt sewn in that my sister never wore. The dress fit her well; it went down to her knees and covered her breasts enough, (I could see cleavage and the outer roundness, but I didn't mind) but it hung diligently from her shoulders.
She was beautiful and smiling with some question eagerly waiting to travel through her smooth cherry-flavored lip-gloss-covered lips. She flashed a mischievous smile towards me and I immediately hung my head a bit and thought,
'Lord almighty give me the strength to control the eagerness in my heart to do presently sinful things.'
I took a deep breath, lifted my head up, put on my poker face and sat down at the table across from her where she had left me a plate of food.
"So," she said; the question no longer able to be contained behind her soft lips, "Gregory seems like a good man and there seems to be a subtle resemblance between you two are you related in some way?"
"Yes," I answered thankful that she didn't ask about the meeting and thinking hard, "he is my mother's ... father's ... father's ... brother or my great uncle to make it simpler."
"And he works in the underground clinic across from the school and south of the church; right?" Marie asked somewhat knowing the answer already from her conversation with Gregory.
"Yes," I answered, " we have our own school system so we can have and education more relative to our species."
"Wow," she said beginning to twirl her hair as if to tell me her mischievous mood from earlier was still there, "Do you have your own wedding chapel down there?"
"No," I promptly answered, "because it is forbidden for two were-humans to become involved like that hence forth, we don't need one. However we all went to church, school and the doctor in the underground."
"So um does every were-human house have a dungeon in it like yours?" Marie asked to change the subject.
"Yes," I answered her quite thankful that she changed the subject off of wedding-ness, "every house that belongs to the society was built by the society therefore each house has a dungeon, but only the occupiers of the house know where it is hidden. Also each house is handed down the family line to the oldest were-human child."
"But what happens if one family should have more than one were-human child?" Marie enthusiastically interrupted.
"They are given the house of another family that doesn't have any were-human children or they go to homes where the family line has died out."
We continued to talk for a while about my people and my society, but after about an hour of talking she asked the question that I had been dreading to answer.
"So what was the meeting about?"
Since I was about to break a commandment for this woman, I glumly told her the truth,
"The meeting was about the blue moon," I answered starting to eat my dinner wanting to keep my mouth full and hoping she wouldn't press the issue further; it was vain hope.
"What is so important to your people about this blue moon that they would call a meeting to discuss it?"
"Well on the blue moon my kind turn into what has affectionately been called 'the lover werewolf' where we strive to do nothing more than have very passionately and wild "intercourse" - I spat out the word like it was something that tasted vile - "with our mates; in other words I will be married before the blue moon."
"So your mate/wife would be having sex with a werewolf---I mean you in your werewolf form?" She inquired as she dissected the possibility that my mate wouldn't be her.
"Yes, "I sighed in surrender as my dinner plate was empty as well as my mouth, "and I must be married long enough before the blue moon so that my wife (I suppose that sounds more civilized than the word mate) would have experience with me as myself and will know what to expect; because as a part-werewolf being I will be aggressive and in my other form I will be even more aggressive."
"So it will be dangerous?" She asked truly thinking about what I had just said.
I smiled, "Only if she can't dominate me."
"Oh," she calculated something, "and your mate would be?"
"My wife," I smirked confidently.
She frowned and shot me a look as if to say 'I'm not stupid'. "But who will she be?"
"Well," I pretended to scratch the back of my neck as I searched for words and tried to hide my face which was probably covered with blush marks, "I was sort of hoping you would be my mate."
She dropped her fork and it fell to the floor, her mouth fell open and her eyes were wide in astonishment, I smiled but before I could say anything she got up and walked out the front door off towards her home.
Chapter 6 Marie's Silence
I sat on the indigo velvet sectional by the front door waiting for her to come back. It was the least she could do after I poured my heart out and spilled my guts to her. I just needed her to come back and say anything of hope for me something that could mend my tattered heart.
But as the clock ticked on and the minutes went by I began losing hope for her; most of all though I began to lose the will to fight the thoughts that tormented my tortured mind.
'You did it this time *chuckles* you blew it, not that I'm surprised I mean who could ever love you the orphaned werewolf child, I bet your parents would be happy to die again if it meant getting away from this spineless crybaby'
"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!" I fumed at myself and it seemed to work, until I gave up fighting and receded into the darkness of my mind where all the abandonment issues dwell and my sorrow prevails.
'I can't live with out Marie's presence. I refuse to!'
I must have sat there for hours waiting- desperately waiting for my sorrow to drown me so that I could find peace in my haunted mind. Dreadful images and day dreams fluttered into my mind and I sat there in my sorrow unable to shake them away. They tortured me- sent me onto the floor writhing in pain- convulsing in agony and nothing I did seemed to quell them.
What outside force- act of mercy- could pull me from these dreadful thoughts and awakened nightmares?
"Nothing!" I shouted. "NOTHING!" I screamed, but I was unable to form the words with my lips although my mind told me I was clearly spoken. "Nothing." I said solemn when I found myself staring at some silver light, I wasn't in as much pain as before; I was no longer seeing Hell-sent images- I could open my eyes!
I was out of the darkness no longer a prisoner to my dreadful imagination, I was sane and I was staring into Marie's eyes; she was holding my hand in a vice grip with her soft (rather cold) silk or satin glove-covered hand.
"Marie..." I started to form a question, but I was cut off by Gregory whom I had just noticed standing behind Marie.
"Relax, Lucas," Gregory broke through in a 'Thank God' voice, "You were poisoned, accidentally, of course and by your own stubbornness might I add."
"Poisoned?" I inquired.
"Yes," He answered sharply, "Marie knocked on five doors until she found some one from our society that could get me. Lucas, I believe I told you to label your wolfs bane and to remove it from your spice rack, but since you did neither, Marie here thought it was rosemary and she put it in the dinner she made which you both ate."
I tried to sit up in the bed, but instead I found myself grabbing my head, wincing in pain at the stabbing feeling that engulfed it and falling back into my original position.
"Headache?" Gregory asked smugly.
"Yeah." I murmured.
"That's normal," He chuckled, "As well as: hallucinations, dizzy spells, loss of consciousness, nightmares, spasms, seizures, convulsions, and depression."
"So," I said turning back to Marie, "you didn't storm out of my house because I asked you to marry me?"
Gregory silently walked into his office probably to fetch my parent's wedding rings that he kept in the first drawer of his desk.
"No," Marie answered smiling, "but I'm sure you can figure out the answer to that question," and she leaned down and pressed her lips to my cheek softly for a brief moment.
by William Faux(aka:chelsie)
11:41 Mar 29 2010
this also is magnificent
11:56 Mar 29 2010
i no :D