i think we should ban together and get rid of all orgainzed religon people should be able to belive in what they belive in there own privacy i'm so sick and tired of fucking bull shit religon if we can't ban them then make them pay taxes just like everyone else
what the fuck now they are making vampires and werewolves in to faggot pussies it 's stupid what people do now days for entertainment they need to give the respect to vampires and werwolves we are not FAGGOT PUSSIES AND I AM AFFENEDED BY THOSE MOVIES FUCK YOU TEENIE BOOPERS BURN IN HELL
to be so adimate about something shows great passion.
hahhahaha i fuckin know rite!!!
08:44 Dec 26 2009
not sure but i do believe religious establishments do have to pay a tax fee
01:20 Dec 27 2009
fuck yeah what gives them the right not to pay taxes
23:26 Dec 21 2010
wells said!
06:23 Mar 24 2011
Here here!