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16:27 Jan 31 2007
Times Read: 548

Shapeshifting is a common theme in mythology and folklore, as well as in science fiction and fantasy. In its broadest sense, it is a change in the physical form or shape of a person or animal. Other terms include metamorphosis, morphing, transformation, or transmogrification.

There is no settled agreement on the terminology. Still, "shapeshifting" is more commonly used to indicate changes that are temporary;[1] "metamorphosis", changes that are lasting;[2] "transformation", changes that are externally imposed.[3]

Shapeshifting is distinguished from natural processes such as aging or metamorphosis (despite shared use of the term), the body contortions of animals such as the Mimic Octopus, and illusory changes. Instead, shapeshifting involves physical changes such as alterations of age, gender, race, or general appearance or changes between human form and that of an animal, plant, or inanimate object.




What VM Clan?

19:44 Jan 29 2007
Times Read: 551

You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?




Tokyo POP - Chibi Vampire

10:29 Jan 25 2007
Times Read: 560

Volume 1 - Product Info


MSRP: $7.99

Pages: 216

ISBN: 1-59816-922-X

EAN: 978-1-59816-922-5

Item #: TPBK-16922

Date: 01/09/2007


- Comedy

- Horror Karin Maaka can bite a throat like a proper vampire, but where others of her kind need hot red blood, she has too much of it! Every month, she's compelled to inject blood into her victims the way a snake injects venom. And her handsome classmate Kenta Usui makes her feel like she's is going to spurt blood like a geyser. Talk about embarrassing! When Karin's latest victim turns out to be as rich as he is good looking, it causes hilarious chaos at her school. Will she ever live in peace?

The much talked-about manga is now a supernatural-love-comedy-mystery novel starring our favorite clumsy blood injector, Karin!

Volume 2 - Product Info


MSRP: $7.99

Pages: 192

ISBN: 1-59816-923-8

EAN: 978-1-59816-923-2

Item #: TPBK-16923

Date: 05/08/2007


- Comedy

- Horror Kenta has vowed to keep Karin's "problem" a secret. Despite their awkward attraction, they still remain friends. One day, Kenta shares his umbrella with China, a weird girl dressed like a nun. Kenta and China begin to share more than an umbrella. As they get closer and closer, Karin’s world begins to burn—literally!




Stop Me Biting I need to but need to stop HELP

19:52 Jan 22 2007
Times Read: 561

Severe nail biting and 'self-mutilation'

Stress and anxiety may be driving forces behind nail biting (onychophagia), compulsive pulling of hair (trichotillomania) or self-mutilation. Some such behaviors -- often repetitive and hard to break -- can be classified as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Not only can these disorders create physical problems, such as sore fingers and skin infections, they also can lead to low self-esteem and depression, which in turn may make the habit worse.




Bat Joke

12:38 Jan 20 2007
Times Read: 563

A vampire bat cam flapping in from the night covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the roof of the cave to get some sleep. Pretty soon all the other bats smelled the blood and began hassling him about where he got it. He told them to go away and let him get some sleep but they persisted until he gave in.

“Ok, follow me,” he said and flew out of the cave with the hundreds of bats behind him. Down the valley they went, across the river into a forest full of trees. Finally he slowed down and all the other bats excitedly milled around him.

“now, do you see that tree over there?” he asked.

“yes, yes, yes!” the bats all screamed in frenzy.

“great because I didn’t”





12:36 Jan 20 2007
Times Read: 564

vampires in modern culture are so bloody popular, and that’s probably why there are so many people here now, because of the pop culture. But this is down to Halloween a pagan festival that makes money. Is this how the modern pagans earn a living? I don’t know that answer. But I know that pagans celebrate Halloween because of the cold winds and rains that persist through Halloween to up to February in England. Animals are vulnerable to the cold, including horses and cattle, and these are expensive in a time when being a pagan was the pop culture.




To be a avmpires easy

10:50 Jan 19 2007
Times Read: 566

Vampires are fairly easy, I could be content with the word “vampire” any word repeated enough is soothing. What I like about vampires? Being dead? Some good sleep. Sucking Blood? I prefer vegetables. How about causing havoc and reign of terror?

I believe it’s the lore and tradition that attracts. I knew about vampires long before I knew about Gary Gygax, and the hit points of a gnome, and who Garl Glittergold is. The photo below is me aged four or five. So why am I drawn back? Hmm there are two people in the photo aren’t there? Yes the other is my best friend, one I would die I rise again for him. I’m at least speaking metaphorically.

So it comes down to age and Halloween. Oh how Halloween is so important my Microsoft word instantly recognised it and changed a little h for a capital H. I quite like bats. Bats are the key to all of my frustration and time spent.

Why vampires rave? My main hobby is fantasy. So it’s an easy place for me to meet people from other countries. I may even meet an honest person. A hobby is a relaxing activity. I am not a vampire as a profession. I’m a painter and decorator, not very vampire is it?

Is it horror that attracts me? Yes. I saw poltergeist for the first time when I was three. Did not scare me but was probably quite creepy for my babysitter. Am I a vampire? I hope not. On the final day of judgement I really want to be happy, not confused whether I am going to be a vampire.

I am here because I am here. I like to see people dress up, enjoy a role and learn and teach about different societies of existence. You may say “you’re not a vampire get out” but I say I am here in behind a computer causing you no harm. I’m just here chatting to people in my area, discussing fantasy, and passing time before than next cancerous cigarette.

I have tried to accept your terms now please respect mine.

So the research continues Cancer. Let me stay here for more time to research more about Halloween and enjoy the warmth of your conversations. Please.




Queen of the Damned - Anne rice

16:26 Jan 18 2007
Times Read: 568

Picked this book up again off my bookshelf. I lost my place and started reading it from the begining, but then found my place again, so I don't HAVE to read all the first 150 pages.

I do like the book. I watched the movie a few years back.

Hope it inspires me, and I recommend anyone read it who has not.




Thanks for rating me

16:21 Jan 18 2007
Times Read: 569

Thanks for rating me for 9.4 and I want to see that up so I can be the best rated male, eventually, I have lots in store. And I have decided that because you lot rated me so high I would like to spend some quality effort to make a better write up of my profile. Much love, alex.




Dictionary Definition

11:51 Jan 18 2007
Times Read: 570

Vampire /’vampaie®/ l> noun 1 a dead person who supposedly rises from the grave at night to suck the blood of the living. 2 someone who ruthlessly exploits others. 3 a VAMPIRE BAT. Vampiric adj :vampirism noun. 18c:French, from Hungarian vampire, of Slavonic origin.

Rave /reiv/ l> verb (raved,raving) 1 intr to talk wildly as if mad or delirios. 2 intr (usually rave about or over something) to talk enthusiastically or passionately about it. L> noun, colloq 1 extravagant praise. 2 a RAVE-UP. 3 a gathering of lots of people in a large warehouse or open-air venue such as a field, etc for dancing to eg techno or acid-house music, etc where little alcohol is drunk but recreational drugs are usually available. l> adj, collaq extremely enthusiastic 0 RAVE REVIEWS

Vampire bat l> noun any of various species of small bat native to the forests of Central and S America that pierce the skin of animals and humans with their sharp canine and incisor teeth and suck their blood.




Gothic Inside

12:23 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 571

I am using Gothic Inside quite a bit at the moment because I live in College I have friends who are always in the library. I live in college meaning I live in the Tower halls of residence. Its a nice view at night, and easy prey around. :)

I am looking at Gothic inside dot com. Its very simular site to many apart from VR. There are loads of bugs and issues with their site so I think they need help.

Its simular that their is points, classifieds, and chat, yet it lacks the sofistication of here.



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