madlyn's Journal

madlyn's Journal


Honor: 48    [ Give / Take ]


5 entries this month

Big Green Candle Of Debt Relief

17:33 Mar 29 2013
Times Read: 696

STEP 1: Find the biggest green candle you have, or

can find.

STEP 2: Carve the name of the person or company

who you owe your largest debt to, and then write

"Debt Be Gone!" under their name.

STEP 3: Rub the candle with your favorite essential

oil..I"ve found that essential oil of bergamot works

best. While you rub focus on the exact amount of

your debt, and "how" it's going to disappear, or

be paid. What needs to happen?

STEP 4: Next, write the person/company you own on

a square of brown paper 9 times.

STEP 5: Cover each name with the phrase "Debt Be


STEP 6: Anoint the corners of the paper with a

drop of essential oil.

STEP 7: Put the paper beneath an upside-down saucer

and place the candle on top of the saucer.

STEP 8: Light the candle. As it burns, speak to

the candle, asking that your debt go away.

Here's one you can use:

Say: "[Name of person/company you owe] my debt

must be relieved. Whether with money it's paid,

or the debt fades away, it must go."

STEP 9: Remove the paper from under the saucer,

then pinch out the candle.

STEP 10: Repeat this ritual for 7 consecutive

nights. At some point during the next week

it's important for you to do 1 thing to try

to help the debt go away. Whether it is

calling who you owe and trying to get it

relieved... or whether you put some effort

to making a payment. You must show some

effort in some way for the Magick to take

hold and help.




Apple Energy Banishment Spell

16:44 Mar 23 2013
Times Read: 709

STEP 1: Cut an apple in half horizontally, so that the

star in the center is exposed.

STEP 2: Rub one half of hte apple with a mint leaf while

visualizing what needs to be banished.

STEP 3: Write your problem on a slip of paper.

STEP 4: Dip the paper into essential oil of mint and

place it between the apple halves.

STEP 5: Put the two halves of the apple back together

again with a skewer...so they remain joined.

STEP 6: Tie the pieces securely together with black silk

or satin ribbon.

STEP 7: Bury the apple. Your problem will dissipate as

the apple rots...



16:48 Mar 23 2013

have you tried this does it work

02:51 Mar 30 2013

Lovely positive spell.


2013 Ostara Ritual Of Peace and Prosperity

17:22 Mar 15 2013
Times Read: 718

Step 1: Decorate your altar with symbols of the

season. Think about all the colors you see in

nature at this time of year -- bright daffodils,

crocuses, plump tulips, green shoots -- and

incorporate them into your altar.

In addition, you'll need the following:

- Three candles -- one yellow, one green, and

one purple

- A bowl of milk

- A small bowl of honey or sugar

Step 2: Cast your Magick circle.

Step 3: Sense the shift in energy as the Wheel of

the Year has turned. Light the green candle, to

symbolize the blossoming earth. As you light it,


"The Wheel of the Year turns once more,

and the vernal equinox arrives.

Light and dark are equal,

and the soil begins to change.

The earth awakes from its slumber,

and new life springs forth once more."

Step 4: Next, light the yellow candle,

representing the sun. As you do so, say:

"The sun draws ever closer to us,

greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.

Light and dark are equal,

and the sky fills with light and warmth.

The sun warms the land beneath our feet,

and gives life to all in its path."

Step 5: Finally, light the purple candle.

This one represents the Divine in our

lives -- whether you call it a god or a

goddess, whether you identify it by name o

r simply as a universal life force, this

is the candle which stands for all the things

we do not know, all those things we cannot

understand, but that are the sacred in our

daily lives. As you light this candle, focus

on the Divine around and within you. Say:

"Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!

The Divine is present all around,

in the cool fall of a rain storm,

in the tiny buds of a flower,

in the down of a newborn chick,

in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,

in the sky above us,

and in the earth below us.

We thank the universe* for all it has to offer us,

and are so blessed to be alive on this day.

Welcome, life! Welcome, light! Welcome, spring! "

Step 6: Take a moment and meditate on the three

flames before you and what they symbolize.

Consider your own place within these three

things -- the earth, the sun, and the Divine.

How do you fit into the grand scheme of things?

How do you find balance between light and dark

in your own life?

Step 7: Finally, blend the milk and honey

together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the

ground around your yard as an offering

to the earth. As you do, say:

"I make this offering to the earth,

As thanks for the many blessings I have received,

And those I shall some day receive.

Step 7: Once you have made your offering,

stand for a minute facing your altar.

Take in every sensation of this moment, and

know that you are in a perfect place of balance

between light and dark, winter and summer,

warmth and cold -- a time of polarity and


When you are ready, end the ritual.




Enchanted Charms for Aphrodite Love Spell

16:50 Mar 08 2013
Times Read: 726

The deity Aphrodite will empower a small piece

of jewelry or a charm with love energies.

The charm will become a romantic talisman to

draw, maintain, and protect love for the

one you give it to.

Step 1: Decorate your altar with all things

related to love and/or Aphrodite.

Step 2: Place offerings for Aphrodite on your

altar such as flowers, fruit, perfume, or


Step 3: Place upon the altar something that

you'd like her to empower for you such as

a love charm, a belt, a bead necklace... any

traditional but small charm or piece of

jewelry will work. Make sure it's something

that the person will like.

Step 4: Tell Aphrodite about your love, and

exactly how you feel about the person. It could

be a lover, a husband, a boyfriend, a friend,

or somebody you'd like to know better.

Make sure to tell her exactly what is hers

(the flowers, etc...), and tell her about

the piece of jewelry that you want her to

charge with love energy.

Step 5: Let the charm rest on the altar


Step 6: Give it to your beloved as a gift.

Step 7: Watch the love between you grow, and

the positive little miracles that will emerge

into your life because of the positive energy

you sent out.




Double Action Money Spell

18:31 Mar 02 2013
Times Read: 735

For this spell, you'll need a double-action candle

that is black on one half and green on the other


You'll also need a "spiked" candle holder that will

stick through the candle to hold it horizontally.

This spell does two things. It sends your Magick

energy into the universe to attract money into

your life...and simultaneously sends out "banishing"

energy to REMOVE poverty and debt.

STEP 1: Carve whatever you wish to lose on the

black side of the candle (i.e. debt, poverty...)

STEP 2: Carve what you need on the green side.

Be specific, but not greedy.

STEP 3: Trim the bottom of the candle if necessary,

exposing the wick so that both ends may be lit


STEP 4: Impale the candle horizontally on the

spiked candle holder.

STEP 5: Place both hands on the candle and

visualize whatever you wish to lose, evaporating

from your life. Then, visualize what you desire

to materialize into your life. "See" what the

end result is, and how your life will be.

STEP 6: Light both ends of the candle and let

it burn for 1 hour.

STEP 7: Repeat steps 5 and 6 every day until

the candle burns out.


Now, onto the second spell. This one is more

simple, and doesn't require anything special.

If you can, cast both spells (starting with

the double action spell above) to increase

the effects.

Now for my next spell...


Money Growth Spell

All you'll need is a green candle, and something

to carve it with, like a toothpick - and your

favorite money anointing oil.

STEP 1: Anoint your candle with the money drawing


STEP 2: Carve your desire on the candle, be as

specific as possible...but NOT greedy. (If you

have already cast the double action money

spell, make sure you carve the same desire)

STEP 3: Arrange coins around the base of the


STEP 4: Light the candle and chant:

"Money grow, money flow

Candle burn, watch me earn

Money grow, money flow

I'm in tune

Attract it soon..."



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