STEP 1: Place three white roses, three white
carnations, and three white lilies in a dish
and pour hot water over them.
STEP 2: Strain out the liquid, reserving the
flowers, and bring them to thoe bathtub
or shower.
STEP 3: Scrub from head to foot with one
flower at a time until that flower falls
STEP 4: When all nine flowers have been
used, get out of othe water and air-dry.
STEP 5: Dress in clean clothes, and don't
clean the bathtub immediately. Wait several
hours or have someone else do the job.
It will cleanse away all negative energy
from your body... heal old wounds (of all
sorts...), and it will "program" your
spirit to attract the things you desire
most in life.
Is it money, or love, or passion you desire?
We all have different desires... and this
ritual will set you on the right path to
get them this year... quicker than you
can imagine.
STEP 1: Take a warm bath with cinnamon, mint
and rose petals to improve psychic awareness.
Relax... let the warm sooth you, and consume
STEP 2: Decorate the sacred space with gold and
silver spheres to represent the returning sun, and
wreaths to symbolize the turning Wheel.
STEP 3: Have oak shavings ready as a base for
your incense. Add any other personally meaningful
herbs to this mixture and start burning it before
the invocation to help prepare the sacred space.
STEP 4: Finally, put a candle representing the
sun at the southern point of the circle.
STEP 5: Cover the altar with a pale green cloth -
the color of early sprouts, which represents
continuance. Add red berries for life's blood;
holly; ivy; and pine branches as a symbol of
longevity. The pine also welcomes sylvan spirits
to your circle.
STEP 6: Have a Yule log at the center point,
placing there your God and Goddess candles. Always
keep a part of the candles or the log itself for
future years; this brings good luck, life, health
and providence.
STEP 7: Take up your Athame, butter knife, or
finger and Cast the Circle starting in the West,
the region where several cultures believe the
afterlife resides, the direction of the Dying Sun.
STEP 8: Take a moment to center yourself and
begin to cast the Circle. Visualize a white light
coming from the tip of the Athame and with arms
straight out, turn the blade point out, slowly
turning clockwise the light following you.
STEP 9: When you return to the West bring the
athamé back to you and say: "As above, so
below." As you say this, visualize the light
going above you and below you forming a perfect
STEP 10: Light the Goddess candle in the Yule
log, then move to the Northern point in your
Circle. This is the quarter traditionally ascribed
to the season of winter.
STEP 11: Face North and say: "Ancient Mother, I
look for your opulence, but tonight naught but
barren trees decorate the land. In this restful
moment, let my spirit find healing."
STEP 12: Face East and say: "Ancient Brother, I
listen for your winds, but tonight they are still.
In this quiet darkness, help me find inspiration."
STEP 13: Face South and say: "Ancient Father, I
look for your fires, but tonight the embers only
begin to glow more brightly. May this gentle
warmth temper my spirit."
STEP 14: Face West and say: "Ancient Sister, I
seek your glistening tears, but tonight they are
frozen. Beneath this cool blanket, let my emotions
find stability."
STEP 15: Face center and say: "Ancient Ones, I
seek Your face, but tonight darkness surrounds.
Help me find Your spark within to guide my path."
STEP 16: Sit and close your eyes. Let any
remaining tension drain away, then begin listening
to the sound of silence. Smell the aromas of oak
and herb. Feel the latent energy of everything
around you and the magic you've placed there. Know
it as your own.
STEP 17: Listen to your breath and your
heartbeat. Sense the pulse and ebb within as the
same energy without. Listen closely; does it
whisper a message to you? Does it whisper a name?
Do you hear the cry of an animal? Do you hear
words that fill you with energy? Linger in this
place between Earth and stars until you receive a
message. Then return to normal levels of
awareness, and write of this experience in your
STEP 18: Turn toward the northern part of your
circle. Think of things that you want to banish,
such as bad habits. Say: "I call to the darkness.
Come embrace my __________ (fill in with your
negative characteristics). Take them to yourself.
I release them. As the sun climbs in the sky, take
these things with you in retreat, never to return
to me again."
STEP 19: Turn to the south of the circle, light
the sun candle, and repeat this chant. Let it
naturally grow to fill the entire space with
positive vibrations: "Strong sun, returning sun;
the light burns as the Wheel turns. Strong sun,
returning sun; the shadows fade; my magic bade.
Strong sun, returning sun; the shadows flee, the
magic is free!"
STEP 20: Return to the altar now and light the
God candle, using the Goddess candle as a fire
source (symbolic of the womb). "Sun Father, Your
journey has left you weary. May this light give
you strength to reach toward the heavens again
with warmth and brilliance."
STEP 21: After saying so, go through your home
and light all its candles, lamps, flashlights, or
decorative lights to represent the sun's return.
STEP 22: Face West and say: "Spirit of the West,
thank you for cleansing body, mind, and spirit. As
you go from this place, likewise purify Earth."
STEP 23: Face South and say: "Spirit of the
South, thank you for this warmth of body, mind and
spirit. As you go from this place, likewise
generate love on Earth."
STEP 24: Face East and say: "Spirit of the East,
thank you for this stillness of body, mind and
spirit. As you go from this place, likewise bring
peace to Earth."
STEP 25: Face North and say: "Spirit of the
North, thank you for healing me in body, mind, and
spirit. As you go from this place, likewise heal
STEP 26: Face Center and say: "Ancient Ones,
thank you for turning the Wheel that enlightens
body, mind, and spirit. As you go from this place,
likewise edify Earth."
I know it's got a lot of steps, but they are all
If you are worried about "not having the right
materials", do not worry.
You can substitute as you need, and use symbolism
as you need (for example, if you don't have a yule
log, use a fallen tree branch, some twigs, etc...)
Do this spell on a quiet winter night,
any time you need it. You'll be surprised
at what happens... :)
What you'll need:
* This must be done in the "heart" of the
holiday season...any time you get sad or
nostalgic for people and things that have
been lost... all those hurts we all experience.
* 1 white candle for each person or animal
you've lost...who you want to feel closer
to...and even "speak" with.
* A basic altar, decorated for the holidays.
* Photos of those you are missing...and
any other items that are meaningful to
them, and/or you. Anything that helps
to represent them.
* Soft music that stirs your soul or
helps to bring comfort...or that reminds
you of them.
STEP 1: Sit in front of your altar
quietly...close your eyes and think
deeply about the spirit of each person
or animal that you are missing.
Visualize them in your minds eye.
Feel the emotion...cry...laugh... let
the emotion overcome you.
Remember the last time you saw them.
Remember the most special time you spent
with them.
Do this for 5-10 minutes for each person
or animal your heart hurts for.
STEP 2: Open your eyes and take the
first candle. Hold it to your heart
as you say the persons name.
STEP 3: As you light the candle, say:
"I light this candle in the memory of
[name]. I miss you, and I love you with
all my heart."
STEP 4: Then, place the candle in front
of their photo and/or any of the other
items that represent them.
STEP 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for each person
you are missing.
STEP 6: When you are done, sit quietly
in front of your altar. Look "through"
the light of the candles...and clear your
mind in quiet "open eye" meditation.
Try to keep your mind clear, it is hard,
but just do your best.
STEP 7: As you do this, be receptive to
any thoughts that DO come into your mind,
as they could be messages from those that
you lost.
Don't second guess yourself or wonder if
your just making up things in your mind.
The thoughts you have will most likely
be sent from those you've lost.
Many crystals enhance dreaming. Keep in mind
it's important to "cleanse" them after every
3 dream uses. (So they have maximum potency
and remove any residual dream energy...)
STEP 1: Select a crystal and place it on a
clean white handkerchief together with some
dream herbs. (Bay leaves are great for this)
STEP 2: Close the handkerchief around everything
and tie it closed with a blue silk ribbon.
STEP 3: Hold it up to your head and say:
"I call upon you, beloved Goddess;
Don't pass me by;
Don't disregard me;
As you bring your nightly visions,
please enter and reveal to me what
I need to know."
STEP 4: Put it under your pillow, and fall
STEP 5: When you awake jot down every detail
you can remember about the dream... your path
will be revealed.
If you can identify the actual spirit, locate the center point of the house, and standing there
take a cup of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine,
and drain the cup after the last direction.
Facing east:
Lady of love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill air with good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing south:
Lady of love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort, make whole its hearth.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing west:
Lady of tide and time and every blessing, let every hour flow sweetly in this house.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing north:
Lady of strength and riches and all blessings, make this house strong and filled with earthly good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Walk around the house saying the following in each room (including attic and cupboards):
Be comforted. All is well. Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you.
Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.
If you can identify the spirit, say the following in the room most affected:
It is time to leave here. All is well. There is nothing here for you. You must be gone.
Go now, go, complete your passing. Go, and with our blessing and farewell.
Often commanding any evil spirits to leave at once, in the name of your deity three times works well.
After this you could get a smudge stick of sage, or sage incense, and perform a house blessing
carrying it deosil around the property and from room to room, paying special attention to doorways,
crevices and windows, and also any places that `feel` cold.
As you do this with words from a house blessing, scatter salt and water which has been
consecrated and blessed. Have windows and doors open as you bless the house.
Salt scattered along windowsills and doorways will prevent any entity re-entering the property.
This traps an evil entity or evil spirits and prevents any harm being done.
--Salt water - 1 part Sea salt to 8 parts of spring water.
--1 dried Rose
13 Rose Thorns
1 Small Glass Jar + a tightly fitting lid
Put the Rose Thorns into the jar one at a time and as you do this and drop one in,
chant the following words each time:
"Thou Demon presence. Be no more!"
Crush up the Thorns in the jar and then crush up the Rose petals and add them to the jar,
slowly add the salt water. Keep the jar open overnight.
The next morning before the sunrise close the lid. All the evil should now be trapped inside the jar.
Cover the jar with a cloth and bury it far away from the house in a place that has no buildings nearby.
mugwort angelica
3 hairs of an imposing beast
black cloth
oil of frankincense or myrrh
Mix the mugwort and angelica in equal parts, add to it the 3 hairs and bind together in a black cloth.
Add a few drops of the oil onto the cloth. then say
" He who is strong, he who is mighty
Lend thine power to this charm
Demons turn on your heels and run"
Draw over it a pentagram and the charms of banishment.
Burn the mixture to drive away the spirits that ail you.
Burn it in your home or room you wish to exorcise. Bury it before your doorstep and no demon
shall touch you nor enter. Wear the charm or hide it in the roof to ensure safety against any ills.
1 white candle a glass bowl filled with scented flower petals a bed
At night time, or whenever you have peace and quiet, with no disturbance from others,
light the candle, and place it next to the bowl of petals. Lie on the bed, close your eyes,
and think back to when you were little, then go further and further, until you slowly remember
how you felt when you were inside your mother's womb. Then slowly go further, and remember
how you flew through the tunnel of light from the heaven, and back again to Earth. See your
silver cord (the cord which attached you to your past life's body) re-heal, and you are back
into the person's body in the coffin, or even perhaps, into the ashes, which then reunite to
form your past life's body again. Slowly, when your unconscious state takes over, you'll
remember who you were in your past life - maybe not right away, but you should eventually
see yourself, or remember your name or those you loved. Remember, this can take a lot of
practice and a lot of patience. Don't do it if you are unwilling to devote at least one hour to it.
To see spirits, old European grimoires recommend mixing together aloe, pepper, musk, Vervain,
and saffron and burning this in a cemetery. You can adapt this for other locations (like those in
which the spirit lived) by adding a bit of sweet grass or tobacco to a specially prepared incense.
Create the incense on the anniversary of the death of the individual you wish to contact.
This is then burned at 11 am, in the safety of a magic circle that also holds symbolic items
to connect you to the entity. An incantation to encourage the spirit's presence is
"Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true, bring my friend (loved one, etc.) ____ to me.
Other souls who hear my call are not welcome in this place.
Only the one known as _____ may enter sacred space."
Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for indications of
a presence. Signs include the scent of flowers or a favored cologne, a cool wind,
movement of curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically.
Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long.
Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their assistance.
When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense,
candles or what not you can say this little chant:
"Wraith of the house, Take heart and live,
To every chamber This light I give,
To every corner This breath I send
Approve and favor my willing hand."
Say "What is dark be filled with light, remove this spirit from my sight."
Before starting place your hand before you, and start the flow of power out of your hand
and then say the words, letting the envisioned blue-white light from your power hand
fill the room or house or any other place that you might be.
Everyone knows someone who is or has been depressed or really stressed out so
make time in your magical + social life for them. Give them a helping hand by writing
this on paper and then burning it to release the magic:
Magic moon burning bright,
Let mine will be done this night.
Answer now my Pagan Spell,
Let all with ______ now be well.
4 tbsp. Boneset
3 Sprigs of Holy Thistle
Handful of Angelica
4 oz. Horehound
Pinch of Salt
3 parts Sandalwood
3 Roots of Mandrake
Brew and sprinkle to all four corners of the House to drive away Evil.
3 oz. Juniper Leaves
4 tbsp. Dried Rosemary
2 oz. Fennel Seeds
2 tsp. Basil
3 tsp. Linden Flowers
2 tsp. Angelica Pinch of salt.
17:49 Dec 29 2012
I love this. i will be sure to try it.