it is over i have finished the job it was a long and well faught battle and the item i picked up worked a treat now i may end my life and finaly join my beloved thank you all fore your suport well kneed help and sorry to all thos i had to torcher to find what was kneeded now may i rest in pice
today in my tracking of the beast i acsodently stumbaled on a lycan den ive not seen such a big gavering of lycans fore almosy 500years idk what there up to and its not relly my bisness fore my fight is not with them but i still point it out the west side of luondon in the old subway system and suwers youll find them lol but not me im moveing on to edgewere in persute if my beast i know im not to fare off it but i also know he cant run much longer... 7 days strait no sleep no feeding he know he has no chance but i do keep loosing sight of him wen i feed lucaly i dont take long wen i feed so i cach up pritty well he has slowed and is now leaving more reckage behind ... hes getting clumsy i will have him he is MINE but still as menny vamps as posibull should get togever and take out the lycans un the underground cos sumthing is going on and rember thay do one like silver chek the sight out yourself dont loos them well fore today i must go and continu my jerny fearwell.
yet agen ive closed the gap but now i have sumthing i piked up along the way sumthing that will make all the difarence this time my nemasis this time thers no escape and you know this fore its the reason you flee like never before i will have your head... all my frends that i have made on this jerny i ty fore your suport and help but i wont be reterning this is the final blow -bows- farewell.