today i ask god to pitty me alvo i know he has fore saken me idk y but he is toying with me he has placed me into temptashon and is trying to hert me at my core... attacking rothlesly at my hart but i wont be tempted not this time my love is undieing ive dedicated my life to my love so y try is it some sory of test if it is then you best know i wont waver not now this is my fight thru life and deth ill do my besti sed ill be hers fore ever and ever so it shall be till the end of time as long as she dosent give me up ill stay strong but she has growen distant and distracted se wont let me in so i dont know whats wrong and there fore i cant help it herts to se her like this i think its because she knows im most likly going to die fore her but i will still fight the demon in me in order to kill that beast she myay be dead but her angel watches over me and gives me strenth i will still do my best
alth i gave up wen the last love died but an angel came to me and showed me what love is and i maniged to unlock my hart i fell agen but as it terns out only to get hert so i must shut down or die.... i wont die not till i compleat my gole i must kill this rehed beast then i will be willig to let my hart free and imbrace love once agen
i found him a cot close now im back at the bigining agen he knows y i hunt him yet he lets me live he should have finished the job now im pissed off i will kill him once my arme heals fully and my leg as well the fight lasted a record best fore me 1 and a half hours and yet i still lost and dam it herts i now kneed to find some one to train me in sword play (old style sword fighting) its not over yet but i would have praferd to heve died then end up how i am now plus feeding is hard fore the fact that i cant move verry fast and i pray thanks to the angel who gave me hope but its all been spent thers nouthing left just a holow shell of a once proud man ill keep all who have been reading this updated maby my taile will inspire some one and ty to all the well wishers but this is as of now a lost corse and a truly bad curse