lownignitus's Journal

lownignitus's Journal


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This Is Not A Dating Site!!

17:07 Jul 31 2006
Times Read: 686

crystalcore: 08:44:00 Jul 31 2006:

Well forgive me for trying. I geuss I was a little confused when girls kept sending me messages trying to hit on me. I geuss it was wrong to try to hook up with someone on here. I mean only about half the people on here are dating other people on here. Oh and the what would you do if you woke up next to the person above you thread has absolutely no relevance to dating am I right? WRONG!!! I wonder then if I cannot try to find a mate on here, where am I suppose to go? Myspace?! F***K NO! I am sorry if I am being impudent, but I was just trying to shake things up a little. Have a nice day.


threads like your have been called illegal threads as they have nothing to do with the purpose of the site.

The thread you are refering to is a stupid gag thread for fun, NOT FOR DATING.

This is a site for meetin people yes but your focus is not one getting laid or hooking up.

Couples tend to join up together or people just happen to hit it off in the course of making a friendship. This is not the main focus.

Notice it was closed.

I have been here longer then you so maybe, just maybe, I happen to KNOW what the fuck is going on HERE.

You are not the first person told to use this site as it was ment to and do not advertise for a partner/mate in the forum.

Get over yourself and act like an adult. Oh wait you cannot your a teenager. I forgot most teenagers do not want to be like adults.

This little jewel of a message is going to end up in my journal with all the other jewels I have.

Though a little secret. If cancer can figure away this site will be closed to those under 18 ;)

Have a nice day,

Lown Ignitus




Some people need to better manager their time and not use to to try and cause DRAMA!

04:44 Jul 29 2006
Times Read: 706

On 03:26:57 Jul 29 2006 raziel wrote:

how is it possible to be a vampire(which doesn't exist) especially mixed with 2 other mythical creatures know as dragons and elves?

like maybe u need to realize the virtual world versus the real world?

and if u have argument for this assumption then i hope u can prove it, other wise u are with out a cause,

im sory to say this and i really dont want and argument , but VR is virtual that sall

On 03:35:29 Jul 29 2006 lownignitus wrote:

Well to start with I cannot understand half of what you are saying.

But you are thinking in terms of the material plain. I am not the only one to claim what I am try attacking them as well.

But things of the energy plain are varied and hard to understand if you keep your mind closed and only thinking of the material one.

I am what I am because that is what my energy make up is. I take it I should probally put the Evolution of Souls back on my profile. You can find it on my Fiancees profile in the mean time. She is LownignitusWench.

Please try to keep and open mind and rember there are things that some belive are mythical when they are not.

On 03:41:41 Jul 29 2006 raziel wrote:

i agree with the spiritual realm, but u cannot leave your material form, so what makes u think such? i am not wiccan but a follower of witchcraft since i was a child which we call chaos magick, please may i ask for evidence of your justification?

On 03:48:00 Jul 29 2006 lownignitus wrote:

When did I say that I left my material form?

All I have said that threw the collection of my lifetimes I am the sum of all of them. Which makes me what I am.

Now I may be physically like anyother but on the energy lvle I am quit different. In this lifetime the needs of my vampyric side are what are prominent. One does not stay the same from one lifetime to the next. The soul evolves and grows. It changes and becomes something more prefound. There is not but one path to take but many and each is not human in making. Each energy path take a different role and each role can be only described the best we know how. To use name of those thought to be mythical gives it an anchor for us to understand it. Like has been brought up before maybe such names were used wrongly, but it is the best we have for now.

On 03:55:03 Jul 29 2006 raziel wrote:

that makes no sense to me, but what hard evidence do u have that assures u have been reicarnated? none im sure

On 04:00:33 Jul 29 2006 lownignitus wrote:

What hard evidence do you have that I was not. I know the belief in reincarnation is part of witchcraft, as I practiced for a bit till I found my real path.

As to how I know. From my past life memories of things that never happened this lifetime at all and of time periods and details I could not know of unless I was there. As to having to prove it to anyone. I do not have to. It is what I belive in and that is all that matters. It would be like a christian askinjg you to prove there is more then one god. No body can prove it ether way.

On 04:16:34 Jul 29 2006 raziel wrote:

yes what part of witchcraft believes is reincarnation? and u cant base facts on possible dreams, if i were u i would keep my beliefs to myself cause the reason i brought this up was because alot of people asked me to, so what u are saying is being sent to alot of others, just prove your facts before stating them, i am sorry

On 04:25:01 Jul 29 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I care not who you tell infact I was going to post this in my journal anyways.

But tell those who are using you like a puppet ( a willing one at that) to have the balls to confront me themselves or to leave me alone. Also tell them to bug others that claim as I do too. Damn childish people GROW THE FUCK UP!

And if this is some how linked to CherryAdvocaat tell her she can stuff it and bother to contact me herself, damn lazy grude keeping child.

I tell my beliefs becuse I HIDE NOTHING. It is when people start telling me what and how to do things that I get pisssed off.

Show me proof it is not possible then I might think of taking it off my profile. Doubtfully I proubally will not.

Like I said, Do you wish to be attack for your beliefs? Most likely not, so do not do such to me.

20:34:42 Jul 28 2006 raziel:

think u are the on who needs to grow up, for i am not standing by anyone, and those who claim to be only get attacked by thoses who are, i have no connection to whom u speak of, i just said that to see what u would say, and u lashed out, let me say one thing, dont wish to be something u arent, because i promise you, you will not like it, because once u accept u cannot turn back


I have never claimed to be anything I am not.

And if you believe that you are the one mistaken.

The reason I said what I did is because I am tired of all the bullshit from people like you on this site. It was not being childish it is being fed up with your shit.

You attack me on my beliefs but I know you would get pissed off should someone question yours!

Treat others how you wish to be treated. I grow tired of your bullshit and now am blocking you as I am shit of drama and people that have nothing better to do then cause it!




I Hope You Dont Mind Cancer

12:57 Jul 16 2006
Times Read: 728

Well I am borrowing this from cancers profile as it is relivent to a message I sent someone LOL:

"I lifted the following excerpt from a fellow Vampire Rave member's Profile:

i'm not interested in what you have to say about my appearance like stated before. if i cared i'd go around asking every person what they thought. but no. i dont and you know why. because i don't care what you think.

I really hate it when a cheesy, falsely-prophetic statement is transformed into an ideal. Anyone who says that they don't care what other people think is being dishonest. They are, at the minimum, lying to the world. They may be lying to themselves.

All that matters in this world is what other people think. But some dimwit, in an attempt to buck the mainstream (beauty, fashion, take your pick) said, "I don't care what other people think."

What a load of crap.

Why did this individual say this? S/He wanted to sound profound and prophetic. S/He wanted to impress her/his peers.

That's caring about what other people think.

I'll say it again, all that matters in this world is what other people think. It is the driving force behind all of society. I'm not going to further support my point because it's unnecessary. If you think a little bit on it, if you honestly evaluate your life, you'll understand.




Our Finally Exchange As I Have Grown Tired And Blocked Her

16:14 Jul 15 2006
Times Read: 733


"I think it is time you grow up and join real life"

Yeah and being a vampire/dragon/elf/werewolf or whatever is 'real life'..suuure.

You don't need to point out how proud you are, it's obvious.

I don't care what your opinion of me is, but my opinion of you is definately not high and neither are other members'.

"just to hear yourself speak. Which obviously is just what you like to do."

How can I hear myself speak when I'm typing?

No, I just think you are the close-minded one here. I think you seem very hostile, and immature for a man who is undoubtedly alot older than me.

You're also a very bad speller.

From reading your profile I think you're incredibly disillusioned. Infact, by the sound of it you need your head checked and a bit of reality beaten into you.

Obviously, you and I are never going to get along, we are two different people with different ideas and opinions. We should accept the other's beliefs and not argue about it. Arguing is a waste of time.

It's your decision if you want to write back, but I'll ask you not to flame everything I say on this site, and in return I won't flame yours.


Listening to yourself speak is a figure of speach. It means you like to say things just to have the satisfication of having sid something. Like you keep saying that you will not talk to me but you keep messaging back. If that was what you really ment you would have blocked me by now. But you have not, so it shows you think you have something to prove to me. I also like how you only quote part of what I said. Show you only read or "listen" to what you want to.

And where does it say that I claim to be the worlds greatest speller? No where that I know of. But if you can find where I put that then please show me wrong.

As to what I belive myself to be. I am not the only person that belives themselves to be something along those lines. Infact others that critisied yo as well I know you have not attacked. You just dont like the fact that I openly challeneged you in public. Ithink that is all it comes down to. Is that you fancy yourself a sort of rebel against the rebels in life. Or that is at least how you act.

As tobeing dillusional. Belive what you want. I cliam not to be other wise. But I think those that dont confine themselves to the societies ways of thinking to see how things really are. One cannot learn lifes secrets with a closed in the box mind set. Infact I use to see a shrink until he said he saw no more reason for me to see him as the main reason I even went to him in the first place was ADHD. Infact he even said I was one of the best composed and striaght forward people he had ever interacted with and handled myself better then some of the people in his own field of work.

"I don't care what your opinion of me is, but my opinion of you is definately not high and neither are other members"

Yes everybody cares how a person views them. It is the truth. Just read cancers journal under daily mussings. He explians it as well as I can why this "I dont care what others think of me" thing is dillusional in its self.

As to me being close minded. No infact I am very open minded. I could list a few people to ask about it but I wont subject them to the suffering of having to deal with you.

And yes your attacking me over things that I prove out to be wrong with your way of thinking things out is going to interfer with us ever being able to communicate. Sorry but its natural for me to find flaws in other peoples thinking and things they do. Its only natural I do this because I do it to myself all the time and use it to make myself better. But there are things in this world that not only I but othes will know more about because we have decided to open our minds beyond that of the conformity.

After I have sent this message I am going to be blocking you. And as a parting gift I have bestowed a 10 apon your profile. As to flaming you? Disagreeing and wanting proof to back up something is not such. Also it is not when I was not the only person doing this to you. Grown up. Oh and as to the ahe thing. You may think I am "years" older then you but I am not much oplder thn yourself. I would like to see you speak the same way with the admins on this site that also "flamed" you as you say. But you wont because that is how you are.

Sorry if I seem pompus or "hollier then thou" kinda shit. But I am very good at psycology and have done a bit of reading up on it as well. You wouldnt belive what views you have on life and the things you learn from peoples speak and actions after doing such.

Anyways I have wasted too much time and energy alredy. And have rambled on a bit too much as I see it is a waste of my time to try and open your mind. ~sigh~

I bid you adue.

Assistant Head of The Coven of Murmur,

Title of Executioner,

Lown Ignitus




Lovely Member Decides To Reply To Waste My Time

13:42 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 736


Just so you don't feel too proud, I haven't written you back because I can't be bothered. Certainly there's lots of things I'd like to say to you but I don't think it's worth my time or effort.


LOL "I haven't written you back because I can't be bothered."

Well you just contridicted yourself by replying back to me. Gods! When will people do as they say? I know your feelings are hurt or else you would not have replied back to just hear yourself talk... or more like see your self talk.

and "Certainly there's lots of things I'd like to say to you but I don't think it's worth my time or effort."

If its not worth your time to say these things then why even bother to mention them? Not only is it a waste of your time to mention them just not to say anything. But its an even greater waste of my time to hear you babble on just to hear yourself speak. Which obviously is just what you like to do.

And me feel proud? When did I say this? I read my reply and no where does it say that or even give an implication of it. Nor has any friend that has read our conversation in my journal. (Which I am going to add these two parts to it after I send this.)

As to your opinion of me sure I care. But more people belive other wise so your opinion barley matters in the broad view of things. As to my opinion of you; I think it is time you grow up and join real life. People disagree to take it personally is to show that you have not matured and are still very childish.

Like I said before do not bother to waste my time or bring my intelligence down with useless messaging of me. When you have decided to grow up and open your closed mind then maybe we can exchange ideas. Until that time I bid you adue and a life of your chosing.

- Lown Ignitus




Nothing Like The Present

14:30 Jul 11 2006
Times Read: 744

Well as of right now(7/11/06) I have been having more and more awakenings then I thought was possible to have at one time. I have come to relize things that were infact right in front of my nose. I have relized that in the days and years to come it is my job to become a leader. I normally dislike this job, but I was born with the natural ability to do this. I know exactly for what perpose I must do so and have taken this heavy burden apon my shoulders as my fate. Other things which I cannot tell publicly have been shown to me and made me relize enough is enough. Time to stop hiding in the shadows and time to stop letting petty fears rule my life. This is why I took on being an Assistant head of my coven. It is also why I have become active in the forums as of late. It is time to stop the petty shit from bblinding people to the truth of the world that is before there very eyes and they wish to remin blind too. It is time to whisk that self inflicted blind fold off and force the world to deal with that which scares them. To deal with all that they would rather forget about. To deal with the fact the world is not ok and it will never be as long as they pretend it is such.




A Lovely Example Of A Fine VR Member. And A Lovely Message From Them

09:17 Jul 10 2006
Times Read: 750

Well I am placing this here to show that yes infact telling the truth does get a person harassed here on VR. And also infact to let the whole world see how childish she really is.


Excuse me, I think it's a bit rich that *you* are calling *me* stuck up, when it's you who seems to think that you are some kind of all knowing oracle, and that whatever you say is right just because you said it.

You've been very rude to me and all I've wanted is to be nice and make nice friendly posts on the forums. I took many many months off this site because of people like you.

People have been messaging me about you and not exactly saying the nicest things about you.

I started coming to this site when it was just new (profile was reset so you cant tell by the my user level), so don't talk to me like I'm a newbie with no brains.

This place used to be friendly, but it seems some people are ruining that.

Oh yes, someone asked me to ask you how it is possible to be a vampire/werewolf/dragon/faery all at the same time.

I would really appreciate it if you would just leave me the hell alone, stop acting like you're god all the time, and not reply to my threads unless you're going to do something other than argue the point.


LOL i would tell you things but you wouldnt understand because you refuse too. and no i dont know all, but that which i do know i dont back down from. And make friends you are extremly hostile in every reply you have made. i would suggest you stop bashin people for what they say. as to your possible reboke about i am doing that. no i am just stating the facts. and in regards to what i am well i didnt say faere at all guess you should pay better attention. but you not understandin just prove how narrow minded you are and how much you dont understand the underlying things in this universe. i dont care if you are an origginal member of this site. many of you "originals" are just plain stuck up with yourself because you think being here that long makes you some kind of saint. well it doesnt. the only real person that desserve any sort of respect from me is cancer. and well having lunch with him proves that at least i have made a good inpression. where as alot of your post have people think you are stuck up and dillusional. but of course that just what they have said to me. i wouls suggest unless you get an open mind that you dont even bother messaging me back. I am here for reasons i care not to share but it sure doesnt mean i have to put up with you. I shall go on with my life as nothing has even happened. But again i thank you for the lesson in history again. I shall always rember what i learned in highschool history thax to people like yourself.




Get Mad At Me Please.

23:24 Jul 07 2006
Times Read: 755

I have finally had it with all the fucking teen bopers on this site. I think they should all be banned and the site be closed to those under 18 that cannot make proof of this age in a form of verifiable id! I am tired of every teen bopper cliamin to be a "vampire" and knowing everything there is to about us. and im tired of every post they make about "vampirism" getting treated like it the shit. I am also tired of the fact that those of us that truely know things are shunned and ignored because our post arent "interesting"... just because we chose not to glorify the condition and try to make people see it how it truely is does not mean that we should be looked down apon!!!!! Infact many i know would actually give it up if they could because they as well as me hate the hunger ... that never statisfied thirst that can never be queenched... you want to know horor and terror like you wish not ... spend a day in my shoes and see how you look at life again. the condition is not a god send or a gift to be braged about or glorified in anyway. ITS A MOTHER FUCKING CURSE THAT HAS BEEN FORCED APON A FEW CHOSEN BY NATURE TO PATROL ITS CREATURES!!!!!! ITS NOT AN ATTENTION GETTER ETHER!!! if i could go back and stop the day that i was FORCED to awaken i just might be tempted to actually change the past that one time. i am normally one to say the past makes us who we are today and changin it my cause negative effects ... but you know what some days i really dont care... all i want is for the hunger to go away ... an to never have to deal with it again ... but i know this can never happen ... not now not this life time nor any life time to come for me ... this is my curse for now the future and from my past ... you would think after living hundreds of lifetimes withthe condition one would get use to it ... you never do ... but the way you suffer changes all the time .... that is all one can look forward to by bein in the ranks of those cursed by nature!!!!!!

- Lown




A Conversation About People

03:20 Jul 03 2006
Times Read: 770

On 00:03:54 Jun 30 2006 lownignitus wrote:

i have a question. and answer if you wish. just had to send this to someone i know thinks for themself.

why is it that people act so much like sheep? they do what they are told. they go where they are told. they even act how they are told too.

also why is it that most people refuse to think for themselves? they want someone else to do all the thinking for them. and then on top of that they want that person to do things for them so they dont have to.

what is wrong with society today that causes so many lazy and free loafing people to emerge?

ok well i am done somewhat ranting now, but i think you understand where i am coming from.

On 00:21:34 Jul 03 2006 Cancer wrote:

There's not a simple one-answer-fit-all response to this. People will generally follow versus lead. From a societal standpoint, this is a positive, not a negative. If the world were filled with leaders nothing would ever get done.

On 00:29:37 Jul 03 2006 lownignitus wrote:

I know that, but it tends to get on my nerves alot anymore. I am one to lead or at least not follow someone because it is what is expected. I understand there are rules to follow and do such.

Also I do not get peoples need to have everything seem like it is ok. I hate false people and false cercumstances. I do what i can to have the truth shine threw, but people rebel and refuse to see how things are.

I do not know. I have been doing alot of growing lately and am seeing many things in a new light. Sadly to say that with some of the things i have been see on VR i am starting to get turned off from this site. I stay because i have frineds here and a coven to help run, but even my drama free coven is starting to take a toll.

Let me ask you something. How do you deal with things? How to you look over and above all the petty simple mindedness of many around you?

cancers reply

It depends on the situation. VR drama is not a problem. If people try to suck me in I simply say, "You do not want me involved in this."

If they are stupid enough to ask why, I'll say, "Because when I get involved everyone gets deleted."

Real life drama is different and requires more tact. Generally I just try to stay above it. I have a current situation where 2 friends of mine who use to be in a band, have now split. Each is pressuring me from a different side and I refuse to take sides.

sadly i didnt message him to return my lat reply fats enough before he deleted it so i will rewrite it as best i can soon




A Friends Great Words

00:45 Jul 03 2006
Times Read: 774

emotion is also a temper, that allows us to make decisions that we would not be able to make otherwise... our ability for right and wrong in many ways comes from our emotions



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