So I am in bed at home and my step mother gets home after being out all night doing whatever she is doing *I think she is cheating on my dad* and she starts yelling at me because I am still in bed and the driveway needs to be shoveled before my dad gets home. My dad doesn't get home for another two hours and since we have a snow blower it only takes 15 to 30 minutes to clear the driveway. So I get out of bed to snow blow the driveway and the won't let me have the snow blower and says she will do it with some piss ant attitude... Wtf, grow up bitch and get over it. She doesn't have a job and she is complaining because after partying all night long while I am working and my dad is sleeping getting ready for work... If you don't have a job, you don't cook, you do laundry once a week then I'd say you have some free time on your hands and should just stfu. You only do your laundry and spend mine and my fathers hard earned money. I just wish you'd gtfo. You're a leach and I hate you.
Well there is my rant about that bitch, I needed to just say it some where and luckly VampireRave has this lovely little journal area for me to express my anger constructively. Thank you Cancer for giving me an awesome place to express myself :P
Some people just give me headaches... Constantly making new things up thinking I am not going to know how things actually go. I am sure there are people I give headaches to, but I don't do it by making random things up. Please stop telling me your fairy tales and just piss off. :P