at work we had four suppervisors on the mezzoneen thats a lot just to make sure we had seats for all the guests that bought tickets for the show. it was crazy nuts people kept wanting to go to shows before their time like we sold out of the 3:30 tickets at noon . and almost a full show at 5 .
i have so many things i need and also more that i want . but i know right now at this time the things i need come first . but some times its so hard to make the right choose . i hope to make steps in the right one . and not go back to old ways of doing things. can we make wrong chooses and come back from them . sure. but it does not always seem that way and is almost never easy.
right now i still need cloths , pay bills , and a new job . wants to keep old job. get a new computer or tablet . have enough to go out some times with wife like for dinner or even a show now and then . can we have this only time will tell .but i know one thing to be happy and thankful for what i do have now and that i am getting and have gotten . we look to much at what we dont have or what we want and over look how blessed we are . trying not to see what others have and i dont and see more what i have and others do not . and if i can give unto others try very hard to do so.
it was easter sunday so it was crowed but we did not need to wate in line got the tickets at will call and went right in only thing is that we first went to vala parking and that was in the shedd bus turn around and it was a man could not speek english only spanish and he had no shedd uniform and he put and took all supplies out of his own car a suv. we watched the show got in on first level walk way becassue of wife sara in wheelchiair , cal got us in on the walk way only thing was the show we saw did not have pinguins in it .and was all whales but we did get to see the dalphains froom the top in sucludid bay , witch is were the keep the whales most the time .
life is not different for all . but life is same for all . we just want it so badly to be different that we try to make it something it is not. we want to believe in lies . and the truth hurts all the time . but not many will let the truth be. for not all can stand in the light and say i am ok . some say light go away. i dont like the sun that much for its heat for having to hide from it under a tree when it gets to hot . the darkness is easy way out of all things but i can not stand free in the dark . and will not let my dark over take me . but not so sure its up to me . out side things always inflance things that we do or say . no matter how hard we try to not let the way we live our lives affect how we act or react to things . something always goes wrong if we fight it to much . if i give in tho i feel like i am not just dieing i feel like am giving a part of me away to this evil world we live in .
i dont know any more work has become a not so good place to work . i was told that what was written was not to be . meaning that i was posted to do one post but only the time that i was to be in at was right . so do not go by were i am posted only the time .
thats right i have a pay as you go phone . its not bad i pay for both me and wifes phone 40 dollars. we get all text and talk ... and 1 g data . but i use the wifi and its free at home or on the go . so i dont need data. the service i use is ultra mobile .
only about 6500 so that was a slow day for a spring brake week day. i was at the special exhibit amphibians . (frogs) ...
was working from 930 to 430 so was not to bad.
this one has a lot more videos and lot more chat from the host of the show . and name is still the same aqudic show . or (water show) ...
its ok but could use better videos and more or less chat. today was busy but still not like spring brakes of the past .
was greeter at work today . i like this post alot most of the time am kept very busy . telling about prices and all the cool animaials that people are going to see.
i have a very friendly landlord so that is very nice. and its nice that once in a long time he lets me be late with the rent when he knows i need the money to pay other bills.
i almost got to see someone shot right before my face . .. he was only 19 found out today . shot right only 25 feet from me was looking other way and heard like fireworks going off . then people crouded around the person did not even see if man or woman but somehow knew was a man dont ask me how just a gut feeling . the police came and blocked off most of the streets for some time then the boy or man was taken to the hospital . but i think he was dead or doa. but after that my bus came i got on and that was that.
got to help a lot of people out . worked with a lot of the new employees . and helped a lot of guests find things and got to see things that they would not of unless i had told them how to find. was a good day. got to go shopping tomarrow.
had me doing 3 jobs today was on messoneen then was on wheal trail and at the accible door. other then that not much happened.
she said she had fun , dumb me lost her hello kitty blaket that she made. but not realy my falt . i got new socks, shews, and i am on my we to be a little happyer.
wife went to our daughters wedding said it was great . i miss the fact that i could not be there but i could not get off work . she had a great wedding and every thing went well . and my wife even had a great time . i miss her too tho but i can think only two more days and she will be back .
me and wife are going on 12 years one and my daughter is going to get marred tomarrow. my wife went to michigan to see the wedding . she left today friday and will be back monday night . hope she has lots of fun and remembers to bring me back pics of the wedding .
its same old thing today was suppose to work whale harbor that is the main habitat were they have the show of 5 of the shedds best animaials . and its like i would control the seating for the show tell the seating staff or as we call them the mezz staff short for mezzaneen . thos are the ones that open and close the show curtains . and that is what i did today both jobs only last about 5 hours for a 3 show day with a hour and a half in between each show. but its a very busy job so i did not mind the change and got same hours .